The purpose of this study was to show the impact of a physical
training based on pliometrics on the development of the ability to repeat
sprints in the feminine handball. For this, we compared two groups of players
using plyometric methods for the first group (GE) and a method based on the
cons-attack for the second group (GT). The study was conducted on a total of
eight weeks with a tests phase before training and tests phase after training.
We were able to measure the vertical jump in SJ and CMJ, the maximum running
speed of 15 meters (Vmax) and the ability to repeat sprints (Sdec) of each
The results show that the performance improved for both groups
vertical jump and sprint repetitions (P <0.05) and the GE group has improved
its performance advantage CMJ (P <0.001), in Vmax (P <0.05) and endurance
sprints (P <0.001). No significant difference is present for testing SJ.
We can therefore conclude that plyometrics efficacely improves
performance by repeated sprints.
Keywords: plyometry, RSA, handball, women, vertical jump.