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Conseiller d'orientation et adaptation des adolescents de familles instables en milieu scolaire.

par D&éberny Lopez AMAGNOU ETOLO
Ecole Normale supérieure de Bertoua - Diplôme de conseiller d'orientation, pour le master en sciences de l'éducation 2020

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


When an adolescent benefit from his parent's stay at home, he has a lot of chances of adaptation and development at school. No student is stupide. It is the family environment in which the child lives that allows him to flourish or not. The downside of this situation is also constant in our societies. Some teenagers, on the other hand, do not manage to flourish well at school. The reason could be that, what often motivated them no longer exists. Therefore, they very often find difficult to open up because of the disturbance caused by their parent's divorce.

In order to find some solutions to this problem, this study wanted to seek a new figure of affection which will be a support for these teenagers; and will thus be able to help them adapt to school and secure their future. Guidance counselor therefore appears to be the one in question in consideration of these missions. So, by the question: by what process can it be seized when it participates in the school adaptation of adolescents from unstable families in school environment for their socioprofessional integration? It most be said that, its shoring allows the school adaptation on these adolescents in school environment.

This study took five students from bilingual high school of Bertoua that made up the sample. And they were chosen according to simple random sampling. In order to verify our hypothesis, the research was intended to be qualitative research, of the exploratory type. She used theories, interview and observations, which help collect data. These were analyzed by means of a content analysis, and they reveal that belonging to a divorced family negatively influences the pupil's academic affection at home. Thus, Guidance counselor, through his support, becomes the student's support at school.

The results thus presented can be made available to teenagers who are in this same situation of instability, in order to find some solutions to their difficulties in the school environment. These results may also interest Guidance consolers in their helping relationship in the school environment; this based on the shoring technique.


Art. :..................................................................................................Article

CPO/SUP :.............................................Conseiller Principal d'Orientation Supérieur

E.N.S. :........................................................................Ecole Normale Supérieure

Ed. :..................................................................................................................Éditions

E.M.T. :..............................................................Examen de la Méthode de Travail

Lat. :....................................................................................................Latin

M.I.N.ES.E.C.:...............................................Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires

M.K.O.:.....................................................................More Knowledgeable Other

O.M.S. :.............................................................Organisation Mondiale de la Santé

O-C /P:.............................................................Orientation-conseil/Professionnelle

S. :................................................................................................Suivant (e)

S.F.P. :............................................................................Société Française de Pédiatrie

SC.ED.:...........................................................................Sciences de l'éducation

Z.P.D.:..............................................................Zone Proximale de Développement

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Soit réservé sans ostentation pour éviter de t'attirer l'incompréhension haineuse des ignorants"   Pythagore