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Study of tribological properties of titanium-based thin films applied to the rubbing parts of internal combustion engines piston

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par Khaled Chemaa
Boumerdes University Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry - Master 2 2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.2.1. Adhesive wear

Adhesive wear or wear by metal - metal contact is the most basic form of deterioration of surfaces. It is due to shear failure, during friction, micro-welds or junctions formed instantaneously between the opposing asperities of the two surfaces, in dry friction mode or in limited or mixed lubrication. The formation of these welds, which is very localized, is favoured by the thermal energy dissipated by friction, associated with very high contact pressure.

According to its nature, the weld will be a true weld or "hot weld", or a simple physical bond or "cold junction", therefore, depending on the shear strength of the junction, shear breakage occurs inside the softest metal or, on the contrary, at the junction.

The deterioration thus takes all forms ranging from severe scratching to light scratching or soft adhesive wear (Figure 1.8.).

In the first case, the deterioration, in its most serious form which is the seizure of the surface (Figure 1.7.), is characterized by metal stripping, transfer of metal from the softest surface to the hardest surface, (Burning) and the emission of relatively large dimensions (some ìm to some hundred ìm) of metal wear particles.

Fig .1.7: Piston seizure


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

In the second case, the wear rate is very low and the wear particles consist of very small fragments of metallic oxides of generally lamellar shape (a typical dimension of the order of one to a few hundredths of a im).

A The shear strength of the welds TS is B The shear strength of the junctions

greater than the shear strength of the TS is less than the shear strength of the

softest metal TB softest metal TB

Wear particules Transferred fragments

Wear particules

The shear occurs inside the softest body B, an adhesive transfer and severe wear.

? Large wear particles, a few im diameters

? Important friction called "internal" or by


The shearing occurs at the junctions wear is moderate (soft adhesive wear)

? Very small wear particles (oxides) about 10 nm diameters

? Low friction known as "external" or by shear

Fig.1.8: Mechanisms of adhesive wear: A) severe adhesive wear - B) soft adhesive wear

In engines, adhesive wear mainly affects the components that come into contact with each other, such as cylinder and cylinder piston.

The introduction of antifriction additives which act chemically when the temperature of the contact rises, by attacking the metal in order to convert it superficially into a self-lubricating, easily shearable film, generally consisting of metal sulphides and phosphates.

1.2.2. Abrasive wear

Abrasion is a deterioration involving two phenomena

- A material removal from the surface by cutting;

- Plastic deformation of the surface (plowing) without ablation of material.

Fig. 1.9: Abrasion mechanisms: A) abrasion by cutting - B) abrasion by plastic deformation

Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

The abraded surface thus loses metal in the form of micro chips and is deeply modified by plastic deformation.

There are two types of abrasion:

- The two bodies abrasion caused by hard asperities or hard particles embedded on one of the surfaces and wears the other surface;

Two bodies HVA > HVB

Hard asperities or particles Three bodies

embedded on 1 of the 2 surfaces

and wears the other surface Abrasive grains conveyed between the

two rubbing surfaces.

Fig.1.10: The types of abrasive wear


- The three bodies abrasion generated by free abrasive particles (3rd bodies) conveyed between the friction surfaces, if the size of these particles is equal to the thickness of the oil film, the abrasion is said to be normal, it is manifested by scratches having the appearance of cutting grooves. On the other hand, if the abrasive particles are very small, the deterioration, whose size and appearance strongly depend on the angle of incidence of the particles with respect to the surface, is called abrasive erosion.

Fig.1.11. Diesel piston head deposit formation

Abrasive wear is countered by hardening of surfaces and especially by efficient filtration of air (in engines) and oil.

Polishing wear of the cylinders of heavily loaded diesel engines is a particular form of abrasive wear. The disappearance of the machining lines by polishing the cylinder bore is due to the combined abrasive actions of the carbon deposited on the piston crown (2-body abrasion) and the solid particles carried by the oil (These deposits and sediments contain, in greater or lesser quantity, microcrystals having a diameter of (0.1 to 0.5 ìm) of mineral salt, some of which are abrasive, resulting from the interaction of the products of thermal degradation of the organometallic additives of the oil.


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'imagination est plus importante que le savoir"   Albert Einstein