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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy




51 the current network of the streets is a whole of developed ramifications goshawks of the main roads of communication.

The 52 great transportation routes were conceived to receive the pedestrians or of cartages, they do not answer the mechanical means of transport today any more.

53 the dimensioning of the streets, from now on inappropriate, is opposed to the use new mechanical speeds and the regular rise of the city.

The 54 distances between the crossings of the streets are too weak.

55 the width of the streets is too insufficient. To seek to widen those is often an operation expensive and besides inoperative.

56 Opposite mechanical speeds, the network of the streets appears irrational, conformity, diversity, flexibility, exactitude lack.

57 Of the layouts sumptuary, working towards representative ends, could or can constitute heavy hindrances to traffic.

58 In many cases, the network of railways (railroads) became, during the urban expansion, a serious obstacle with the urbanization. It locks up districts of dwellings, depriving them of the useful contacts with the vital elements of the city.

It is necessary to require

59 Of the useful analyzes must be made, on rigorous statistics, of the whole of circulation in the city and its area, work which will raise the beds of circulation and the quality of their flows.

The 60 lanes must be classified according to their nature and built according to the vehicles and their speeds.

The 61 crossings with strong flows will be arranged in circulation continuous by changes of levels.

62 the pedestrian must be able to follow other ways that the car

63 Thestreets must be differentiated according to their destinations: streets of dwellings, streets of walks, streets of transit, ways main.

64 Thegreen areas must insulate, in theory the beds of great circulation.

The chartre of Athens (extract) 

Extrait de la chartre d'Athènes. Source :d'ARCIER, B. F. (1992). La voirie urbaine : de l'accumulation à la gestion patrimoniale, Thèse de doctorat. Lyon: Université Lumière de Lyon II.

The plan of urban displacement of the town of Yaoundé

The Consortium Louis Berger/Beta Consult (the Consultant) subscribed on May 4th, 2010 to contract N°047/M/CUY/CPM/10 for the Development of a Plan of Urban Displacements (PDU) of the town of Yaoundé. This contract was approved on May 10th, 2010 by the Delegate of the Government at the Urban Council of Yaoundé (UCY). Its financing will be ensured by funds D registered in the Budget of the Ministry for the Urban Development and Housing of 2009.

The PDU of Yaoundé has the following general aims:

· improvement of the urban mobility and the reduction of times of displacements;

· improvement of accessibility to the peripheral districts;

· improvement of the road safety for all the categories of users;

· a strategy of regulation of the global offer of public transport and the definition of the principles of exploitation of the grid systems;

· a diagram of organization of transport to the horizon 2020, with programming of the actions necessary to the installation of the PDU at short-term.

The TOR also includes a certain number of particular requests:

· the creation of a clean network of «pedestrians displacements» on the scale of the agglomeration, by the development of an adapted information system strategic plan;

· improvement of the conditions of the urban transit and the management of the breaking bulks (stations, platforms and spaces parking);

· the forecast of installations allowing to dissociate the transport of the other urban activities by in particular imposing a new division of the roadway system in favor of the activities and spaces of leisure, and the walking;

· the examination of the appropriateness of the installation of an organizing authority of transport on the level of the town of Yaoundé in order to ensure the coherence of the sectorial policies and to coordinate the actions of the various actors.

The study of the PDU is divided into three missions as follows:

Mission n°1: Concerted diagnosis

Mission n°2: Development of the Plan of Urban Displacements

Mission n°3: Planning and finalization

Presentation of the Plan of Urban Displacements of the Town of Yaoundé

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote