The indicators of economic development brought about by MHI.
In Ruganda sector, there are some indicators of economic
development which result from mutual health insurance policy
implementation. These indicators are:
i. Reduced illnesses and mortality rate among the
ii. Above 70 percent or 23 respondents of the beneficiaries
have opened the accounts in BPR and umurenge SACCO as financial institutions
and do save,
iii. The outlook and behavior of the beneficiaries are also
iv. Infrastructure development, such as health centres,
schools, water sanitation and cooperatives.
v. Income is increased because of increased economic
From the points above which indicate MHI's contribution on the
economic development, tangible and physical evidences are shown while moving
around the sector, though few beneficiaries still against with this policy of
CBHI (sects like «Abagorozi» which born from 7th Day
Adventists and «Temoins de Jehovah».
Health expenditure of the beneficiaries before and after joining MHI
Health expenditure of the beneficiaries in Ruganda sector
before this policy of mutual health insurance was very high. The beneficiaries
were usually fallen sick and stay at their home because of the lacking and
insufficient of financial means for them to go to the health centre for their
healthcare. They normally used to cure themselves using traditional methods.
They also used to the witchcraft/traditional doctors when they fallen sick.
This practice works as a source of conflicts among the beneficiaries and the
resources of the beneficiaries were spent buying wrong medicines or drugs. The
costs of healthcare were very high while health services were very low.
With the introduction of MHI and after its sensitization among
the beneficiaries in Ruganda sector, these join mutual health insurance. From
the time, health expenditure of the beneficiaries were low compared to the
bills of health costs before beneficiaries joining the MHI because of costs
risk sharing nature of CBHI. With MHI beneficiaries' behavior were changed. The
beneficiaries' health expenditures were reduced at a big proportion and these
costs were used by households for other purposes. However, still the
beneficiaries claim that these costs were somehow high; there is a big change
or gap between the situations before and after the beneficiaries joining these
MHI schemes.
Distribution of respondents about willingness to pay (WTP)
Table 18: Distribution of
respondents about willingness to pay (WTP)
Nature of response
Number of respondents
Percentage (%)
Source: Primary data
According to the table above, 11 respondents or 69% argued
that the beneficiaries are willingly to pay their premiums, while 5 respondents
or 31% are not willingly to pay. This big percentage or numbers of those who
are willingly to pay, justify the success of this government policy. At the
other hand this percentage of those who pay but not willingly, local
authorities and their neighbors contribute a big to sensitize them to pay their
contributions. At this issue of paying mutual health insurance contribution,
through community works, jobs are mostly given to those who do not have the was
to pay and their due contributions were taken as the advance before being paid.