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Willingness to pay of the notability for local leadership empowerment in the ngweshe chiefdompar Roméo MUNGUAKONKWA BAHAYA Université catholique de Bukavu - Licencié en Economie rurale 2018 |
II.3. The questionnaireTo fulfill this research, two kinds of questionnairewill be administrated to notables. The first shall be shortened covering the qualitative survey opened-responded. By the means of the preceeding, a hard quantitative questionnaire shall thenceafter be administrated to respondents using referendum-type questions. These kinds of questions are closed-responded. Hereon in reference to Labii (2015) who used a closed question category in her research. II.4. Measuring variablesDependent variable The research uses eleven predictors to estimate willingness to pay. It is made of two core regression as said above. The first is regressed on independent variables to hold the determinants of willingness to pay of notables. The second is a no-independent variable regression that helps to capture WTP in reference to Corso et al. (2013) and Labii (2015). Therefore, the «amount willed to be paid» by a notable is measured by the means of recurrent bids proposing intervals of amounts with lower start to high amounts. Answering to these questions connotes moving through dummy answers with 1 if an investigated notable accepts to pay an amount inclusively belonging to that interval and 0 otherwise. In fact, Bishop and Heberlein (1979) is the reference for dummy using.8(*) Therefore, respondents are asked whether they would be willing to pay or not a particular amount to acquire a change in local governance and development in the native chiefdom. The technique is also called «take it or leave it» or referendum. Then the variable is divided into two variables representing the inferior boundary and the superior boundary of one's interval inside which can be located his WTP Corso et al. (2013) and Labii (2015). Independent variables Various variables are selected inn the research to be tested on WTP. Downwards are given the way they were measured in the research. Age of the notable: age plays a key role in the determination ones acceptance to participate. it is a continuing variable used to measure the notable's age. It is as well closed some intervals of years mainly propelled by the fact that notables from countryside to town likely get famous and wealth towards years. In that vein, some conclusive studies on willingness to pay found a mean age around an interval of 35 and 50 years (Ajayi, 2006; Gimba and Kumshe, 2011; Miwoto et al., 2017). Moving closer fifties implies as well nearing retirement and formally active age is left. Hence, a positive sign is watched. Household size: to capture it, the number of individuals under the respondent is used in the survey. Sex: a qualitative variable with two modalities. It takes 0 as value to mean female and 1 if the respondent is male. Marital status: is a socio-demographic polytomous variable assessing to which category of marital status belongs the respondent. It takes 1 if the respondent is single, 2 if he is married, 3 if he is divorced and 4 if the respondent is a widow. Educational level: it is captured as a qualitative variable. That is, the variable «level of education» is polytomous; it proposes different levels of education starting from none to academic level. Level of education has demonstrated important added-values on development through innovation and knowledge applied differently comparing to non-educated individuals (Borjas, 2016). Then, this research aims at estimating how it could influence one's acceptance to pool in direction of Ngweshe chiefdom. Religion: is a qualitative variable assessing the religious obedience of notables. It also has been set numerous modalities. Therefore, 1 translates Catholic obedience, 2 is Protestant, 3 Muslim 4 Kimbanguist and 5 other religion. It is used in the regression as a socio-demographic variable. But aftrer data collection, only two modalities were retained: Catholic and protestant; others did not record any observation. Friends in the organization: a qualitative variable dichotomized. It takes 1 as value if there is at least one friend in the organization and 0 otherwise. Number of persons of notoriety: this variable is quantitative revealing the number of persons the respondent finds of high notoriety. Duration in town: duration in town captures for how long a notable has last in Bukavu. It is a continuous quantitative variable expressed in years spent in the city. Membership of the organization: the variable is qualitative. It is measured using a dichotomic bid. Thus, it is labeled 0 if the respondent is not member or 1 otherwise. Notable's monthly income: a continuous quantitative variable captured using the monthly earned income by the notable from different sectors in which they directly or indirectly find some interest. It also takes into account monthly income got from donation. Trust on local leadership: the variable capture whether notables trust in local leaders. It takes 0 if the investigated notable does not trust or 1 if contrastingly he does. The variable is applied depending on the literature deeming a true confidence between all the partners so as each one perfectly and favorably act on their common goal. In the present case, local leaders should be entrusted to incite notables pooling. Number of organizations: a quantitative variable capturing in how many groups or organization a notable partakes. It only takes into account the kind of organization where people only aim at realizing some advancement in their societies. So to say, the kinds of groups or organizations call for social brainstorming. Index of assets The index of assets is generated in the purpose of quantifying assets owned by respondents. For 26 assets captured by the investigation, the factor analysis shall be used to extract specific values to balance assets variables through the Principal Component Analysis. Doing so, this work inspired from Labii (2015) Thus, the below table (see Appendix 1) walks through those values. Accordingly, the extraction value was considered as multiplies of each of initial variables of assets. Lastly, were summed all generated variable building then an «asset index». Feunou (2002) and Booysen et al. (2008) advise to include in the analysis even assets whose weight is low for they represent a share of the real assets of an individual. Set price in the referendum: a quantitative variable. It is applied to know the annual minimum amount in USD declared by the notables who engage themselves to tackle diverse social problems in the chiefdom of Ngweshe. Grouping selected for scheme: a qualitative variable measured as a proxy variable whose value is 1 if the respondent's native grouping is selected to implement a development project while the value is void 0 if not. This variable is retained in the research because it has been thought evident that people living out from their native community mostly remain in touch with their community. This collaboration and tie to native homelands has allowed lots of billions dollars flowing from hosting countries to homelands. People have, over and above that argument, a larger tie as closer as a community is taking as begin his own family. That is, a positive sign is watched since bid 1 refers to native grouping. * 8They are recognized to having introduced the use of dichotomous variables |