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La gestion des ressources humaines dans les collectivités territoriales décentralisées.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Thomas Yves TONGUE
Inead Vitrolles de france - Master 2 professionnel 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


There are two types of decentralization that the state can use to realize its activities, according to what it wants to lighten its functional aspect or to be focused on its territorial parameters.

The former method consist in a transferring a part of his competences to a service endowed

with legal personalities and with administrative and financial self-government; this is technical decentralization, for example the state universities with the mission of teaching and research.

The later method belongs to the spatial criterion; the state transfers a part of its assignment to territorial entities endowed with proper organs which enable them to acting dependently.

The word «transfer» here means the state government yields some of its competences and resources for the benefit of decentralized territorial councils.

It is in this way that, according to the human resources article 19 of the law N° 2004-17 of July 2004, leading to the decentralization in Cameroon, stipulates that the territorial council should recruit and rule the staff to accomplish their mission according to the legal process.

The present «study» is based on the analyses of how these human resources are managed at the source in the rural council such as Dibombari and the impact of this management on the growth of the locality.

We know that the implementation of decentralization in Cameroon was conceived as a real process of local development, intending to enhance the possibilities of a locality in order to stimulate economic growth for an equal and harmonized development of the whole country.

To realize this work in titled «Human resources management in the decentralized territorial collectivities: a pledge to development of Cameroon. Case of the municipality of Dibombari. We went to the council of Dibombari where we spend sufficient time in a work-placement, conducting a lot of investigations, making many observations and posing many questions; all of which allowed us to produce theoretical research.

This gave us not only the possibility to situate the problematic and the field of study, but also to give a report on the management of human resources in that council. A report which showed considerably inadequacy in the terms of the real needs and number of quality of workers.

The recruitment of staff was shown to be the main problem in developing countries. On other hand, to this lack of human resources is added the problem of structural organization and the physical and psychological management of workers.

This frail management of human resources leads to a lack of efficacy which subsequently impedes the development of that locality and consequently of the whole of Cameroon; because in view of the comparative research that will be mentioned in this study, these problems seem to be general to all the territorial collectivities.


La gestion des ressources humaines dans les collectivités territoriales décentralisées : un gage
au développement du Cameroun. Cas de la Commune de Dibombari

The regulation of that sector is therefore the real way to advance.



Introduction générale


Première partie : le cadre de l'étude, la problématique, et l'approche



Chapitre 1 : Le cadre, la problématique et le contexte et de l'étude


Section 1 : Le cadre de l'étude


Section 2 : La problématique .


A- Les hypothèses de recherche


B- Les objectifs de l'étude



Section 3 : Le contexte de l'étude


Chapitre 2 : L'approche méthodologique


Section 1 : La recherche documentaire


Section 2 : Les travaux de terrain


A- L'échantillonnage


B- La collecte des données



Deuxième partie : L'état des lieux de la gestion des ressources humaines au sein de la

Commune de Dibombari


Chapitre 1 : Le diagnostic obtenu après enquête sur le terrain


Section 1 : Le constat d'un déficit qualitatif et quantitatif en matière de ressource humaine.........27

Section 2 : Une inadéquation confirmée entre effectif et besoins réels de la commune ...29

A- Une sous-représentation des agents qualifiés 29

B- Une absence de politique de formation 30
Chapitre 2 :L'absence de formalisme des modes d'organisation des communes et du statut de

l'agent communal .

Section 1 : Un grave déficit de formalisation des modes d'organisation causant des problèmes




A- un organigramme existant mais inopérationnel


B- Une organisation de travail lacunaire



Section 2 : Un corpus juridique et légal insuffisamment élaborés


A- L'absence de statut du personnel communal


B- Le rôle de la tutelle insuffisamment rempli



Section 3-Les conséquences de ce manque de formalisme sur la motivation des agents 41

Troisième partie : La normalisation de la gestion des ressources humaines au sein de la

Commune de Dibombari : gage de développement de la localité .........46


La gestion des ressources humaines dans les collectivités territoriales décentralisées : un gage

au développement du Cameroun. Cas de la Commune de Dibombari

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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