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L'efficacité des mécanismes juridiques internationaux de protection des droits de l'homme.

par Saintchrist Phylo Eboungou Ondombo
Université Marien Ngouabi, Congo Brazzaville - Master 2 en droit public 2020

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Human rights are certainly in search of their protection, as evidenced by the legal mechanisms established at the international level. If the first phase of these mechanisms consisted in putting man back into orbit with his dignity and equality, the second phase remains driven by ignorance and ignorance of these rights which lead to the ineffectiveness of this treasure, questioning by consequently, the very effectiveness of this international legal arsenal.

By therefore addressing the question of the effectiveness of international legal mechanisms for the protection of human rights, we are doubly analyzing the question of human rights since answering the questions how the protection of human rights is organized by international law? Are international legal instruments for the protection of human rights institutionally effective? What are its limits and the conditions for its improvement? It is in reality to examine whether the human rights affirmed by international legal texts have effective protectors.

Because, these important mechanisms for the protection of human rights, which are found both universally and regionally, deliver a contrasting result as much as they sign or even announce effective protection of human rights. They contract and freeze by fully manifesting their limits, as if the only way to excuse the sins of these various international legal texts or even of this system of protecting human rights is to resort to reform. A requiem for the effectiveness of this protection, as studied, must be imagined in order to orient human rights towards their "implementation" and enter fully into this "new era", imagined by Kofi ANNAN.

Keywords: effectiveness - legal mechanism - protection - Human rights.

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je ne pense pas qu'un écrivain puisse avoir de profondes assises s'il n'a pas ressenti avec amertume les injustices de la société ou il vit"   Thomas Lanier dit Tennessie Williams