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The contribution of coffee crops to socioeconomic development of Karenge sector in Rwamagana district. Case study of Kopakaka cooperative. period:2008-2011.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Evariste NIYONSENGA
INATEK - Bachelor's Degree 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

4.3.5 Contribution of coffee in field of housing

The fifth question had a target of getting out the achievement in field of housing after becoming coffee farmers.

Table 11: The achievement of farmers in field of housing

Kind of achievement in the field of housing

Effective of farmers


Constriction of dwelling house



Rehabilitation of dwelling house



No thing






Source: primary data

According to the above table, coffee crops contribute more in the achievement of the field of housing.47 farmers or 46% have done the rehabilitation of dwelling house after becoming coffee farmers; 55 farmers or 54% of coffee farmers have built the duelling house.

By observation a researcher seen that coffee crops contributes in reduction of unemployment in Karenge sector. In comparison of the actual socio economic situation and the previous before 2005; there is a great difference. The actual socio economic development of Karenge sector has shifted toward the positive side. On the point of rehabilitation and building dwelling houses there is a great difference between comparisons of the situation before 2005 and the actual situation.

On the point of karenge market, before 2005 the buildings of Karenge market, were not in the good state but nowadays the market is well built and the warehouses are rebuilt in cadastre plan; this explains the development of Karengesector. Therefore coffee crops play a great importance in the achievement of field of housing of coffee farmers'members of KOPAKAKA.

4.3.6 Contribution of coffee to field of infrastructure

The sixth question had a target of getting out the achievement in the field of infrastructure after becoming coffee farmers.

Table 12: The achievement of farmers in field of infrastructure

Kind of achievement in the field of infrastructures

Effective of farmers


Water supply



Electricity supply



Supply in biogas



Supply in water and electricity



Nothing at all






Source: primary data

Based on the above table, coffee crops contribute to the achievement of field of infrastructure .64 farmers or 63% have water and electricity in their home, 9farmers or 9% have electricity in their houses, 8 farmers or 8% have water in their home,21 farmers or 20% neither water nor electricity.There are no coffee farmers who have biogas in their homes

By observation, there is improvement in infrastructures such as water supply and electricity supply; at this point; the infrastructure level was very low before 2005 but nowadays the infrastructure is at the sufficient level. Therefore coffee crops contribute more in water and electricity supply in the coffee farmers of cooperative COPAKAKA.

4.3.7 Contribution of coffee to investing activities

Theseventh question had a target of getting out the achievement in the investing activities of farmers after becoming coffee farmers

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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