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Willingness to pay of the notability for local leadership empowerment in the ngweshe chiefdom

Université catholique de Bukavu - Licencié en Economie rurale  2018

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III. Model specification of willingness to pay

To measure WTP, this paper uses the contingent valuation method consisting of directly asking respondents the amount they are disposed to pay for a potential scenario of improving local leadership aiming for instance at fighting against its disappearance or to anticipate its damageable parts. It is an enquiry-based method frequently used to measure the monetary value on non-market environmental good and services (Djemaci, 2010). Here, the method is set on a referendum enquiry.

The method «contingent valuation» requires that replies recorded follow a bidding scenarios process. Proposed scenarios are possible but not certain to occur since they vary from an individual to another. Contingent valuation entails a change in the notable's utility that can be monetary valued and obtained by the maximum amount that a respondent accepts to forgo for achieving a given good. Le Gall-Ely (2010) views CVM as a surveying method helping to capture some psychological price. In such a case, deems Le Gall-Ely (2010), biases are higher resulting from an overestimation of WTP. However, previous scholars suggest that questions referring to starting price have yielded more considerable results than open-ended questions (Donaldson et al., 1997) cited by Dror, Radermacher and Koren et al. (2006). «Take-it-or-leave-it» method is basically viewed as a dichotomous trade-off on suggested amounts. In fact, Dong et al. (2004) deemed that variance in responses results from some extent from the selection by respondents. The biding game consisting of presenting several prices varying from relatively higher to lower prices and the respondent choses if he is ready to pay a given set biding price, a process realized on all alternatives until the respondent accepts the bid.

Moreover, the interval regression method was applied to assess WTP in various WTP assessment studies. In that boat it is used to estimate hypothetical values of the real goods or/and services (Lang, 2010). The method as developed by Hanemann is advised when the correlation coefficient exceeds 0,7 (Alberini, 1995) instead of the bivariate probit model initially established to measure WTP. It is set on the response between the first and the second bid (Corso et al., 2013; Labii, 2015).

As dummy questions are asked in the survey, it is suggested an amount to an individual. If the individual accepts to disburse under that price, a higher amount is directly advanced for his trade-off. On the other hand, if he rejected the first bid, then a lower amount is immediately proposed under his trade-off.

Furthermore, based on how the model was specified by Corso et al. (2013) when assessing the benefits of preventing child maltreatment death in Ecuadorian population and, also, its adoption by Labii (2015);the current research model evolves as follows:

The WTP value, of individual is translated by the model where is a random disturbing term and normally distributed with a mean zero (hypothetical) and corresponds to individual respondent characteristics. As is not direclty observed, the respondent's WTP interval location lies between both bounds . Then, the corresponding likelihood contribution becomes:


When an upper bound is unknown, that is the right-censored data is unknown; the likelihood affected is


Whereas when a lower bound (left-censored), a lower bound is set at zero and the likelihood contribution is:


From there is taken out a summarizing situation of all possibilities to be registered over the bids. Four patterns are classified from the dichotomous trade-off: «Yes» to both the first and the second question (Y, Y), «Yes» to the first question and «No» to the second proposing a higher amount(Y,N); «No» to the first and «Yes» to the second (N,Y), in case the lower value, and «No» to both values (N,N).

Scenarios imply the following likelihood distribution according to measuring WTP. But before proceeding, let's assume an individual to whom is fist propose an amount . If admitted, a higher amount is again proposed. In contrast, if the first was not accepted, a lower amount is then advanced.

Ø When both answers are positive, that is to say that the individual 's willingness to payis higher than Differently said, the superior bound is unknown; data are right-censured and the likelihood ( ) noticed that their WTP to be located in the interval is

Ø If then the first answer is positive and the second negative (accounting for the upper bound), willingness to pay is located between the lower bound and the upper bound. And the associated likelihood is given by

Ø Therewith, if the first answer is no and the second no to both bids, one's willingness to pay is under and the likelihood to

Ø At last, when the individual answers no to the first and yes to the second, it means his maximum WTP is located between and In the context, the likelihood of locating WTP in the interval is given by .

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hand of governments. We can't take it violently, out of the hands of governments, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop ..."   Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992) en 1984