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Epidémiologie, diversité et pathogénicité de la cercosporiose noire à  l'est de la rdcongo

Université évangélique en Afrique - Ingénieur Agronome  2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


In the case of amelioration and black cigatoka management on banana in our region. This study had as an object to study the diversity of black cigatoka on banana in Walungu and Kabare territories. An inquiry was done in Walungu (Izege, Ikoma, Walungu center, Mushinga, Nyangezi, Irhongo, Burhale and the collectivity of Kaziba) and in Kabare (at Katana, Bushumba, Miti, Mudaka, Mumosho, Bugorhe, Mudusa and Chirunga). It was a question of determining the incidence and severity of black cigatoka on banana, evaluate means to fight utilize by peasants and to harvest some leaves which present the symptoms of this disease by morphologic characterization and the execution of pathogenicity test. An inquiry questionnaire was used and the observation of plants infected also to have some informations on varieties and diseases and the determination of the incidence and severity. The isolation of Mycosphaerella fijiensis on a PDA environment and the microscopic observation was realized in biomolecular laboratory at U.E.A. pathogenitic test was done under hothouse on three varieties (FHIA17, NARITA4 and NARITA13) from Burundi at BioTechnological laboratory. After analyses, the following results were observed: the disease presents a sturdy incidence and severity (seventy one dots nine) a Walungu and forty one dot nine at Kabare. Six isolators were identified (M. fijiensisBAR-KAT, M. fijiensisKIS-WAL, M. fijiensisGRO- BUSH, M. fijiensisMUSH-MUM, M. fijiensisNAK-IKO and M. fijiensisKAM-IZE) and have presented some typics morphologic characteristics at M. fijiensis. For the evaluation of pathogenic ability two isolating was utilized over two territories at the first have showed a pathogenic ability against NARITA4 and NARITA13. M. fijiensisKIS-WAL was very virulent than M. fijiensisBAR-KAT. The two insulants have presented some typics symptoms of black cigatoka but FHIA17 has presented a resistance on two insulants, on hothouse the two insulants of M. fijiensis has presented a high incidences and they were very severe. Seeing that we recommend to others researchers that one study on molecular characterization of Mycosphaerella fijiensis should be realized to evaluate the genetic variability of insulants at Kabare and Walungu, those informations should be diffused nearby the paysans to improve their knowledge on black cigatoka stuggle on banana.

Key words: Black cigatoka, epidemiology, diversity, Banana, Walungu and Kabare.


Listes des tableaux et figures

Tableau 1 : Les variétés/cultivars rencontrées à Walungu et Kabare 19

Tableau 2 : Moyens de gestion des bananeraies 21

Tableau 3 : Susceptibilité des cultivars à la cercosporiose noire du bananier quant aux paysans

dans le Walungu et Kabare 22

Tableau 4 : Incidence et sévérité de la cercosporiose noire du bananier 23

Tableau 5 : Les dénominations des isolats rencontrés 24

Tableau 6 : La couleur, la forme des mycéliums de différents isolats et la couleur du fond de la

boite de pétrie. 27

Tableau 7. Le taux de développement de la maladie par jour 30

Fig. 1 : Stades de développement de la cercosporiose noire en champs d'après Fouré (1982) .... 7

Fig. 2 : Conidiophore et conidies (A) ; Spermogonie et spermaties (B) ; périthèce, asques et

ascospores (C) de M. fijiensis (Onautshu et al., 2013). 8

Fig. 3 : Le cycle infectieux de M. fijiensis (Carlier, 2010). 9

Fig. 4 : les morceaux de feuilles avec symptômes de M. fijiensis dans la boite de pétrie 15

Fig. 5 : Dispositif expérimental en block complètement aléatoire avec trois répétitions 16

Fig. 6 : Les maladies rencontrées sur les bananiers dans le Walungu et Kabare 20

Fig. 7 : Nombre de cloisons des conidies des isolats de M. fijiensis 25

Fig. 8 : La structure des ascospores observés sur microscope optique agrandis 40x. 25

Fig. 9 : La croissance mycélienne des différents isolats de M. fijiensis 26

Fig. 10 : La coloration noire de M. fijiensis à la face inferieure de la boite de pétrie. 28

Fig. 11 : symptômes de M. fijiensis en serre 29

Fig.12 : Sensibilité de différentes variétés face à M. fijiensisKIS-WAL et M. fijiensisBAR-KAT 29

Fig. 13 : L'indice de sévérité de la MRN pour les différentes variétés 30


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand