Being a part of the national territory of the Democratic
Republic of Congo, the area of Binza or, by extension, the Health Zone of Binza
is covered by the program «Santé pour tous», a
philosophy that aims the primary health cares, geographically accessible and
economically valid health cares.
This work aims to study the financing and the accessibility to
structures of Health Zone of Binza. Its specific field is the Zone of Binza,
that covers the same administrative entity of the administrative zone of Binza,
includes a General Hospital of Reference and twelve health center.
The population is appraised to 187 057 inhabitants where about
86 275 inhabitants, almost 46% of the total population live to more than 15 Km
from the General hospital of Reference; the question is whether that distance
constitutes a brake to the accessibility of this population to the particular
services of the hospital.
To lead this survey, we chose a representative sample of 160
households on which we tempted to study the problem of the population and so,
we succeeded in identifying some own features to the Zone of Binza:
The population depending largely on the traditional
agriculture and the subordinate professions of the public administration, their
activity doesn't provide a decent income to live worthily in the context of the
area, from where imposes himself a recourse to the outside aid to households to
answer to the vital needs notably those of health.
The cost of cares being raised slightly in relation to incomes
running and the non-existent saving system, households borrow and solicit aids
to honor their invoices of health for expenses that rise to more than 150
American dollars, in the case of cares at the level of the General hospital.
Fortunately, in spite of the presence of pharmacies, clinics and traditional-
practitioners, the structure fluently frequented by the population remains the
health center where the cost of services and working is supported by the
international organisms and a small contribution of the government and where
the population solicits some favors.
The general hospital of Reference is frequented after transfer
by the health center; unfortunately, this transfer is not accepted by the
majority of the population that fears the financial cost of cares that
generally goes to more than 150 dollars in the case of the gravity of the
illness. Fortunately, the distance doesn't put big problem to yield to the
hospital, cars being available and the cost of transport being below 10
American dollars.
- 1 -
A la fin du cycle de licence, le législateur congolais
a prévu la préparation d'un travail de mémoire
après une phase d'étude empirique.
Ainsi, ne faisant pas exception à cette règle,
nous avons préparé ce travail portant sur le financement et
accessibilité aux structures de la Zone de Santé Rurale de Binza
; nous avons appliqué cette étude sur le cas
spécifique de la Zone de santé de Binza.
L'étude a été menée depuis le mois
de février 2012 après que le Bureau central de la Zone de
santé ait présenté le rapport de fin de l'année
2011 et tracé les perspectives de l'année 2012.