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Addressing climate change through environmental assessment tools in planning processes: international practices and perspectives for Niger

par Moussa LAMINE
Technishe Universitat Dresden/ Centre For International Postgraduate School of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) - Diploma  2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


3.1. Assessment of Niger Legislation on Environment Impact Assessment 3.1.1. History of Environmental Assessment (EA) Procedure in Niger

Niger officially entered into the EA procedure in 1997 with the adoption of the Ordinance 97-001 of January 10th, 1997 on the institutionalisation of EIAs. Article 4 of the Ordinance requires that development activities, projects or programs that may affect the natural and human environment, because of their size or their impact are subject to the prior authorisation of the minister in charge of environment. The authorisation is granted on the basis of an environmental impact assessment prepared by the developer.

The operationalisation of EIAs in Niger began in 1998 with the creation of the Bureau of Environmental Evaluation and Impact Assessment (BEEIA) and the three implementing decrees of the ordinance adopted in 2000. The implementing decrees are:

y' Decree 2000-369 / PRN / ME / LCD of 12 October 20006 on the responsibilities, organization and functioning of the BEEIA;

y' Decree 2000-397 / PRN / ME / LCD of 20 October 2000 on the administrative procedure of Environmental Impacts Assessment;

y' Decree 2000-398 / PRN / ME / LCD of 20 October 2000 determining the list of activities, works and planning documents for which environmental impact assessments are required.

As far as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is concerned, it is important to stress that there are no specific guidelines in Niger. In practice, SEA is conducted in the same way as EIA or sometimes in accordance with the funding institutions requirements like World Bank. That represents a huge gap and deficiency in the strategic planning of PPP.

3.1.2. EIA Procedure in Niger

The Decree 2000-397 sets out the administrative proceeding to be followed in assessing and examining the environmental impacts of a project and specifies the content of the EIA report and the public consultation mechanism. The stages of the proceeding shall include project notification, screening, scoping, realisation of the EIA, review of EIA report, authorisation of project and monitoring conditions (Art. 4). In addition, Article 7 of the decree defines the content of an EIA report. Project Notification

6 The decree 2000-369 has been amended several times.


The project Notification is a brief description of the project, its location, potential positive and negative environmental impacts which it is likely to generate and the schedule for its completion. It is submitted to the ministry of environment by the developer. It must be accompanied by maps, plans, sketches and other relevant documents helping to situate the project in its context. Screening

The screening allows determining if an EIA is required. It is conducted by the BEEIA, within a period of ten days from the date of receipt of the notification to give the minister of environment its opinion. The minister shall notify the developer within 48 hours from the date of receipt of the BEEIA opinion. At the end of this period, the developer may consider his project notification as agreed.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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