My name is Brice Davakan. I am a master's student in Sociology
at Uqam.
My reason for meeting with you is my
research on «the duty of remembrance» among Africans and
Afro-descendants living in Montreal. My purpose is to establish your
position--as a leader of your community--on the duty of remembrance. By that I
mean your position regarding the diverse claims that some specific historical
events should be taken into account in social life and acts. This issue is
similar to issues at the « United Nations' conference on racism,
racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance », that
took place in Durban, South Africa, from August 31st to September
8th, 2001. In the case of Africans and Afro-descendants, that
«duty of remembrance» is specifically linked to slavery, to
colonisation, and to the on-going and varied forms of racism.
I appreciate very much your accepting to participate in my
This participation is voluntary and you will be able to end it
at any time. You can also choose not to answer some questions. Please be
assured that what you say will be kept strictly confidential, and that
the WORDS reported in the thesis will be absolutely anonymous. for the purpose
of the exactness of the words, I would like, with your permission, to record
the interview. The interview will be transferred to Compact Disc, and the
CDs will be kept as archives in a sealed drawer at the Department of Sociology
of Uqam, and you will be able to access them at any time.
The interview will take from 60 to 90 minutes, and is divided
into five sections.
Before we begin, I would like to know if you have any
I agree to participate in the research of
Brice Davakan on «Representations of duty of remembrance in a context of
plural democracy», which research is being done as part of his Master's
Degree in Sociology at UQÀM.
I agree to be interviewed by him, and I have
been informed that I MAY end my participation at anytime, AND refuse to answer
some questions.
I agree that the interview will be recorded
on a Compact disc (CD), and I understand that I will be able to listen it at
anytime on request. Only the student researcher and professor Micheline
Labelle, his thesis advisor, will have access to the CD or to its transcript.
The content of the interview will be used exclusively for the thesis, which
final report will run the results or extracts under the condition that it
will be impossible to identify any interview subject.
Name of LEADER interviewed Name of the interviewer
Signature of the leader
Signature of he interviewer
Date and place of the interview
Section 1: