SMOK Chad the
Mad Exist Eps Yazan Sup-C Barok BOB
(variable) Ashekman Ashekman Potato
Nose Phat2 Kabrit Moe M3allem Meuh Fish Taz Abe Wyte Zed Spaz Krem2
Nous avons mené plusieurs entretiens non-directifs et
semi-directifs entre septembre 2015 et avril 2016. L'entretien était
mené de visu avec Kabrit, par WhatsApp, Facebook ou Skype dans les cas
de Zed, Spaz, Exist, Wyte, Krem, et Phat2. Nous avons également pu
récolter des propos de la part de Fish, Eps et Meuh, en particulier lors
de discussions informelles. Les entretiens étant longs, entre dix et
vingt pages pour chaque graffeur, seuls quelques extraits peuvent être
mis à disposition.
Phat2, entretien réalisé le 14 mars
- Aha, so you'd say that retribution for your art is
one of its main goal ? I don't know if it may appear intrusive, but are you
currently living from it ?
Yes I am, full time freelance artist and designer, and yes of
course that's my main goal, getting better and better as an artist for 1) my
own satisfaction and fulfillment and 2) making money without being a slave or a
prostitute still by doing what I love doing.
- How can you save yourself from being a slave or a
prostitute in graffiti ?
I have no boss no god no strings... I can't be controlled !
Nobody can give me any orders, I'm free ! - Even those who are paying
you ?
Even those who are paying me yes... Well, I mean if I don't
like it, I can just cancel them. They think I'm an artist, not a worker, so
then people don't give me directions on how to work or what to paint. Maybe you
don't know, but that's not how it works... Ok, for example, the last project I
worked on was for a make-up and cosmetics thing, they told me «we like
your work, we want to pay you to paint something for us". Then they sent me a
few images about their brand and some keywords like "fun, feminine, dangerous"
(rires), I look at the stuff they sent and get inspired by their colors, their
style, their information etc. and then create a suitable artwork for them. And
actually if they don't like it, I'll ask them what they didn't like, and modify
it accordingly, or sometimes create a new artwork altogether... Catch my
- I do. So they let you do whatever you want or almost
because they consider you as an artist ? how did you meet them by the way
Yes obviously, they WANT me to do what I want, smart clients
will let you create freely without too many specifications, because they know
they'll get the best quality out of an artist when he has creative freedom.
Kabrit, entretien réalisé le 22 octobre
- Et comment tu crois que tu pourrais réussir
à faire ça ?
Honnêtement c'est plutôt que, j'ai quitté,
alors que, que y a de la merde qui... alors y a des problèmes maintenant
tu vois qui, qui pourront pas être équilibrés maintenant.
En voyant y a eu l'histoire du pays, l'histoire de la mentalité des
gens, c'est un peu évident que ça va partir un peu dans la
direction de... And I
do not want invest energy and time in trying to make it, you
know, feel like going to a better direction and either as a support, you know.
And it's very difficult.
- De supporter, de supporter que ça parte en...
Nan supporter, je sais pas, une révolution. Je sais pas
pourquoi c'est que je sens que je fais partie un peu de la, de la, de
l'âge des gens qui ont pu faire un petit un mouvement, qu'ils ont pu tu
vois secouer le truc. (...) Alors que nous on est des gros hypocrites.
- Dans quel sens ?
Dans le sens qu'on a pris part dans, on critique tellement, tu
nous écoutes en train de parler à Batroun, ou bien qu'on va
changer le monde et on va supporter à fond et on va peindre le Liban, on
est une nouvelle génération au monde alors que, y a eu la merde,
et nous on était à Batroun on écoutait de la musique, on
s'en foutait (rires). On s'en foutait pas mais c'est juste comme si, comme si
on prétend qu'on veut en faire partie. I know in my case it's not worth
it because it wouldn't go anywhere... So it's better to try to make a change on
a local scale. Y avait tout le monde qui faisait le rebelle et la
rébellion dans la rue and... I don't know I think we had so much
revolutions that didn't get anywhere, maybe I'm too pessimistic but most
revolutions didn't go anywhere because people ruin it eventually. And... and I
think I'm afraid of disappointment. Of investing so much love and effort and
that, in the end, people turn against each other.
Exist, entretien réalisé le 3 février
- And do you think you would like to reach a
point that you can live from graff?
Of course anyone would love to live from something he's
passionate about.. So do I because I feel it's the only thing were I'm mostly
comfortable.. But at that point it's were one starts facing the barriers and
accepting to break the barrier between commercial non-commercial... and, the
principles... And the main reason one is doing graffiti were its never about
the money, or at least in my opinion. It's all about the interaction and the
vibes I get from doing it, so basically I try to make money from it in a way
were I'm still sticking to the main reason I do it for and I'll see how far I
can go with that... I don't want to lose the feelings the vibes cause it's what
it means to me it's not the money.
- Ok so for instance, if someone was giving you
a really well paid job for painting but with a subject
you don't appreciate you would say no as it doesn't agree
with your way of conceiving graffiti ?
Mh.. that's very difficult for me honestly... and too hard to
explain there are a lot of barriers that I should cross or brake to do graffiti
jobs but no doubt I'm at a point in time were I need money at least to paint
more and experience more in what I do... So depending on the case and details
of the job, I take the decision. And, as long as I'm still doing it to interact
with people and, and painting for the public in the street and connecting with
everyone who sees my name and graffiti... Yes I think I'm taking a couple of
jobs from time to time just to fill in the financial lack !