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Impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local government entities

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par Daniel Ibyimanikora
University of Rwanda - A0 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.3 The problem statement

In today's world, we all must be communicatively aware and ready to cope with rapid organizational change during this «information-intensive age» where downsizing, strikes, illegal activities, and bankruptcies dominate the headlines (Deetz,S. (2001:17) Ineffective communication can cause many problems that can impact relationships, productivity, job satisfaction, and morale as we interact in organizations. As we continue our education in college, we should continue to understand the need to be prepared for a perpetually evolving, increasingly diverse, and unpredictable global workplace. The key to organizational success, both for us and the organizations with, who is involved, is effective communication.

Eisenberg, E. M., & Riley, (2001).pp291 Organizationally, communication failure occurs due to information overload, communication anxiety, unethical communication, bad timing, too little information, message distortion, lack of respect, insufficient information, minimal feedback, ineffective communication, and even disinterest or apathy. To be successful in our organizational environments, we need to be earnest participants, as well as active listeners, to ensure effective communication and mutual satisfaction. Organizations cannot successfully operate without effective communication at every level. In fact the problem which happens within organizations is the gap among citizens and information flow to be aware of updates.

Notwithstanding the ways of organizational communication in my case study, there is also a problem related to the insufficient of office and basic infrastructure such as house which shows that other necessary commodities are inexistent, and I wondered how citizens get necessary and timely information while there are three offices in one institution, accordingly I am raring to go and search whether organizational communication can enhance work effectiveness in local government entities in the already mentioned case study. Not only lack of basic infrastructure, but also the population who are always moving due to their occupation becomes another constraint to effective organizational communication.

1.4 Research Questions

Any research can't be achieved without questions to search for answers; it is in such a way that this research will be guided by general and specific questions which are the following to assess generally and particularly what are compromising issues on organizational communication in Tumba Sector.

1.4.1General research question

A. How is organizational communication done within Tumba among leaders?

B. What does prove that citizens get their relative information timely?

C. What is the impact of organizational communication on worker effectiveness in Tumba sector?

1.4.2 Specific questions

A. 1) what are the challenges faced by Tumba Sector in communicating citizens?

2) Who are responsible for local citizen and organizational communication in Tumba Sector?

3) What time does it take to communicate local people in Tumba about action to be done?

B.1) How often Tumba Sector's go on field to meet citizens for informing them about government programs?

2) To what extent populations of Tumba Sector attend government programs?

3) What are ways of sensitization of announcements used in Tumba Sector?

C.1) What are preferences/ wishes of citizens in Tumba Sector to get easily the update information?

2) What happens to information disseminator when information doesn't reach the the destination?

3) What shows that organizational communication enhances work effectiveness in Tumba Sector?

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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