This work was about the épidémio-clinical
aspects of the premature childbirth in the service of Gynéco-Obstetric
in the Zone of health of KARISIMBI" Case of the General hospital of Reference
of Virunga" of July 1st, 2021 to June 30, 2022" us landed the following main
v What would the épidémio-clinical aspects of
the premature childbirth be in the Virunga HGR?
And facing this main question, the specific questions here -
v What are the reasons of the premature childbirth to l'
v What are the clinical signs of the premature childbirth to
l' HGR/V?
v What is the hold in charge of the premature childbirth to l'
To these specific questions, we intended of the temporary
answers in terms of following hypotheses:
Ø TO l' HGR/V the main reasons (encouraging factors) of
the premature childbirth would be the mother's age, the parity, antecedent in
childbirth premature and certain illnesses as the malaria, l' HTA, the IST/VIH.
Ø The main clinical signs of the premature childbirth
threat in the Virunga HGR would be the pains lombo - pelvic, loss liquidienne,
bleed vaginal and uterine bottom importing.
Ø The conduct to hold threat of premature childbirth
would be in bed rest + tocolyse + antibiotique+ corticothérapie, or then
the starting point of childbirth work.
To illuminate the merit of this survey that is transverse and
retrospective, we set ourselves the objectives below:
v General objective
To contribute to the improvement of the hold in charge of the
premature childbirth threat in the sanitary formations.
v Objective specific
Ø Déterminer the factors étiologiques of
the premature childbirth to the HGR / Virunga
Ø Déterminer the clinical signs of a premature
childbirth threat to l' HGR Virunga
Ø Évaluer the level of the hold in charge of the
premature in the Virunga HGR.
To harvest the data and to arrive to the results of this
survey, we made resort to the synthetic and statistical method. On 253 cases of
childbirth threat we found 70 cases like sample while using the formula of
GLOVE. After spoliation, seizure, treatment and analyze the interpretation of
the results thus, we succeeded to the following findings:
v On 70 cases of premature childbirth threat one recorded 20
cases of premature childbirths of which 11 deaths are 55%.
v The pathologies that had been associated to the threat of
premature childbirth are:
Ø Malaria with 27%
Ø IST/VIH with 24%
Ø HTA with 19%
v The perinatal death rate rose to 25% either 5 deaths out of
20 premature.
The hold in precocious charge is efficient of the MAP would
contribute to decrease the premature childbirth rate that has some heavy
consequences so much that for the premature that for the mother. His/her/its
reduction can only result from the simultaneous improvement conjugated of the
sanitary education objectifies by the assiduity of the women in the CPN and the
one of the quality of the cares to the level of the health centers.