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Feasibility study: pure argan oil

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par Bouchaib jarir
Cambridge college - Master degree 2016

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Product/Service Description

Pure Argan oil, is a cosmetic product, will be produced directly from Argan tree. No chemicals ingredients, no preservatives, no artificial will be added, it will be 100% natural, Pure and Organic. Pure Argan Oil (PAO) will be made organically and will be cold pressed. Pure Argan Oil willbe designated to be used as a face moisturizer to prevent Wrinkles, Protect and Moisturize irritated and sensitive skin. Its anti-aging andanti-frizz product. In addition, Pure Argan oil also could be used for the hair care, to repair damaged hair and also as a hair shinier. Moreover, the oil   will be used to hydrate dry skin, nourish fragile nails, and moisturizethe baby skin.

We will use dark plastic bottle, and glass bottle as well for packaging Pure Argan Oil, in order to extend the possible expiration date and give our customers enough time and the best usage of the product. Also, this kind of packaging would reduce the number of the damages products which means less expenses, therefore, this will be reflected positively in our prices.

Pure Argan Oil will be the perfect choice for natural body care, with the cheaper price in the market and with the best quality and the best after sale service.

Industry and Marketplace Analysis

The Argan oil market, is a growing market in all kind of areas and fields, and expected to reach USD 1.79 billion by 2022 in the global market, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.  Also the US market, is the second largest market in volume and percentage of growth after the Middle East & Africa market. It is gaining day after day new revenues and targeting new potential customers. Chart A represents the evolution of US Argan oil market revenue by type from 2012 to 2022.

Chart A. U.S. Argan oil market revenue by application, 2012-2022 (USD Million)

According to Chart 1 done by Grand View Research,Inc, the three type of Argan oil (Cosmetic, Food, Medical) are generating important revenues since 2012 and are expected to reach $ 700 Million in 2022 altogether. Also what really interest us, is the cosmetic Argan oil, which is presenting about more than 40% of the Argan oil market and expected to achieve about $ 300 Million as a revenue in 2022  

In addition, the online sales in the United States are expected to reach $ 523 billion in the next four years, which is present up 56% from last year $ 335 billion, according to study done by Forrester research, Inc. Furthermore, the US cosmetic market is the largest market in the World and expected to achieve about $ 62 Billion in 2016 in revenue according to an article published by Market Research.  

Pure Argan Oil, as a new product and without any doubt will face multiple challenges and opportunities as well. And as I mentioned early, that the main channel of the distribution of our product will be the e-commerce. Therefore, understanding and manipulating some keys in the online shopping became a must and a need, in order to succeed in this marketplace.

· How does the online shopping functions?

· What are the most famous online website?

· What are the websites our product will be available in?

With the digital revolution and globalization, the shopping preference has changed with the time and more customers using more and more their electronic devices for shopping including computers, laptops, tablets and cellphones. According to the survey, which I did in the data presentation chapter, 33% of women prefer the online shopping than the traditional one. However, this number has reached 90% among the men, which is a huge number.

The question that comes to the minds is why people tend to prefer this kind of shopping?The answer is very simple. Imagine yourself in very nice restaurant where they give you very simple menu, the only thing you do just call the server to bring you the selected order and you pay for it when you done.

In the online shopping, the customer, in general, goes to the preferred website and enter the name of the product or service, and simple click on search. He or she will have a huge offerfrom different companies. The customer, can add the selected product to a symbolic shopping cart and proceed to checkout and pay using an electronic secured payment.

The top online websites used in USA are Amazon, eBay, Zappos, Mr. Porter, Ali Papa, Ali Express and more other websites. However, the most traditional stores in USA are using online to sell their products, such as Walmart, Target, BestBuy, Sears and more.

In Pure Argan Oil, we will focus on selling our product first in Amazon and on Facebook marketplace.In Amazon, most our future competitors are present such as Pura D'Or, Majestic Pure, Aria Starr Beauty, Insta Natural and more.

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