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L'humour, inné ou acquis. Vers une formation des manipulateurs en électroradiologie médicale ?

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Etienne CORDIER
Institut Supérieur Technologique Montplaisir - DTS Imagerie médicale et radiologie thérapeutique 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Background: In many ways, humour is a mode of communication. Traditionally, it is the quality of being funny or appreciating funny things, manifesting in smiling or laughing. Using verbal or unverbal forms, humour has many styles and can be found in almost any situation, on any occasion. This is a universal language which can help to create a natural connection during patient interactions based on confidence and authenticity.

Objectives: Various forms of humour may be relevant in different contexts and to different people. Humour is currently being employed in the nurse-patient relationship. Moreover, laughter has many clinical benefits, promoting beneficial biological, psychological and social changes. As a possible therapeutic tool, can humour be taught to the radiographer or the student?

Methods: The study took place between November 2015 and February 2016. In the first phase, quantitative questions were addressed to radiographers (641 answers) and students (411 answers). Then, a qualitative research was only done for professionals working in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology (91 answers). Nursing staff and radiographers apprentices evaluated the utility of laughter on health and their interest in learning humour.

Results: In healthcare, humour therapy can help to relieve stress, to deal with depression, to serve as a diversionary tactic, to dispel fear of the unknown - even fear of the death - and to give an overall sense of well-being. For the participants, humour provides a more subtle and much less formal relationship with the patient. Most of them used humour as a therapeutic tool to turn negative emotions into positive thoughts, which improve the capacity of resilience. If it seems important for the majority to balance the workday with a human behavior that adds joy to life, there is a lack of consensus to get a professional training on humour. Some people judge humour as a natural predisposition; whereas others think it is necessary to learn it as a skill during professional training, or higher education.

Conclusions: This study reveals that humour at the heart of the nurse-patient relationship can enhance current healthcare. If it seems relatively complicated to teach humour for all the professional radiographers or students, we must never forget that «a smile is the shortest distance between two people» (Borge, 1991).

Keywords: humour ; nurse-patient relationship ; radiographer ; student ; training.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote