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Emploi des modaux will et would dans les subordonnées en when en anglais contemporain( Télécharger le fichier original )par Julie TEISSEIRE Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis - Master 2007 |
CORPUS______________________________________________ When + will Ø Relatives avec antécédent. No hard and fast rules can be laid down, but the sooner you can help teenagers acquire the confidence to act responsibly and not to be afraid of peer pressure, the more freedom you can allow them. You are also preparing them well for the time when they will be outside your jurisdiction for ever. Keeping the contract, Martin Herbert, a professor of clinical psychology, has written an excellent book, Living with Teenagers. He outlines a plan for coping with the conflicts that often arise in the family during the teenage years. Forty plus, M. BATCHELOR. An understanding of this should have been well and truly introduced into the minds of children by the time they are old enough to play such games as those which simulate parental behaviour. Careful explanations at this time could give them at least an inkling of the importance of the game, and some measure of preparation for the time when it will be no game, but a reality of great promise. Furthermore such preparation would be of value when the time came for serious sexual training. The alternative religion, W.E. GALE. We want big changes and we want them quickly, but we cannot see clearly enough how to set to work. We hold, at the bottom of our hearts, the same ideals of justice and brotherhood, and it is this common aspiration that I should like to express and represent. It is because I feel that the impulse that is behind the work of the Labour Party is mainly the same longing for the time when man will be able to live in free and equal comradeship that I find myself in line with that party. The culture of labourism, J. MARRIOTT. The pomegranate mouth still glowed impeccably, the sculptured curls lay smooth; people were beginning to look flushed, she remained a fount of coolness. `Mademoiselle Flavia -', her neighbour said. `Flavia' `Then you do like me well enough?' `I loathe being called Mademoiselle'. `Because you can't wait for the time when you'll be a married woman?' A compass error, S. BEDFORD. `God rest his soul,' murmured Paddy. `Ay,' continued Denis, `well, with him away, I can be my own man now. I can be myself. I can begin to be a real father to my girls and prepare for the day when I'll be a grandfather to their children. What I mean is, you always think that you're tomorrow's man and yesterday's child and then suddenly you realise that today is the tomorrow you were always looking forward to, if you see what I mean, and quite soon you'll be yesterday's man yourself'. Worlds apart, J. CAIRNEY. It is a lottery philosophy, and lottery risk is something different from both insurance and Broadway risk. If more blocks are added to the pile in the drawing in the same manner as those already there, there must come a moment when the whole pile will tip over. Ultimate catastrophe is inevitable. The question is when it will happen. There are those who believe that a major earthquake along the San Andreas fault is inevitable at some time, but meanwhile people live in California and thrive and make money. The `time risk' illustrated in the drawing is interesting because of the inevitability of failure: the risk is shifted to the estimation of the length of time that might elapse before that failure. Atlas of management thinking, E. DE BONO. Ø Relatives sans antécédent. Whether and when you can see the client if he or she `pops in' should be dealt with very clearly. The client does not know what to expect and it is your responsibility to ensure that he or she does not waste time trying to contact you at inappropriate times. Most clients will readily understand why you cannot be available all the time, so long as you tell them when you will be available.71(*) Know-how for personal injury lawyers, I. WALKER. Ø Interrogatives indirectes, ou discours indirect. It is a lottery philosophy, and lottery risk is something different from both insurance and Broadway risk. If more blocks are added to the pile in the drawing in the same manner as those already there, there must come a moment when the whole pile will tip over. Ultimate catastrophe is inevitable. The question is when it will happen. There are those who believe that a major earthquake along the San Andreas fault is inevitable at some time, but meanwhile people live in California and thrive and make money. The `time risk' illustrated in the drawing is interesting because of the inevitability of failure: the risk is shifted to the estimation of the length of time that might elapse before that failure.72(*) Atlas of management thinking, E. DE BONO. However you might be surprised at how often these settings don't include the language you expect to hear. Once you've found a video sequence you could use to present specific language items, you then have to decide when you will introduce it in your teaching of a unit. There are several possibilities: it could be used to present language, either for the introduction of new areas of language or to supplement what has been taught by other means and methods. Teaching English with video, M. ALLAN. Once gained, the ridge never disappoints. The best route is east to west, as following the sun results in the treat of trying to glimpse the sea and watching the sun set. It brings a hazard too. Even though the wind kept the tops cool, the sun was relentless, and I foolishly changed out of my breeches into shorts for the remainder of the route. I wonder when I will learn that on a long walk in a single unchanging direction, one will automatically go home with a left leg sporting first-degree burns and a right limb like a piece of white Italian veal? The first fifty, M. GRAY. Ø Valeur de volonté, volition, refus. I tremble to think of it. Black-hearted wretch. [to BELVILLE] Honoured sir, your last proposal to me convinces me I ought not to stay, so, with a thousand thanks for all favours, I will set out for home tomorrow early. Begging you will not take it amiss I shall ever be your dutiful servant. BELVILLE: Ungrateful. Go when you will. My travelling chariot will be ready and Lincolnshire Robin shall drive you. [PAMELA exits.] [to LINCOLNSHIRE ROBIN] You perfectly well understand your instructions? ROBIN: Yes, an't please your honour. BELVILLE: Well, discharge' em properly and I'll reward you. ROBIN: I shall, sir. Pamela, F. MORGAN & G. HAVERGAL. Ø Adversatives (concessives et contrastives). They can also be disqualified from acting as directors of companies in the future. If your debtor has money and no legitimate excuse for not paying what he owes you, the only solution may be to take him to court. In England and Wales this will mean the County Court, unless your debt is over £5000, when it will mean the High Court. In Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands it will mean the local courts. In the County Court you may file the necessary documents yourself, employ a solicitor or use a collection agency. As you can see from the table on page 73 the methods of recovery are quite varied. Debt collection made easy, P. BUCKLAND. They are your direct link to the regional Sports Councils and may be able to help you get financial or practical help for special project, particularly if these projects could lead to an increase in participation. During the next year or two we will be forming part of a special Sports Council programme when they will be concentrating their resources to help movement and dance organisations. Although this programme has not yet started if you feel you have an initiative which could quality contact your representative and have a chat. Medau Society leaflets. Ø «Vraies» temporelles (difficile de les différentier des relatives, notamment des appositives). He knocked one year off a full 10-year term to take account of the strain on Christie of a second hearing. Penny McAllister's parents welcomed the decision but insisted the verdict should have been murder and the sentence life. `Our daughter would have been 29 years old when this person will be walking the streets again,' said 51-year-old Norman Squire at his home in Arundel, West Sussex. `I do think that public concern over the leniency of the original sentence has been assuaged and in that sense I suppose some justice has been done.' Mrs Squire added: `It is still going to be very dark for us.' Today. Orrell, however, are confident he will be fit and name their regular side, with Chris Brierley and Brian Wellens likely to be on the replacements' bench. Brierley is the obvious stand-in for Bob Kimmins, still not 100 per cent after his back troubles, while Wellens' inclusion depends on his coming through tomorrow's final, when he will be in the Lancashire centre. Though they will travel well prepared, the Lancashire club have no idea as to the strength of opposition they will meet, Harlequins having indicated some time ago that a number of their senior players may have other commitments during the Easter break. Daily Telegraph. When + would Ø Relatives avec antécédent. No relief came. Worried, Wilson confided in Mrs Browning that she feared Ellen might not have received her letter, the posts being so very variable, and was instructed to write again and have it sent with a reply paid, a system she was assured was possible if expensive. Still no acknowledgement was made and it grew near the time when Gigia would be setting out on her journey. Over and over Mrs Browning emphasised what a deal of trouble the Ogilvys were being put to on her behalf, by allowing their maid to do what she was going to do, and Wilson knew it was true. Lady's maid, M. FORSTER. It is probable that their thermo-regulatory techniques actually went through prolonged periods of metamorphoses. In the end even that was not enough for continued survival. The dinosaurs probably lost the race against time, having already lost bipedality and vestigial hands at the time when mammalian-type warm-bloodedness would almost certainly have guaranteed their survival into perpetuity. In order to understand why this happened we must now turn, in this final chapter of this section, to the question of how the dinosaurs regulated, or failed to regulate, their body heat. Were the dinosaurs warm-blooded? The fate of the dinosaurs: new perspectives in evolution, A. MILNE. Psychobiology is based largely on studies of behavioural and physiological processes in non-human animals. Most people study psychology because they want to understand human behaviour and question the relevance of work on animals to their overall goal. The time when scruples about extrapolating from studies on animals to humans would have seemed absurd, because it was widely held that basic behavioural processes were common to all species and that the complexity of behaviour was simply a function of the capacity of the organism to learn, is long since past. Issues in psychobiology, C. LEGG. Birth parents have to wait for adoptees to choose to contact them and may therefore experience feelings of desperation and anticipation around the time when the adoptee would be 18 years old. A subsequent pregnancy may re-awaken grief and anger if the birth mother feels she was forced by her parents or social circumstances to have the previous baby adopted. Does the mother then tell those children that they have a brother/sister in an unknown place? Professional nurse, AUSTEN CORNISH PUBLISHERS Ltd. She never liked the killing of them, though, whereas now she looked forward to the moment when she would finally take advantage of his surrender. When they were together, she felt in charge; and the feeling made her forget all that had brought her to this. But as it faded when they stopped, she wanted to repeat their coupling again, and drown again in the sweet rush of forgetfulness, until the time when she would bring it all to an end, or so she promised herself she would. She nursed his ailments too, and with a needle from a certain yucca picked out the chigoes from his feet, neatly, so as not to burst the sac in which the nits were hatching and release them into his flesh: the insects between his pink and white toes were just like a shrimp's roe. Indigo, M. WARNER. The vision of Doreen, head erect, and full of confidence as she rode beside Silas, was all too clear. In comparison, she herself would look little better than a sack of potatoes on horseback. Despite her depression she occupied herself with office tasks, and, although there were times when she dabbed at a tear, she reminded herself that she must prepare for the time when she would never see Silas again. So, when the riding party of teenage girls returned for a late lunch, Lucy forced herself to present time with a brightly smiling face. Dejection was again with her next morning, pressing heavily to remind her that she would face another day of visualising Doreen riding knee to knee beside Silas. Wilder's wilderness, M. MACGREGOR. After a few years' disgrace they were back living quietly but comfortably in Moscow. Perhaps it was a reversion to humane behaviour after Stalin's terror techniques. Perhaps it was self-interest. Khrushchev may have been perspicacious enough to imagine the day when his turn would come and he would become Special Pensioner Khrushchev. But for the remainder of the Fifties the initiative was seized in the Soviet Union, and often the world, by this gifted peasant, a copy-book proletarian, a metal worker who did not read or write until he was in his twenties and who summed up in his character so many of the strengths and weaknesses of the Communist system. The fifties: portrait of an age, P. LEWIS. Ø Relatives sans antécédent. Without it, not only will your standard of living suffer. You may lose your independence and your health; worry about money can be a major cause of illness in retired people. You will also lack freedom of manoeuvre. You may not be able to retire when it would be most convenient. You may want to wind down your workload as you get older, but without a second income to replace your lost earnings, your options will be restricted. Financial leaflets. Ø Interrogatives indirectes, ou discours indirect. She had taken a craving for the sight of green grass. Also she still hoped to rid herself of her burden, which had persisted in her despite Paul's nightly penetrations and her own constant daily walking, as if that would shed it; walking, as now, with the almost waddling gait of a heavily pregnant woman. She did not know how long she would have to carry the child, or when it would be born; she had no one to ask except Mrs Seager, who was still insistent that they go soon. They could, at any rate, Dinah thought wryly, go with respectability; they had been married yesterday. For some reason Papa's permission, which had stubbornly been denied to the lawyer's requests all these months, had lately been given. A dark star passing, P. HILL. I looked at him doubtfully for a moment. All I could do was repeat the injections, but was it going to make the slightest difference? The boy misread my hesitation. `Ah can pay!' he burst out. `Ah can get t'money!' `Oh I didn't mean that, Wes. I was just wondering when it would be suitable. How about bringing him in on Thursday?' He nodded eagerly and left with his dog. As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness. Vets might fly, J. HERRIOT. These apparently were made in veneered chipboard and would cost me £2450.What was the height of the deceased? I told him Nigel's height and asked if the coffin would be supplied with any kind of container or cover. No luck there but a duvet and dustsheets would disguise the shape perfectly well from the eyes of the squeamish. I was asked when I would be collecting it. I wasn't sure, I said, but soon, very soon; I'd phone and tell him within the next couple of days. We bade each other a very goodbye. I found that I was trembling. I could hardly believe it. Undertaken with love, J. SPOTTISWOODE. `There's a little cove about half-way between here and the big house, the Hamilton house. It's a safe mooring in any weather, and the nearest to home.' The last word fell queerly in the little room, with the fire burning cosily and the insistent sounds of the storm at the window. I sipped cocoa, and wondered how and when I would be able to turn him out into the night again. Or even if. The windows, black as pitch, were streaming with water, and from time to time doors and windows rattled as if the cottage were under attack. Stormy petrel, M. STEWART. Ø Valeur de volonté, volition, refus. A couple of hours later, when he had been talking non-stop on the telephone, she was sitting in a chair half asleep. `I'm going to make a fortune,' he said. `Oliver Craddock was right. What were you thinking when you wouldn't tell me'? `Nothing. Sorry, I've gummed up. It wasn't anything' He threw a piece of ice at her and called her frigid. She said in a rage that she had been thinking it was rough on him to belong to a society with a theology of gambling. `You're in it too, mate,' he said. Nobody's business, P. GILLIAT. `I knew you were protecting someone, but I couldn't be sure who. I gave you that ultimatum because I wanted you to confide in me. You've no idea how let down I felt when you wouldn't.' How like him to want to slay her dragons, not realising he had been one himself. `I promise not to do it again,' Paige declared handsomely. The stolen heart, A. BROWNING. `Yes. I never really doubted -never!' They drove on in the darkness, forming one bundle under the cloth. `I must write to my mother,' she said. `Of course, dear child. Where does she live?' `In Marlott.' `Ah, then I have seen you before.' `Yes, when you would not dance with me. Oh, I hope that doesn't mean bad luck!' After this decision Tess wrote an urgent letter to her mother. This was the reply she received: Dear Tess, I hope you are well, as I am. We are all glad to hear you are going to be married soon. Tess of the d'Urbervilles, T. HARDY. A second after that and, her heart suddenly racing, Fabia dashed over to the phone, and was sorely disappointed that the call, though an outside one and not reception, was not from Ven but his secretary. `Hello, Lubor!' she answered his greeting cheerfully. Why should she take it out on him that he'd got the wrong voice? `When you would not dine with me on Tuesday, I drove that evening to my parents in Plzen, but had I known you would sound so pleased to hear me, I would have driven back sooner than last night,' he lost no time in taking advantage. Now, Fabia swiftly realised, was the time to back away. `How are you?' she ignored his comment. West of Bohemia, J. STEELE. The kind of friends she had were loyal by definition, and they liked her, in their eyes she was a woman who could do no wrong (she was only separated, mind, not divorced), they were ready to do anything for her and when she would not let them they did it for the girl. They liked the girl, too. `That's not beside the point.' Anna wasn't rich for England, far from it. Mr James says the yardstick was the multiplicity of houses in full running order. Two isn't multiplicity and Castelfonte never was in running order, and now they were living in hotels. A compass error, S. BEDFORD. Ø Circonstancielles de cause. His eyes lit with a gleam which frightened her badly. `And this man, Leonora, has been celibate for a long time. Not from choice, you understand, but because Melanie withdrew her favours as a punishment when I wouldn't relent about the move to Wales. Bloody fool that I am, my pride wouldn't let me accept other consolation, even when offered, neither before the divorce, nor since.' Leonora gazed at him in silence, her heart beating against the blue chambray shirt like a tom-tom. `Don't be nervous,' he said lightly. `I've no taste for rape.' Out of the storm, C. GEORGE. Dr Richard Kellett said he had never seen a child as badly injured. She suffered a minimum of 50 blows. Her father, David Hammond, aged 25, allegedly beat Sukina to death in the family home in St Paul's, Bristol, last December 6 after he became annoyed when she would not spell her name. Hammond denies murder. The prosecution alleges Hammond attacked the girl with his hands, fists, a ruler and the flex from an electric kettle. Dr Kellett, who gave evidence of his post-mortem examination, said most of the injuries were consistent with blows from the flex, either looped or in a straight line. The Guardian. Ø Adversatives (concessives et contrastives). Many people wear contact lenses. If you wear glasses full-time, you should take trouble over selecting frames. You will wear them more frequently than any single outfit of clothes and it is worth paying as much as you can afford to get a pair that makes you feel and look good. Don't be persuaded to be safe and sensible when you would rather be dashing and adventurous in your choice. Teeth Dental health is an important ingredient of total physical fitness. It also has a good deal to do with how we look. Forty plus, M. BATCHELOR. The usual practice, therefore, is to take each question individually and mark that one question on every script before going on to the next question. The same standard is then applied throughout all the scripts. Here you can see the advantage of having a neat hand and a tidy way of setting out your work. Imagine yourself as an examiner working on a huge pile of scripts in pleasant summer weather when you would rather be playing tennis. If in doubt over the value of the answers provided, wouldn't you tend to be generous to the candidate whose work is neat and tidy and easy to follow? Remember that every mark counts! Student's guide to success, C.W. FISHER & T. CONSTANTINE. `Agnes was one of the great loves of my life. Indeed, the first and only one. Perhaps I loved those who came after because they were faint imitations of her.' `Ah well', Ralemberg chattered gaily, then took me on a tour of the house. I walked like some sleepwalker as he showed me empty rooms and a steep, stone-vaulted cellar. Afterwards, when I would have preferred to stay and stare at Agnes, he took me down to King's Wharf near the Vintry and into a small ale house which stank of carp and salt. He introduced me to burly, red-faced Bertrand de Macon, the master of a fat-bellied cog and prospective third partner in our business venture. The poisoned chalice, M. CLYNES. This statement would be available on request to customers from the lender or through the Consumer Credit Public Register which already covers licences and licence applications. These twin requirements would not be burdensome for lenders. They would not give fairly rejected applicants a charter to cause trouble. But they would help to reduce still further that small minority of cases where a customer is turned away when he would not have been, given careful objective reflection; or where the customer mistakenly feels aggrieved at what is in truth a fair decision. Pressures to borrow: credit cards and loans. Consumers and credit, NATIONAL CONSUMER COUNCIL. Quelques exemples sur If + will / would Ø Volonté, volition, refus. Du type: - If she won't come to Sardinia with us, there's nothing we can do to make her. - What shall we do, if she won't agree to have the operation? Send him only with enough for the journey and such toys he shows an exceptional fondness for you having mentioned he will not be parted from the train William carved. And do not let him think he is to be parted from you forever Ellen for this would not be the truth. If you will not come to us I am resolved to bring Oreste to you by and by so you may see how he progresses which I hope will be as well as when he was under your care. Write Ellen and by express even telegram for which I will pay in order that I might have the relief of knowing you have understood and all is clear. No relief came. Lady's maid, M. FORSTER. `Well, no, not really. But I know he does. And he waits for me.' `He waits for you? When? When can he wait for you? Father nearly always meets you at school.' `He waits about when we have our dinner break. Oh, Aggie, he's - he's different. If you would only meet him and - and he could talk to you. He's not really rough. What I mean is, well, he's strong, and he can be funny.' `Funny? Girl, how can you sit there and talk about one of the Feltons being funny! They're roisterers.' The wingless bird, C. COOKSON.
Ø Interrogatives indirectes ou discours indirect. But they seem to trust in the power of the nine-tailed whip, and they will continue in that until a regiment breaks out of its barracks and makes its own way home. The masons smiled at his fancy and went on with their work. The day passed. Few men turned up for work -no Sandy McGlashan, and no Donald McCulloch of course. Cameron wondered if it would be possible to raise the matter with him again, and bring him into a more realistic frame of mind, before the soldiers came. If they came. During the afternoon, while he sat idly chatting to a few men in the masons' lean-to, James Menzies arrived, his brown horse soaked black. King Cameron, D. CRAIG. You've got to bring money first, yes. So if you want to go anywhere I will. I'll see you back at the car shall I? Yes? Can you tell me, do you know if it will be okay for me to come in at quarter past four? Quarter past four? Yeah. Right, not two o'clock? And not quarter past five? No. Okay, quarter past four, right. Thank you, thank you. (Recorded conversation). Ø «Future predictability» ( = dans l'hypothèse où..., if you think it will...).
Du type: - If it will save our marriage, I'll try to give up drinking. - Take the whole of next week off, if that will help you to recover. He was a big man with a fine moustache about the same age as her father had been, Emily guessed, but it was quite apparent that he considered himself quite a dandy. He wore a richly coloured waistcoat beneath a fine linen jacket and in his cuffs were large gold links. Emily smiled, she knew instinctively that here was a man who thought of women as merely creatures of decoration and, if it would serve her purpose, it was a view she would exploit to the full. `Please help me out of my problems, Mr Croydon,' she said softly, despising herself for the wheedling tone in her voice. `If you will only accept the offer of payment I made to you earlier, then the rest of the debt will be paid very shortly.' The shoemaker's daughter, I. GOWER. And, according to a new survey by Friskies Petcare, we take our pet's diet so seriously three-quarters of owners put as much effort into preparing and serving their animals meals as they do their own. The survey also showed: a fifth of British animal fans won't go on holiday if the pet can't come too. A third would think twice about moving home if it would upset their pets. Only six per cent would give up their priceless pets in exchange for £1 million. An eighth would be influenced in their choice of new jobs or plans to start a family by the affect it would have on their pet. Half our pet owners hang pictures of their beloveds in pride of place on the living room walls. The doting doesn't stop there. The Daily Mirror. Ø If you will = if you insist on (reproches, « si tu persistes à... »). Du type: - If you will smoke twenty cigarettes a day, it's not surprising you have a hacking cough. - If she will eat so many chocolates, it's hardly surprising she has a spotty face. `What do you do, for a living, I mean?' Again that considering look from under heavy dark brows. `You ask rather a lot of questions, don't you? I seem to have been bombarded by your curiosity right from the start. Why? I ask myself. What possible interest can you have?' `If you will make such a mystery man of yourself,' Robbie retorted, `you must expect people to be curious.' Then, `Oh, all right,' she said crossly, `Point taken. Don't tell me anything.' She stood up and took her empty plate into the galley. Only two can share, A. MURRAY. `The S.M.O. said you had been a very good night special in Hope. The S.S.O. said he'd no complaints, and he was dead against changing specials, as that always upset the patient. Sister told Matron, and you stayed. I'm glad about that. I was wrong, and I don't mind admitting it. To be fair to myself', she added with a faint smile, `if you will insist on looking like the original swinging teenager it's small wonder that the thought of trusting you with a really ill man put the fear of God up me.' She jumped up, yawning. `I must go to bed before I fall asleep here like that child Lewis. See you both,' she corrected herself, `I hope we see you back with us tonight, Dungarvan.' Hospital circles, L. ANDREWS.
* 71 Cette subordonnée pourrait aussi s'analyser comme une interrogative indirecte. * 72 Exemple déjà cité quant à la subordonnées relative, ligne 3. |