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Study of tribological properties of titanium-based thin films applied to the rubbing parts of internal combustion engines piston

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par Khaled Chemaa
Boumerdes University Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry - Master 2 2017

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The thin layer technology has developed with extreme rapidity in the last two decades whether in terms of implementation technology or industrial applications.

In mechanical industry, the objectives of thin films are mainly to improve the corrosion or wear resistance, to reduce the coefficient of friction, to modify the surfaces microstructure to improve their ability to retain lubricants and to optimize the lubrication of the rubbing surfaces and the improvement of the aesthetic qualities of the products.

In internal combustion engines, the current trend is to save energy, that is to say, the reduction of fuel consumption for equal or higher power levels. To do so it is necessary to reduce friction losses between surfaces in contact and increase their durability.

Several studies have shown that friction losses represent the major part of the energy consumption developed in an internal combustion engine (15 to 20%). Piston skirt friction, segmentation and bearings constitute 66% of total friction losses; Distribution (up to 20-25% at low rpm), crankshaft, transmission and gearbox contributing to the rest. Beyond the aspects of reducing friction and wear, reducing oil consumption and exhaust emissions represent ambitious challenges.

In this work, we propose to apply a thin layer of Ti-W-N on the piston skirt and the piston crown in order to increase the surface hardness and its corrosion resistance and to reduce the coefficient of friction.

The present dissertation contains six chapters;

The first chapter gives a brief illustration of the role of pistons technology, and the main degradations and problems observed in pistons. In the second chapter we present the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys, the alloys with which the pistons are generally manufactured. In the third chapter we describe the different thin film deposition techniques, the tribological properties of the Ti, W and N layers, and the main deposition characterization techniques.

In chapter four we give the different experimental procedures executed in CDTA center, starting with the research of the probable piston grade used as substrates in our study, passing by the preparation of the surfaces of the samples and the deposit installations, and arriving at the characterization of the tribological properties of our Layer (by XRD, SEM, Raman, nanoindentation, tribometer and corrosion tests).



In chapter five, we give the experimental results obtained with their interpretation.

The chapter six dedicated to a medialization of the thin layer, using Solidworks software, and we make mechanical test on it, in order to a better characterization of the layer.


Literature review

Literature review

Hardness of titanium base thin films

Hard coatings based on nitrides (TiN, CrN, AlTiN, etc.) or carbonitrides (TiCN) for mechanical applications came on the market in the mid-1980s. They are characterized by a high hardness (often higher than 20 GPa) and by great chemical inertia.

The deposited TiN/ZrN coatings have a very high hardness (> 30 GPa), much higher than the individual hardnesses of TiN and ZrN. It is noted that the hardness increases with the Zr content in the layers, which seems logical because the hardness of the ZrN is higher than the hardness of the TiN with the deposition installation and the conditions used. Another interesting result is the increase in hardness with the decrease in the individual thickness of the alternating layers.

TiAl(N,C,O) coatings exhibit a wear behavior considerably superior to the traditional DLC coating.

Corrosion resistance

It is well known that PVD layers generally have a columnar structure with numerous growth defects (porosities, grain boundaries, structural defects, etc.); thus, they do not provide adequate protection of the corrosion-sensitive substrates.

At present, the poor corrosion resistance offered by PVD coatings requires, on sensitive substrates, the deposition of a relatively thick electrochemically produced undercoat. The most commonly used solution is chromium or galvanic nickel with thicknesses of the order of 5-20


To further improve the corrosion resistance, a Pd-Ni deposit is applied to the nickel before the final PVD deposition. This multi-layer process provides much better corrosion resistance, in particular, since the galvanic undercoat is much denser and does not have a columnar structure. However, today, and due to environmental considerations in some countries, there is an abandonment of galvanic coatings such as nickel, zinc, cadmium, chromium, gold and many other metals and alloys, unfortunately impossible to replace.

Other works describe the use of an ionic etching of Nb ions carried out by cathodic arc on ferrous substrate before PVD deposition [CHA 04; HOV 02, 05; REI07];

The TiAl(C,O) coatings represent an interesting improvement compared to the traditional Ti(C,O), especially since there nanohardness is close to 13 GPa. A SEM photograph shows a dense non-columnar and amorphous microstructure of this type of coating. This amorphous microstructure is particularly advantageous since it generally confers a higher resistance to corrosion of the substrate by preventing the electrolytes from passing through the coating by the intercolonial porosities.


Literature review

Thin films with oblique incidence and GLAD technical

The properties of thin layers depend primarily on their microstructure or their nanostructure. From the first experimental studies due to MOVCHAN and DEMICHISHIN [MOV69] and also to THORNTON [THO 74], to the recent structural models developed by simulation [ABE 97; MAL 96; TRO 03; WEI00], the majority of this work was mainly focused on the operating conditions influencing the morphology and structure of films deposited under normal incidence. Very few have been dedicated to thin films prepared under oblique incidence [DON 96; DIT 91; HOD 98; MBI 95; TAI 92].

All this work on the layers prepared under oblique incidence converges towards the same observation: an enlargement of the spectrum of the physicochemical properties of the deposited materials including their stress state, their density, their optical, electrical and magnetic anisotropy, etc.

The work of the teams of Brett and Robbie for the production of thin films under oblique incidence and on fixed or mobile substrate, allows the birth of a new technic: the GLAD technical: GLancing Angle Deposition.

The property of the GLAD technique in generating columnar architectures of various shapes at nanometric scales leads inevitably to questioning the mechanical behavior of these nanostructured films. Indeed, the structural shapes of some of these architectures (example: zigzags, spirals, etc.) give extended mechanical characteristics with respect to a conventional columnar structure.

Using the nanoindentation tests, the authors SETO et al [SET 01] clearly show that the helically-structured films have an elastic deformability of a higher order of magnitude compared with conventional columnar films.

Other studies on the elastic properties of GLAD films have also been carried out by LINTYMER and al [LIN 03a, 04, 05] on inclined and zigzag chrome layers. In particular, it has been demonstrated that the Young's modulus of zigzag films can be changed from single to double playing only on the number and size of the zigzags.

Economic considerations

It is customary to say that nanomaterials are expensive, but it must be shown that nanomaterials are additives to be used in small quantities, the cost per function can become minimal. For example, on a square meter, a 10 ìm coating will weigh about ten grams, adding 1% nanomaterial will lead to 100 mg of material, even with expensive material (1000 € / Kg for example), the cost of the coating is 1 € / Kg, which is negligible compared to the technical, technological and functional contribution of the layers thus realized.

Then it can be deduced that the use of nanomaterials in surface coatings is a technological reality, which is transforming itself more and more into economic reality.

Chapter 1

Overview on engine's piston


Chapter 1: Overview on engine's piston

1.1. Piston types

1.1.1. Pistons for four-stroke gasoline engines:

Modern gasoline engines employ lightweight designs with symmetrical or asymmetrical skirt profiles and potentially different wall thicknesses for the thrust and antithrust sides. These piston types are characterized by low weight and particular flexibility in the central and lower skirt areas.

Fig.1.1: Autotermique piston

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King