Performance with Graphic Organizers - Case
The performance with graphic organizers by case 4, as shown by
Table 7, was high for Mathematics. Case 4 averages between 90- 100% correct
responses with graphic organizers, 90-100% correct in building connections
among ideas, 90-100 % correct in integrating new information, and 85-100%
independence. Case 4 averages between 85-100 % independence because after the
initial directions were provided, the student seldom requires verbal cues or
prompts to complete the 35 activities. Case 4 made minor mistakes such as
computation, mixing signs +, - when simplifying expressions). Note that case 4
were absent for two days as shown by Table 7. Despite the student required
cues when working on her assignments, once she understood the activity she
volunteered to help others by given prompts or cues.