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Addressing climate change through environmental assessment tools in planning processes: international practices and perspectives for Niger

par Moussa LAMINE
Technishe Universitat Dresden/ Centre For International Postgraduate School of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) - Diploma  2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy Scoping

During this phase, the terms of reference (ToR) are elaborated by the project developer in collaboration with the BEEIA in case an EIA is deemed necessary. The ToR identifies the important environmental issues including concerned populations opinion and guide the EIA so that investigations and resources are focused on those aspects of the project that are likely to produce significant adverse impacts. They are submitted by the project developer to the ministry of the environment via BEEIA for approval. Realisation of the EIA

This step is under the responsibility of the developer and is conducted according to the (ToR). The developer conducts the inventory leading to the description of the initial state of the biophysical and human environment; identifies and assesses the impacts, carries out the choice and analyses the alternatives, proposes mitigation and improvement measures, develops an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) that defines the monitoring conditions and elaborates the EIA report. Review of Impact Assessment Report

The draft EIA report is submitted for a review to the BEEIA, which has twenty-one days to review the EIA report and submits its results to the minister of the environment. There are two types of reviews: Internal Review

It aims to ensure that the content of the draft report complies with the requirements of the ToR and that of Article 7 of the Decree 2000-397 on the content of an EIAR. It is conducted by the BEEIA which transmits an admissibility notification of the report to the developer.

13 External Review

Two main activities are carried out for the purpose of the external review.

y' The BEEIA conducts a field verification mission to compare the information contained in the draft EIAR and the reality on the ground and organises a public hearing to take better into account social concerns. This activity leads to the elaboration of a field and public consultation report.

y' In the meantime, an ad-hoc committee composed of the project' stakeholders is set up by the minister of environment via BEEIA to examine the quality of the EIA report at a workshop to be organised for that purpose. The field and public consultation report elaborated by the BEEIA is also presented during the workshop. Authorisation of Project

At the end of the workshop, the BEEIA reports the results of the EIA procedure to the minister of environment within seven days from the date of receipt of the ad-hoc committee's meeting report. The final decision is supported by the field and public consultation and the ad-hoc committee meeting report. On the basis of these reports, the decision will either be an authorization (issuance of the Certificate of Environmental Compliance) for the implementation of the project or a rejection of the EIAR, hence its resumption with new ToR. Monitoring Conditions

Monitoring conditions are the responsibility of the developer, the CA and the BEEIA. Prior to the implementation of the project, the CA identifies the impacts that need to be monitored as well as the relevant indicators. It will also specify the schedules for monitoring and evaluation, people responsible for follow up and the measures to be taken in case negative impacts would exceed expectations. As a result, the project developer submits to the BEEIA the ESMP that allows the elaboration of the environmental specifications and an agreement to be signed between the project developer and the BEEIA. Figure 3 below outlines the EIA administrative procedure in Niger.


days 2 days





r,ppreciatjon: MESD

Figure 3: Administrative Procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment in Niger

Preparation of TOR by developer in collaboration with


Approval of TOR
by the



No Need for EIA


Realization of EIA and production of EIA report (EIAR)

Admissibility assessment of EIAR by BEEEI



learned J


implementation of project J

Monitoring and
control of ESMP by

Implementation of
ESMP by the Developer




Evaluation of
EIAR by Ad
hoc comity

Delivery of

ificate of

enviro enta I complian e


Source: Translated and adopted from Cisse (2016)


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Soit réservé sans ostentation pour éviter de t'attirer l'incompréhension haineuse des ignorants"   Pythagore