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Impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local government entities

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par Daniel Ibyimanikora
University of Rwanda - A0 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.5 Objectives of the Study

Normally in order to well attain any specific research, they should be pertinent objectives to motivate the researcher; this study will be underlying on to pursue the general and specific objectives which are the following:

1.5.1 General Objective

To assess how the organizational communication is done within Tumba Sector leaders.

To identify whether the citizens get their relative information timely.

To examine whether the organizational communication enhances work effectiveness in Tumba Sector?

1.5.2 Specific Objectives

1. To find out if organizational Communication done through the citizen of Tumba Sector enhances work effectiveness.

2. To identify the problems met by citizen due to the communication they get.

3. To highlight the action that shows the work effectiveness due to organization in Tumba Sector.

1.6 Research hypothesis

The construction of Hypothesis brings clarity and specificity on the research problem because it raises a form of set of bunch and speculation to investigate while conducting the research. It brings direction and tells what information to collect and thereby provide a great focus.

The organizational communication enhances work effectiveness of local government entities.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is divided into: place scope and time scope. In conducting my research I will be limited on the Effect of Communication in enhancing Local Government performance.

I chose these complementary concepts in order to get full information on how goals can be reached by means of communication among the population.

1.7.1 The time scope

The time that I have taken from 2010 to 2014 in TUMBA Sector within Huye District, It will provide much more information necessary on how organizational communication is a prominent issue in enhancing work effectiveness of Local Government entities.

1.7.2 The Scope in place

The study of effects communication in enhancing local government performance will be carried out in Southern province, HUYE District especially in TUMBA Sector.

I have selected this Sector as a place where I will conduct my research because I was interested in studying communication as a backbone of any institution, Another element which encouraged me to choose this sector is that there; I can easily get such an area and also it is not far from my residence place where it should be easy to get information.

1.8 Significance of the Study

Every scientific research should inevitably have it implication both on individual, institutional and even the national level, this study will have its personal, academic, national, institution and social significance:

Nationally, this study will help the decision makers to take some measures to enforce means of enforcing communication through local government in order to have effective performance.

At the institutional level: this research will contribute the resolution of the problem

By Contributing valuable information on areas to help improve organizational communication and identification of the problem that previously affected the communication link between staff and personnel. By identifying alternative means of communication and determining what methods and resources available to improve in this area, the goal is to eliminate any communication barrier between line staff and personnel.

The goal will be alternative methods, ideas or alternative methods to eliminate or at last minimize any barrier that may exist.

Academically, the school will be increasing the number of graduates which makes it to reach a considerable step in promoting Education especially in the College of Arts and Social Sciences. It will also be used by other researchers in future years that will be carrying out the related topic with organizational communication towards work effectiveness of local government entities.

Personally, the importance of this study is to increase knowledge on to accomplishing a research on a particular issue especially in my field of Public Administration in which it will also done as a partial of the requirements for the award of bachelor's degree in.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Un démenti, si pauvre qu'il soit, rassure les sots et déroute les incrédules"   Talleyrand