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Study of tribological properties of titanium-based thin films applied to the rubbing parts of internal combustion engines piston

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par Khaled Chemaa
Boumerdes University Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry - Master 2 2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy Controlled-expansion pistons

Controlled-expansion pistons are pistons with struts that control thermal expansion. They are installed in gray cast iron crankcases. The main target of controlled-expansion piston designs, and many inventions in this field, was and still is to reduce the relatively large differences in thermal expansion between the gray cast iron crankcase and the aluminium piston

We distinguish in this category the Autothermic pistons, slotted at the transition from the piston crown to the skirt, at the height of the oil ring groove. They are characterized by their particularly quiet running behaviour.

The unalloyed steel struts cast in between the skirt and the piston pin boss, together with the light alloy that surrounds them, form control elements. They reduce the thermal expansion of the skirt in the direction that is critical for the

Fig.1.2: BOX-type piston

guiding of the piston in the cylinder. Box-type pistons:

Compared with controlled-expansion pistons, this piston type is characterized by its reduced mass, optimized support, and box-like, often slightly oval skirt design. The box-type piston is compatible with both aluminium and grey cast iron crankcases. With a flexible skirt design, the difference in thermal expansion between the gray cast iron crank case and the aluminium piston can be compensated very well in the elastic range. If the box width is different on the thrust and antithrust sides, the piston is referred to as an asymmetrical duct piston. Box-type pistons are cast or forged. Forged aluminum pistons:

In engines with very high power densities--such as highly loaded

turbocharged gasoline engines--cast pistons reach their limits. Forged pistons are a particularly good fit for this area of application; Figure 1.15. Their strength advantage in the temperature range of up to about 250°C improves the load carrying capacity for lateral forces, and increases the load carrying


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

capacity of the pin bore and the fracture toughness. Forged pistons are therefore especially well suited for high-speed concepts and turbocharged engines. Because of the high ductility of the forged material, they also react more tolerantly peak pressures that can arise if an engine is operated very close to the knock limit. This allows lower ring land widths, among other things, and therefore lower compression heights. Since the manufacturing process is very stable, the forged pistons can be designed to the limit in order to minimize component weight.

1.1.2. Pistons for diesel engines Ring carrier pistons

Ring carrier pistons; have been in use since 1931. The first and at times even the second piston ring are guided in a ring carrier that is securely joined to the piston material by metallic bonding.

The ring carrier is made of an austenitic cast iron with a similar coefficient of thermal expansion to that of the piston material. The material is particularly resistant to frictional and impact wear. The top ring groove, which is the most vulnerable, and the piston ring inserted in it are thereby effectively protected against excessive wear. This is particularly advantageous at high operating temperatures and pressures, which are particularly prevalent in diesel engines.


Fig 1.3: Ring carrier piston

Fig.1.4: Ring carrier piston with cooling gallery Cooling gallery pistons

The cooling gap inside the piston head is generally used to optimize heat extraction. The high-speed collision of the engine oil on the gallery surfaces improves the heat transfer capacity due to the impact caused by the movement inside the cylinder. The heat flux removed by the cooling gallery can reach 60% to 70% of the total heat transmitted to the piston by the combustion gases, thereby effectively reducing the thermal loading of the piston. When the engine is running, the cooling oil is injected from the oil jet nozzle into the gallery through the inlet hole, flows in the circumferential direction and exits the gallery through the exit hole, the cooling oil does not fill the piston galley, the cooling oil exits the gallery at high speed under the inertia of the movement

However, the structure of the cooling gallery limits to some extent the resistance of the piston. With the steady increase in the maximum pressure inside the diesel engine there is also the prolonged exposure of the engine oil to higher temperatures in the piston cooling gallery which causes a degradation of the characteristics of the lubricant which will not only affect the piston but all engine components and carbon build-up, thereby reducing cooling efficiency and resulting in overheating.


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston Optimized monobloc steel pistons:

This piston type is a single-piece forged steel piston that is greatly weight optimized. With a small compression height (to less than 50% of the cylinder diameter) and machining above the pin boss spacing (internal), the piston mass, including the piston pin, almost corresponds to the mass of a comparable aluminium piston with piston pin. In order to improve the piston cooling, the outer cooling cavity is closed off by two cover plate halves. The MONOTHERM® piston is used in passenger car and commercial vehicle engines with peak cylinder pressures of up to 20 MPa. Composite pistons


Fig.1.5: Optimized monobloc steel


The composite piston enables the incorporation of cooling cavities and the combination of the properties of various materials in one piston. The performance range of four-stroke engines with composite pistons extends from 500 to 30,000 kW, with up to 20 cylinders. Areas of application include genets, main ship drives and auxiliary ship drives, and heavy construction and railroad vehicles.

Here are many variants of composite pistons. Common to them all is a design consisting of two main constituents: the piston crown with the ring belt (upper part of piston) and the piston skirt with the piston pin boss (piston skirt). The two parts are screwed together with appropriate threaded fasteners

With two contact surfaces With one contact surfaces

Fig. 1.6: Upper part of piston cooled by gallery (left) and by orifice (right)

The upper part of the piston is made of forged steel, while the piston skirt can be made from three distinct materials:

- Piston skirt made of forged aluminium-base alloy, forged aluminium skirts, are suitable for low and medium peak cylinder pressures, exhibit a low mass, and are easy to machine.

- Piston skirt made of nodular cast iron, Key features of a composite piston with nodular cast iron piston skirt, Figure 1.6, are low cold piston clearance and the resulting low secondary piston motion as well as high seizure resistance.


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

The casting process, in contrast to forged steel, allows for undercuts and therefore a lighter design Superior to 200 bar. Compared with pistons with aluminum skirts, however, the mass is increased as a result of the higher material density.

- Piston skirt made of forged steel provides ultrahigh component strength and, related to the process, a material with extremely few defects. They are suitable for ultrahigh stresses greater than 24 MPa. Similar to pistons with nodular cast iron piston skirts, they provide the advantage of low cold piston clearance, resulting in low secondary piston motion.

1.2. Different forms of wear

Metal surfaces which are subjected to solid or fluid friction in the presence or absence of a lubricant may be affected by wear patterns which may range from regular, controllable wear (normal wear) to sudden deterioration causing the failure of the mechanism.

Surface deterioration is an isolated or simultaneous phenomenon classified into four basic forms: adhesive, abrasive, corrosive and fatigue.

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