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Effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of rwandan hospitals a case of Kabaya district hospital (2019- 2020)

par Rukundo Paterne
University of Kigali - Master's degree in Science of Procurement and supply Chain Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy





Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a master's degree in Science of Procurement and supply Chain Management.

Musanze, September 2021


I,Paterne RUKUNDO, hereby declare that this dissertation entitled «Effect of Implementation of E-procurement on Effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals (2019- 2020). A case study of Kabaya District Hospital» is my own work and it has not been submitted anywhere for the award of any degree.




This work is dedicated to:

The Almighty God,

My parents with my whole family,

My brothers, my friends and beloved relatives


This is to certify that this work entitled «Effect of Implementation of E-procurement on Effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals (2019- 2020). A case study of Kabaya District Hospital» was carried out by RUKUNDO Paterne under my supervision.

Signature .......................... Date ................................

Superviser : Dr DUSHIMIMANA Jean de Dieu


Firstly, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Almighty God for loving and blessing me since my birth until now.

I extend my thanks to the UoK management and staff for the knowledge and skills I acquired from them. I thank particularly Dr. DUSHIMIMANA Jean de Dieu who devoted part of his time to the supervision of this work. His invaluable guidance contributed to the successful completion of this dissertation.

My deepest gratitude goes to the management of Kabaya District Hospital that granted me permission to carry out my research study from their organization and most especially the Director General for having allocated part of their valuable time to my research copies of the questionnaire.

I want to express my heartfelt thanksto allpeople and best friends especially my wife MUKAMUGANGA Clotilde who contributed significantly to the completion of this research work.

My unfathomable thanks go to my friends and colleague classmates in Procurement department and to my children BAWE SHIMWA Merveille Divine and BAWE SHIMWA Alliance Louana for making my life as a student enjoyable.

To all those mentioned and not mentioned but sincerely contributed to the fulfillment of this study, may our Almighty God bless your plans!



E-Procurement is more than just a system for making purchases online. It has been advocated as a key performance indicator that can improve performance and competence of procuring entities. Some procuring entities implement e-procurement and succeed while others fail. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals, the case of Kabaya District Hospital. This study had three specific objectives: to examine how electronic submission of bids affects effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital;to find out the effect of easy access to all published tenders on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital; to determine the extent to which viable communication between bidders and Procuring Entity leads to the effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital. The study adopted a descriptive approach to establish the effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals. The sample size of 24 respondents was selected from a list of 35 Suppliers that have contracts with Kabaya District Hospital and staff of Kabaya District Hospital. Data were collected from the respondents through a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by employing descriptive statistics and inferential analysis using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The data were then presented in tables and charts. The independent variable (Electronic submission of bids) has effect of 80.2% on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital as represented by R Square. The coefficient of correlation value of 0.839 indicates that there was a positive strong correlation between independent and dependent variable. The independent variable (easy access to all published tenders) has an influence of 74.3 percent on the effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital. The coefficient of correlation of 0.786 implies that the independent and dependent variables have a moderate positive relationship. The independent variable (viable communication between bidders and Procuring Entity) according to R Square has a 71.4 percent, i.e. it has effect on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital. The coefficient of correlation of 0.779 indicates a moderately positive correspondence between the independent and dependent variables. The findings indicate that there is a positive effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals. The study recommends that all the procuring entities should adopt e-procurement (Umucyo system).

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery