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Déterminants de l'amélioration de l'étuvage du riz à  Bagré au Burkina Faso

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Rigobert GUENGANE
Centre agricole polyvalent de Matourkou Bobo-Dioulasso - Diplôme d'ingénieur en agriculture 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


In spite of his weak contribution of 3% to grains production and 0.31% to gross domestic production (GDP), rice holds an important place in Burkina Faso.

More than 52% of national rice production is process by parboiling. The important role, of this technique for national rice production, campaigned for this research theme choice, which has for main purpose to contribute for his improvement.

The research has been executed in three phases. First, the rice parboiling area diagnosis by inquiries has been done. Secondly, an evaluation of background's knowledge's contribution to rice parboiling improvement was executed with an interview guide. And the third done has been the realization with the three varieties of rice parboiling test, tasting test and meal conservation test, using two techniques (traditional and improved).

The results we obtained, confirmed on the one hand, the negative effects of rice development channel constraints on rice parboiling, and on the other hand the importance of background knowledges for rice parboiling improvement. The tests results have demonstrated that the physicals and chemicals characteristics of those rice varieties influence the parboiled rice qualities.

It's possible to improve the quality of parboiled rice in Bagré and to deliver it market competition capacities. But it needs necessarily the main actor's better organization, their capacities enhancing and the vulgarization of highly efficient and adapted parboiling techniques.

Keys words: Parboiled rice-Improvement- Technology- Bagré.



1 CHAPITRE I : Introduction 14

1.1 Contexte 14

1.2 Problématique 17

1.2.1 Les contraintes de production du riz étuvé 17

1.3 Cadre conceptuel 22

1.3.1 Définition, principe et dispositifs d'étuvage du riz 23

1.3.2 Le riz étuvé en Afrique 28

1.3.3 L'étuvage du riz au Burkina Faso 29

1.3.4 Amélioration de l'étuvage du riz 29

1.4 Objectifs de l'étude 30

1.5 Hypothèses 31

2 CHAPITRE II : APPROCHE Méthodologie 32

2.1 Milieu d'étude 32

2.2 Matériel et méthodes 33

2.2.1 Cadrage général de l'étude 33

2.2.2 Diagnostic du milieu de l'étuvage. 33

2.2.3 La recherche sur les savoir-faire et expériences locaux. 36

2.2.4 La réalisation des tests 37

2.3 Traitement des données 43

2.3.1 Le dépouillement 43

2.3.2 L'analyse 44

2.4 Les limites et difficultés de l'étude 44

3 CHAPITRE III : Résultats et discussions 45

3.1 Résultats 45

3.1.1 De l'étude du milieu d'étuvage 45

3.1.2 De l'étude sur les savoirs locaux 53

3.1.3 Résultats des tests. 56

3.2 Discussions 60

4 Conclusion 69

5 Références bibliographiques 71



Figure 1 : Schémas descriptifs de l'étuvage du riz 24

Figure 2: Diagramme d'étuvage du riz 25

Figure 3: Carte de situation géographique de Bagré 32

Figure 4: Diagramme proposé et utilisé pour les tests. 51


précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote