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La structure de la phrase interrogative en shupamem

Université de Yaoundé I - Master 2 en Linguistique Graduat 2017

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In this dissertation, our goal was to analyze question formation in Shupamem. More precisely, we wanted to explain the structures of interrogative sentences that are peculiar to Shupamem. For this reason, our main task was to identify questions markers, types of questions and the structures of interrogative sentences. Also, our aim was to identify some of the constraints and mechanisms that are generated by questions formation in Shupamem. Our data revealed that questions are marked in Shupamem by the following question markers:

` « ?


», « m?

», « n?Ì », « I », « nI » and Wh words. In fact, we used the question markers « ?Ì »,


« m?Ì » and « n?Ì » in all types of questions apart from rhetorical questions where we use « I » and « nI ». In Wh questions, the question markers are the Wh word and one of the following interrogators « ?Ì », « m?Ì », « n?Ì », « I » or « nI ». We found five (05) types of interrogative sentences in Shupamem. It was discovered that Shupamem exhibits twelve (12) interrogatives structures. We noticed that contrary to languages like French and English that admit question formation (as in «yes» or «no» question) without questions markers, in Shupamem, there is always a question marker in interrogative sentence. Moreover, we found out that Shupamem is both a Wh in-situ and a Wh ex-situ language. In fact, in this language, the Wh word can appear in sentence initial position (ex-situ) as well as in sentence final position (in-situ). We should note that the Wh phrase is in-situ when it is not focalized and is ex-situ or in sentence initial position when it is focalized and when it appears in verbless question.

Furthermore, we talked about the left periphery. And for this reason, we talked about focalization, topicalisation and relativization. Talking about focalization, we found out that all the constituents can be focalized in Shupamem. And the main techniques used in focalization are clefting and verb doubling. Talking about topicalisation, we discovered that topicalised constituents are usually at sentence initial position and may leave behind a resumptive pronoun. Our data revealed that subjects, objects and adverbials can be relativized in Shupamem. Finally, it was revealed that Shupamem does not allow any empty subject position and for this reason, in the process of focalization and relativization of the subject, the trace of the subject is replaced by a resumptive pronoun. From this analysis, we discovered that the left periphery in Shupamem has the following projections in this order:

- SForce > SRel > (STop1) > SFoc > (STop2)

- SForce > (STop1) > SRel > SFoc > (STop2)


Abréviations et signes diacritiques

1sg : première personne du singulier 2pl : deuxième personne du pluriel 2sg : deuxième personne du singulier AC : aspect accompli

Accs : accord sujet

Adv Int : adverbe interrogatif

BB : bas bas

BH : bas haut

BHB : bas haut bas

BHH : bas haut haut

BHHBH : bas haut haut bas haut

F1 : futur immédiat

F2 : futur 1

F3 : futur 2

HAB : aspect habituel HB : haut Bas

IMPF: imperfectif

INC: inchoative

INF: infinitif

INH: aspect inhérent

Int Or : interrogateur oratoire

Int : interrogateur

ISV : inversion sujet-verbe

IT : itératif

M.Int : marqueur de l'interrogation

Mot int : mot interrogatif

N AC : Aspect non-accompli

Nég : négation

Ø : morphème zéro

Op.cit. : (opus citatum ou opere citato) déjà cité

P1 : passé 1

P2 : passé 2


P3 : passé 3

P4 : passé 4

PERF : perfectif

PPR : pronom personnel de reprise

Pro Int : pronom interrogatif

PRS : présent

SInt : syntagme de l'interrogation

SAccor : syntagme de l'accord

SC : syntagme du complémenteur

SClivée : syntagme de la clivée

SFoc : syntagme du focus

SI : subordonnée interrogative

Spéc : spécifieur

SRél : syntagme de la relativation

STop : syntagme du topique

SVO : sujet verbe objet

V.I : verbe interrogatif

Signes diacritiques

/ '/ : ton haut / `/ : ton bas

/ "/ : ton descendant

/ v / : ton montant

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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