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Study of tribological properties of titanium-based thin films applied to the rubbing parts of internal combustion engines piston

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par Khaled Chemaa
Boumerdes University Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry - Master 2 2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.2.3. Corrosive wear

Corrosive wear is the friction removal of the reaction product formed on the surfaces by chemical attack. Among these, we can site:

- Hydrochloric (HCl) and hydrobromic (HBr) acids, which originate from the combustion of ethylene halides contained in the anti-knock additive of leaded gasolines;

- Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which comes from the cold condensation of sulfuric anhydride (SO3) with the fuel combustion water in engines operating with sulfur fuel, which is particularly the case for diesel fuels.

- The organic acids coming from the partial oxidation of the oil or the fuel, the shortest in length of organic chain are the most corrosive. Corrosion is of particular concern when water and acids can condense on metal surfaces, i.e. when the temperature of these walls is relatively low, for corrosion to occur several conditions must be met:

- A corrodible metal (steel or antifriction alloy);

- A corrosive medium (aqueous electrolyte with a pH sufficiently low to corrode the steel); - An intimate contact.

The corrosion can be eliminated by one of the following methods:

- Elimination of sensitive metal (choice of a non-corrodible alloy or an organic material);

- Placing a barrier between the metal and the medium;

In general, the first means of action is only rarely economically or technically acceptable in the case

of internal combustion engines.

The second mean of action is specific to anti-rust and anti-corrosion additives.

But the most useful way of protection is the coating (for more information see the literature


1.2.4. Fatigue wear Fatigue fracture mechanism

By mechanical fatigue it is meant that the piston is subjected to external variable loading. The resulting stress causes cracks to nucleate and propagate in critical stressed areas. As shown in Fig 1.12, there are mainly two stress critical areas where crack initiates: piston pin holes and those regions on both sides of the bowl rim areas which are located on the same vertical plane that contains the pin holes. It is also observed that there is only one visible crack for mechanical fatigue.

Fig.1.12: Gasoline engine piston with a crack from one side of the pin hole to the head


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

Under thermal fatigue, thermal gradients develop stress in two ways. Thermal stresses due to the distribution of the temperature along the vertical axis of piston - high temperatures at the top and lower temperatures at the bottom - and that due to the different temperatures on the piston head due to the flow of the hot air or fuel impingement. In the first case several fatigue radial cracks over the whole piston head can be observed.

The cracks so formed gradually grow under the fatigue conditions until it develops into a fracture on the crown. If severe enough, fracture continues across the crown surface to have the piston sliced to parts. Fatigue damages to piston

Apart from piston crown, fatigue cracks are developed in other parts of piston as well and it includes piston rings and piston skirt.

- Piston ring

As the wear on cylinder walls increases, clearance between the piston and cylinder wall becomes high. Eventually, pressure acting on the ring increases (because the ring comes out of the groove) and consequently stress increase on the groove. The stresses at those fillet portions in the ring groove seem to be sufficient to initiate fatigue cracks on the piston.

Fig .1.13: Engine piston with damaged grooves

In case the rings are not fitted correctly in the grooves, the resulting misalignment stresses the ring material by the continuous reciprocating motion. This will accelerates the fatigue crack propagation which in turn stresses the ring lands and cause material to fracture away from the ring land areas, as depicted in Figure 1.13.

- Skirt fracture

If the clearance between piston and cylinder becomes too large, piston will be misaligned with cylinder, i.e., piston will be always at an angle with the cylinder walls. This causes the piston to flutter within the bore during the engine running. With larger clearances, the piston rotation angle also increases and makes contact with cylinder walls at two points; the bottom part of the skirt and the top part of the piston head. These contacts introduce a flexural load on the piston skirt. The


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

consequence will be the formation of stress concentration areas where cracks initiate and propagate onto fracture, as shown in Figure 1.14.

Fig .1.14: Initiation and propagation of cracks onto fracture

1.3. Piston-cylinder Lubrication

1.3.1. The lubrication regimes in the piston-cylinder couple

Based on studies made by several researchers, it can be confirmed that:

- The main piston-cylinder lubrication regime is the hydrodynamic regime;

-boundary Lubrication and sometimes dry contact occur in the PMB and PMH areas, according to:

1. Courtney, Pratt, Tudor [PAN85] Using the measurement of the contact resistance of the segments-cylinder;

2. Wing and Sauders [PAN85] from the study of the rapid variations of the oil film thickness by adopting an indirect measurement of the piston-cylinder diametral clearances;

3. Furuhama in 1959 [FUR59] after he noticed the insufficiency of the hydrostatic lubrication which cannot explain a limit lubrication of the segments with the TDC which possess in this position a zero speed and consequently a zero film thickness;

4. Brown and Hamilton in 1975 [BRO76] by measuring the pressure distribution in the oil film and the thickness of the film in the vicinity of the TDC by capacitive proximity sensors. They demonstrated the limiting lubrication of the segments in the vicinity of TDC and BDC

5. Allen and al in 1978 [ALL84] From the measured values of the thickness of the oil film in the vicinity of the TDC, less than 0.25 ìm, they assert the existence of a metal / metal contact in these zones.

6. Richez and al [RIC82] carry out tests on an engine and show that the friction increases with temperature or with the decrease in viscosity. The measurement of the amplitudes of the roughnesses (2 to 4 ìm) and the thicknesses of the oil film (0.5 to 10 ìm) enabled them to demonstrate the existence of a metal / metal contact zone in the vicinity of the TDC.


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

7. Uras and Patterson [URA87] Measuring the friction force of the piston and the measured friction force decreases as the piston velocity increases. This frictional force also becomes important in the vicinity of the TDC and BDC, indicating that the friction becomes limited in these regions.

8. Myers and al in 1990 [MYE90] Install capacitive gauges and surface thermocouples to study the influence of different parameters on the oil film in the vicinity of the TDC. They study the friction at engine start-up and thus notice the breakage of the oil film which causes the metal / metal contact.

- The boundary lubrication is located in the expansion and compression cycles:

1. Rogowski in 1961 [ROG61] after measuring the piston-cylinder friction force by means of a special device. He noticed that this force becomes important during the compression and relaxation phase;

2. Furuhama and al in 1978 [FUR59] with the improvement of their experimental set-up enabled them to show that the measured frictional forces are very high in the second half of the compression phase and the first half of the expansion phase at the TDC. The considerable increase in the friction force confirmed the existence of a metal / metal contact between the segment and the cylinder in these zones.

1.3.2. The main lubrication regime formulations in the piston-cylinder couple Formulation of Furuhama and al

Experiments by Furuhama [RAY74] on driven engines and in normal operation led him to state that the main mode of lubrication of the piston and cylinder is of the hydrodynamic type. The Reynolds equation under these conditions is written:

???? (h3

?? ?? · ????

????) = 6 · ???? · ??h ???? + 12 ??h


with h: oil film thickness, ?? : Dynamic viscosity of lubricant, ??: Average hydrodynamic pressure, ????:

Speed of the piston.

The resolution of this equation makes it possible to determine the pressure and velocity

distributions in the oil film. Formulation of Richez and al

Richez and al [RIC82] Introduce mixed lubrication of the segments and take account of the surface

roughness. By noting that the heights of surface's roughness of the segments and of the cylinder are

of the order of 2 to 4 ìm and that the thickness h of the oil film is of the order of 0.5 to 10 ìm, they

define a factor ë= h /??, and proposed the criterion:

?? = 1 The lubrication is mixed;

?? = 1 The lubrication is hydrodynamic.

They also give the law of distribution of pressure and speed in the oil film:

?? h3 ???? + ??h

???? (???? 12 ?? · ????

????) = ???2 ? · ??h ????


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

???? = 1 - 0.9 exp (- 0.56 h

?? )

1.3.3. Generality on anti-wear additives (AW) in boundary regime Boundary regime and tribofilm

Lubricating oil consists of one or more base oil which represents the framework of the product. However, for certain applications, and particularly at high temperatures and pressure (as in the case of pistons), the base oil is no longer efficient. In order to meet the various uses, multiple and different additives are added, specific to each use. Among the main types of additives are anticorrosive, anti-oxidation and anti-wear (AW) dispersant additives. These additives influence the behaviour of the lubricant by reinforcing its properties or by adding it others of which it is devoid;

Researchers in the field of lubrication develop different laboratory tests and each test fulfils a given function. These tests are Interesting on the mode of application or the behaviour of the lubricant. The formulation of lubricants requires control of the functioning of each additive (its reactivity to the metal surface and its mode of action) and their impact on the environment [TAN07].

In order to improve the performance of the lubricants in boundary regime in order to avoid seizure and to have reasonable friction, additives and in particular anti-wear additives (AW) and extreme pressures (EP) are incorporated in them. These compounds act directly on the metal surface by forming a protective film on surfaces called tribofilm by chemical reaction or physical adsorption.

Tribofilms formed in the boundary lubrication regime are designed to reduce friction and to protect the surface from wear due to lubricant/surface chemical reactions induced by temperature and pressure conditions.

Boundary lubrication is a complex phenomenon in which several parameters intervene such as solid-lubricant interactions, metallurgy, roughness, corrosion, temperature, pressure and kinetics of chemical reactions.

In the limit lubricating regime, the height of the surface roughness becomes greater than the thickness of the film at the interface, the oxide layer which protects the surface is removed and the two surfaces are brought into contact. This situation causes wear, increases friction and can cause welding of the roughness. The viscosity of the oil no longer intervenes under these extreme conditions, it is the additives present in the oil which will interact chemically with the metal surfaces to form the tribofilm whose thickness is a few tens of nm and which protects the Parts against wear [GEO79].

The additives (AW) by forming their own sacrificial film replace the oxide protective layer and considerably reduce the wear rate. Types of anti-wear additives (AW)

The additives (AW) are classified according to their reactivity with respect to the metallic surface in two types, the active additives and the non-active ones [PAP98]. The active additives are those which chemically react with the metal surface to form a film. On the other hand, the non-active additives form films which are mainly unreacted with the surface.


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

Molecules that contain sulfur, phosphorus and halides are considered active compounds while molecules containing boron, aluminum and graphite are classified as non-active compounds [DON94].

Table 3.1 shows the main anti-wear additives (AW) used in lubrication.


Additive Families

sulfuric additives

dialkyldithiophosphates of zinc ZnDTP

2-benzothioyle-tert-nonyle disulfur

Phenyle sulfur

Benzyle mercaptan

Octadecyle mercaptan




Alkyl d'acide phosphoré

Alkyl phosphoré



Esters boratés

Borates de potassium

Borates de calcium

mixed Additifs

Dithiophosphates métalliques (Zn,Co,Ni,..)

Table 3.1.The main anti-wear additives (AW) used in lubrication

The universally used additives (AW) are dialkyldithiophosphates and zinc (ZnDTP). This success is mainly due to its good antioxidant and anti-wear properties and its low cost [TAN07].

Several authors have shown that the chemical structure of sulfur-containing additives affects tribological performance, for example. Disulfides have been shown to perform better in anti-wear AW than monosulfides due to weak S-S bond in disulfides which is Easier to break than the C-S bond in monosulfides [FOR70].

Croszek [GRO71] Considers that the anti-wear (AW) activity of the disulfides depends on the electronegativity between the chemical elements of this molecule.


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

Sakuraia Has shown that oxygen in oil plays an important role in the formation of oxide films and appears to have a good influence on tribological behavior [FEN61]. From the chemical reactivity of some additives, he concluded that oxygen and oxide films prevent wear on surfaces and reduce friction.

Wheeler [WHE78] differentiates two types of wear: soft wear and severe wear. Under severe pressure and temperature conditions, a significant amount of iron sulfide is detected in the wear traces in comparison with the mild pressure and temperature conditions, and concluded that under the effect of the elevation of Temperature and pressure, the sulfur compounds react by chemical corrosion with the metal surface to form iron sulfide.

Temperature affects the tribological behavior of sulfur additives and the formation of tribofilms. Temperature seems to have a limited effect on the decomposition of sulfur additives by promoting the formation of iron sulfide films which improves tribological performance [TAN07].

Chapter 2

Aluminum and its alloys


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

2.1. Properties of non-alloyed aluminum (1000 series)

There are many grades of unalloyed aluminum, known commercially as pure aluminum. These standard grades are part of the 1000 series of AFNOR standards. The purity of aluminum is always greater than 99.00% (grades 1100 and 1200), very often higher than 99.40% (grade 1040), but can reach 99.80% (grade 1080) or even 99.90% (grade 1090).

It is also possible to obtain a high purity aluminum of 99.95 % (grade 1095), 99.98 % (grade 1098), 99.99 % (grade 1199), and even an aluminum of very high purity (greater than 99.996%, or even equal to 99.999%).

The structure of the pure aluminum is face-centered cubic at any temperature below its melting point (660 °C). The main physicochemical properties of unalloyed aluminum are given in Table 2.1: (At 20 °C for a pure aluminum of 99.996%):

Melting temperature G??


Crystal structure


Density ??

2700 Kg/??3

Thermal conductivity ??

237 ????-1k-1

Coefficient of linear expansion ??

23.1x 10-6 k-1

Electrical resistivity ????

0.0265 ??????

Table 2.1: Physicochemical properties of unalloyed aluminum

These properties are the reason why the unalloyed aluminum is widely used (in developed countries more than 40% of the aluminum consumption takes place in this state).

Table 2.2 gives the main mechanical properties of unalloyed aluminum:

Ultimate tensile strength ????

40 à 50 MPa

Yield strength Re

10 à 20 MPa

Proof stress Re0.2

20 à 35 MPa

Young's Modulus E

63 à 71 GPa

Elongation to rupture A%

50 à 70%

Poisson's ratio õ

0.33 à 0.35

Table 2.2: Mechanical properties of unalloyed aluminum

2.2. Aluminum alloys

The main alloying elements introduced into aluminum are copper, manganese, magnesium, silicon, zinc and lithium. These elements can be added individually or in combination. On the opposite, certain other elements are more or less excluded, in order to improve a particular property. For example the tenacity of alloys with magnesium and silicon is greatly improved by additions of manganese and chromium with limited contents (often Cr <0.4% and Mn <1%) and by a severe limitation of the contents of harmful elements such as iron.


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

2.2.1. Classes of aluminum alloys

The aluminum alloys are classified according to the main alloying element (s). We can


- Aluminum/copper alloys of the 2000 series;

- Aluminum/manganese alloys of the 3000 series;

- Aluminum/silicon alloys of the 4000 series;

- Aluminum/magnesium alloys of the 5000 series;

- Aluminum /magnesium/silicon alloys of the 6000 series;

- Aluminum/zinc alloys of the 7000 series;

- Aluminum alloys and other elements of the 8000 series.

We can also distinguish:

- Peening alloys (not hardening by heat treatment): which are aluminum/manganese alloys and

aluminum/magnesium alloys;

- Heat treatment hardening alloys: which are aluminum/copper alloys, aluminum/magnesium

alloys, aluminum/silicon alloys and aluminum/zinc alloys.

2.2.2. Physical properties of aluminum alloys

Table 2.3 gives the main physical properties of the different series of aluminum alloys (the mean value of different experimental results are considered):

Table 2.3: Physical properties of the different series of aluminum alloys

2.2.3. Mechanical properties of aluminum alloys

It is well accepted that the properties of aluminum alloys are determined essentially by the microstructure of the alloys obtained.

The microstructure is essentially conditioned by the nature, the quantity and especially the distribution of the elements of addition. Most metallic elements can be alloyed with aluminum, but only a limited number of those elements are used as the main addition and condition the properties of the alloys.


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

Table 2.4 below represents the mean values of the mechanical properties for different series of aluminum:

Table 2.4: Principal mechanical properties of different series of aluminum Static strength

Table 2.4 gives the mechanical strength obtained for each of the series of aluminum alloys. In fact, those characteristics can be varied depending on many factors. Tenacity

Three categories of aluminum alloy can be considered on the tenacity point of view:

- Tenacity of low- and medium-strength alloys: those alloys are of 1000, 3000, 5000 series and

all of other series in the annealed state;

- Tenacity of alloys of the 6000 series: Al-Si-Mg alloys with medium resistance of the 6000 series

are commonly used for working structures;

- Tenacity of high strength alloys: those alloys are of 2000 and 7000 series.

For the high strength alloys, it can be noted that:

- The tenacity increases when the yield point decreases.

- The newest alloys currently used for the construction of modern structures of aircraft are

designed to offer a particularly high tenacity:

? The 7475 is the aluminum alloy which has the best tenacity;

? The alloys 7010, 7050, and 7150 offer the best compromise between strength and

tenacity. Endurance strength

The Wohler curves of aluminum alloys have the following characteristics:

- There is no asymptote up to 108 cycles, so the fatigue test must be kept running up to 108 cycles to determine the fatigue limit;

- The ratio between the fatigue limit at 108 cycles (in alternating stresses) and the tensile breaking limit is equal to:

- 0.35 to 0.45 for Peening alloys (1000, 3000 and 5000 series alloys);

- 0.25 to 0.35 for heat treatment hardening alloys (2000, 6000 and 7000 series alloys); In general, this ratio decreases when the breaking load increases. Different parameters can influence the rate of fatigue cracking:


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys


- The stress ratio R = Sm : the rate of fatigue cracking increases when R increases;

- The medium: humid or salty aggressive medium accelerates fatigue cracking;

- Overloads: during a fatigue test, if the stress intensity factor is temporarily increased by a tensile overload, a significant reduction in the rate of cracking is observed after suppression of the overload. Corrosion resistance

In practice, aluminum has an excellent corrosion resistance, because of that it can often be used without coating. Adequately chosen, aluminum alloys without coating can resist to freshwater, sea water, and so many chemical products.

However, like the most common metals, corrosion damage can occur in different forms, depending on the class of the aluminum alloy, its metallurgical state, the exposure conditions, assembly and stressing conditions.

The principal forms of corrosion that can be encountered on aluminum alloys are:

- General corrosion or uniform corrosion

The exposed aluminum instantly covers with an oxide layer of 5 to 10 nm thick, and its corrosion resistance depends on the stability of this oxide layer in the corrosive medium. General corrosion is characterized by the uniform decrease of thickness over the entire metal surface; the oxide layer is dissolved in a regular manner by the corrosive agent.

In a natural, rural or marine atmosphere, the corrosion rate of aluminum is extremely low, even insignificant, and does not exceed 5 pm / year. In general, the general corrosion resistance of aluminum depends on the pH of the corrosive medium, that corrosion cannot practically occur in an acidic medium with pH <4 and in a basic medium with pH> 9.

In the most aggressive mediums such as marine mediums, copper-containing alloys (2000 and 7000 series) require protection; On the other hand, the alloys of the 3000, 5000 and 6000 series may have a corrosion resistance at least equal to that of the non-alloyed aluminum.

- Pitting corrosion

Pitting corrosion is a much localized form of corrosion, which appears by the formation of cavities or recesses on the surface, in which the diameter and depth depend on the class of the alloy, the corrosive medium and the exposure time.

The rate of deepening of the pits generally decreases due to the formation of hydrated alumina which hinders considerably the exchanges between the corrosive medium and the metal. Experiments show that the rate of propagation of pits v is related to time t by a relation of the type:

V= k
· t1/


All the aluminum alloys are sensitive to pitting corrosion, the best results being obtained with a content of 1% of iron (it is the case of alloys 8006, 8011 for example), likewise the presence of 0.1 to 0.2 % of copper improves the resistance for the penetration of pits (the case of alloy 3003).


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

- Galvanic corrosion

When two different metals are in electrical contact in a corrosive medium, they form a cell which produces current by consuming the most electronegative metal which constitutes the anode. Aluminum is the most anodic material compared to other metals (except zinc and magnesium). Aluminum will therefore often be the victim of mixed assemblies.

In fact, the attack rate of aluminum depends on: the difference of potential between the two metals present; on the electrical resistance between the two metals and on the corrosive medium and more particularly on its conductivity.

- Corrosion cracking or Intergranular corrosion

The intergranular corrosion encountered in various metals and aluminum alloys is the corrosion that propagates in the metal by consuming only the grain boundaries. This type of corrosion is due to the presence at the grain boundaries of a continuous and anodic zone compared to the interior of the grains.

For aluminum alloys, it mentioned that:

- Alloys of 1000, 3000, 4000 and 6000 series: are not sensitive to intergranular corrosion;

- Alloys of the 5000 series: Al-Mg alloys with less than 3.5% Mg are normally not susceptible to intergranular corrosion and Al-Mg alloys with more than 3.5% Mg may be sensitive to intergranular corrosion especially if the magnesium content is high;

- Alloys of the 2000 and 7000 series: have a good resistance to the intergranular corrosion obtained by a quick quenching.

2.2.4. Standards defining aluminum alloys Wrought aluminum alloys

This family of aluminum alloys is the most widely used in industry. It includes all commonly

rolled products.

The NF EN 573 standard defines two European systems for the designation of these aluminum

alloys: the numerical system and the alphanumeric system.

The numerical system uses a 4-digit code which refers indirectly to the chemical composition.

According to this system the designation of an alloy includes successively:

4 letters: EN AW

EN refers to European standards;

A indicates that it is aluminum;

W specifies that it is wrought metal.

4 digits:

The first digit indicates the series of alloys

The second digit can be:

- 0 if it is the original metal,

- 1 to 9 if the alloy has certain particularity (purity of a unalloyed aluminum, variant of an alloy,



Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

The third and fourth digits have different meanings depending on whether they are:

- Of unalloyed aluminum; they are then the first two decimal of the number expressing the

minimum Al content,

- Of an alloy: these two numbers serve only to differentiate the grades of the same group.


EN AW-1098 = aluminum with at least 99.98% purity;

EN AW-4015 = alloy wit 1.8% of Si and 0.9% of Mn;

In the alphanumeric system, unalloyed aluminum and aluminum alloys are distinguished. For

the unalloyed aluminum, the designation begins with the chemical symbol of aluminum Al

followed by the minimum content of the metal in % expressed in one or two decimal.

Example: EN AW-Al 99.98 = Aluminum with at least 99.98%.

Normally this designation should be preceded by a numerical designation and the minimum

content of the metal in % placed in brackets, the precedent example is designed as EN AW-1098

[A 99-98].

For aluminum alloys, the designation begins with the chemical symbol of aluminum Al,

followed by the chemical symbol (s) of the main alloying element (s), each followed by a number

representing the average content in % of the indicated element.


Al Si2Mn = alloy of 1.8% of Si and 0.9% of Mn;

Al Si10 = alloy of 10% of Si.

Normally, this designation should be preceded by the numerical designation and be placed in

brackets such as the following:

EN AW-4015 [AlSi2Mn];

EN AW-4045 [AlSil0]; Cast alloys

Most of these alloys are easy to mold (permanent mold or sand casting). Many of these alloys contain sufficient silicon to cause a eutectic reaction, which gives the alloys a low melting point, good fluidity and good molding. The cooling in the die casting is faster than sand casting, which results a grain refinement and improved mechanical properties. Grain refinement is also caused by boron and titanium additives.

Designation according to the standard NF EN 1780, is given as: prefix EN; space ; Letter A (for aluminum); Letter B (for remelting ingots) or C (castings piece) or M (mother alloys); A dash ; followed by five digits representing the position of the chemical symbols giving the composition of the alloy ordered by decreasing content and limited to 4 elements.


EN AB-45400 [Al Si5Cu3] or EN AB-Al Si5Cu3; remelting ingots in aluminum alloy with 5% silicon and 3% copper.


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

2.3. Aluminum-Silicon Alloys (4000 series)

The equilibrium diagram of the Aluminum-Silicon alloy is given in Figure 2.1.

Fig.2.1: The equilibrium diagram of the Aluminum-Silicon alloy

The eutectic point varies from 11.7% Si to 14.5% Si. The most probable value is 12.5% Si. With rapid quenching the eutectic point can rise to 17% Si.

The main physical and mechanical properties of aluminum-silicon alloys have been given in Tables 2.3 and 2.4.

Hardness increases with increase in silicon content almost linearly and reach values between 500 and 700 MPa for 15% Si and 1000 MPa for 60% Si.

The modulus of elasticity has an average value between 85 and 95 GPa, this value increasing with temperature. The impact resistance also increases with increasing temperature.

The endurance strength is relatively low; it varies from 50 to 70 MPa for the hypoeutectic alloys and from 70 to 80 MPa for the hypereutectic alloys. The addition of cobalt and manganese increases the endurance strength. This strength abruptly decreases with the temperature increasing until 327 ° C.

The compression strength is 10 to 15% greater than the tensile strength.

The wear resistance is very good, especially for hypereutectic alloys. For alloys of 20 to 25% Si, the wear resistance is 10 times more than that of the non-heat treated steel.

The presence of calcium and sodium in the alloys increases their porosity. To reduce it, rare earths are added. Vacuum coatings are also used.

The silicon is an inert element in most corrosive mediums, the corrosion resistance of the aluminum-silicon alloy is the best compared to other aluminum alloys.

The coefficient of thermal expansion is relatively low compared to other aluminum alloys; it is decreased with the increase in silicon content.


Chapter 2: Aluminum and its alloys

According to Table 2.5 it is noted that the coefficient of thermal conductivity is decreased with the increase of the Silicon content.

Silicon content (%)

Temperature (K)

300 à 400

300 à 600


22.1 à 22.5

24.1 à 24.5

7 à 9

21.4 à 21.7

23.1 à 23.5


19.9 à 20.6

21.6 à 23.1

> 14

18 à 19

20 à 21

Table 2.5: Coefficient of the thermal conductivity (10-6 K-1)

The alloy density is decreased with the increasing in Silicon content. An alloy of 6 to 9% Si has a density of 2650 to 2700 ????/ ??3 and with 10 to 13% Si has a density of 2600 to 2650????/??3.

Chapter 3

Vapor deposition and thin layer

characterization techniques


Chapter 3: Vapor deposition and thin layer characterization techniques

3.1. Physical bases of the vacuum technique 3.1.1. Vacuum and gaseous phase of the materials

Materials in the gaseous state are characterized by a great mobility of their molecules. Because of this; they always occupy the volume of the container in which they are enclosed. In physics and technology, we call vacuum, the state of a gaseous volume whose pressure is below the atmospheric pressure. For convenience, vacuum is divided into four ranges: low vacuum, fine or medium vacuum, high vacuum, and ultrahigh vacuum.

Table 3.1 gives the general characteristics of vacuum:



Low vacuum

Medium vacuum

high vacuum

ultrahigh vacuum

Pressure range (bar)

1 à 10-3

10-3 à 5 · 10-5


5 1012 a

< 10-12

Number of molecules in

?? ??????

1019 à 1016

1016 à 1013

1013 à 1010


Mean free path ??

A « ??

A = ??

A > ??

A » ??

Flow regimes

Viscous flow

intermediate flow

molecular Flow

Molecular Flow



CVD, plasma


Ion beams

Table 3.1 General characteristics of vacuum

According to kinetic theory, the molecules of a gas move in a continuous and chaotic manner. They collide and between their impacts their movement is rectilinear. The distance between two successive impacts is called the free path of the gas molecule. After each impact, the magnitude and direction of the velocities of the molecules change.

When the gas occupies a limited volume, there are molecular impacts on the walls of the container. So the gas pressure is the result of the statistical mean of these impacts.

A general criterion characterizing the vacuum in a system is the ratio of the mean free path ë of the molecule with a characteristic dimension ?? of the vacuum chamber, that is to say:


Kn = (3.1)

The Kn ratio is known as Knusden number, when Kn » 1, i.e. X » l the flow regime of the gas is molecular flow. When Kn « 1, i.e. X « l the regime is called viscous flow.

The limiting temperature above which the gas cannot be condensed, whatever the pressure, is called the critical temperature. This is a fundamental criterion for distinguishing gases from vapors.

Chapter 3: Vapor deposition and thin layer characterization techniques

Materials are in the gaseous state if the temperature is above their critical temperature. If the temperature is below their critical temperature, they are in the vapor state.

The pressure can be written in the form of the following equations:

P= ??
· k
· T (3.2)

?? : The number density of the molecules (m-3);

k : The Boltzmann constant (k 1.38
· 10-16 N
· m/K
); T : The gas temperature.


P = 3 ??v2 (3.3)

?? : The density of the gas (kg
· m-3)

vv2 : The-root-mean-square speed of molecules.

When the gas system is a mixture of different gases, each gas exerts its pressure Pi independently of the others. The total pressure PE is then the sum of the partial pressures (Dalton's law):


PE = ?Pi (3.4)

According to the kinetic theory, the mean kinetic energy of the translation of molecules is proportional to the thermodynamic temperature of the gas:

· v2


· k
· T (3.5)


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il ne faut pas de tout pour faire un monde. Il faut du bonheur et rien d'autre"   Paul Eluard