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Impact of one cup of milk per child program on school dropout in Huye district

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par Birasa FABRICE
University of Rwanda - Bachelor of honore degree 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Figure 1 Figure showing children having milk at their disposal in Nyanza district 8

Figure 2 Conceptual Framework between Level of dropout and factors affecting it 22

Figure 3 Geographical location of Huye district 23

Figure 4 Distribution of respondents by their education level and Gender 32

Figure 5 Distribution of respondents to whether the school has the program or no by the level of dropout. 36

Figure 6 Figure showing the distribution of consequences to child's family by the level of dropout 37

Figure7 Distribution of respondents to the consequences to school against the level of dropout. 38

Figure 8 Distribution of respondents regards consequences of dropout to a country by the level of dropout. 39


To study the Impact of one cup of milk per child on children dropout, the following objectives were set: To identify the causes associated with children drop out of primary schools in Huye district. To examine the relationship between one cup per child and dropout in Huye district, to find out the challenges associated with children dropout in Huye district, to find out strategies to be taken in order to solve challenges of Children dropout in primary school in Huye district. Questionnaire, interview and observation were used to collect data from survey of population consist of 98 primary schools out of which 4 primary schools were selected namely Butare Catholic primary school, Cyarwa primary school, Rango primary school, and CJM whereby a sample of 60 respondents were selected by using purposive sampling technique as well as simple random sampling, the researcher used secondary.

All The data were analyzed by using SPSS 16 (as a statistical package for analysis) and interpreted by using tables, figures and charts as well as excel was used during the graphical presentation of results. The findings revealed that the one cup of milk per child contributed towards the reduction of dropout within primary schools.

After analyzing and interpreting the data, recommendation and suggestions on what measures are to be taken by policy makers, specifically leaders in charge of education system as well as researchers were highlighted for the reduction of dropout.


1.1 Background of the study

Education is as important and very essential to man as life itself on this world, in fact it is a very important means of developing any nation (Haki Elimu, 2009).

«It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor; that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine; that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation» (Nelson Mandela)

The term education has not lent itself to any strict consensual definition as it depends on the perspective from which one views it, it can be considered as the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, factors, interest, abilities, competence and the cultural norms of a society by people to transmit this life to the coming generations so as to enhance perpetual development of the society (Okoro, 1998)

In spite of the importance attached to education both nationally and internationally, Education sector in the world still is facing a lot of problems that varies from one country to another such as poor Academic performance, School dropout, Truancy, Poor environment of learning and other social and economic problems relating to education (Rumberger, 2001).

School dropout in its simplest meaning is the untimely withdrawal from school, these students who withdraw from school prematurely end up not obtaining any certificate of graduation (Wotherspoon2004; Bridge land et al., 2006; Oghuvbu, 2008).

The prevalence of drop out varies between and within countries and occurs more frequently in certain age ranges and grades (depending on the educational structure and patterns of participation in that country).

The student's decision to drop out of schools has a long term consequences that can contribute to juvenile delinquency, welfare dependency or in the worst cases. There is general consensus that the school dropout problem has reached epidemic proportions internationally and has become a global problem confronting the education industry around the world (Patrick 2008; Wotherspoon2004; Bridge land et al., 2006; Oghuvbu, 2008).

In African countries, dropout is a significant problem and is associated with socio-economic and socio-cultural background and geographical factors, Studies in Nigeria reveal that financial constraints are among other things the main reasons for school dropout (Okoje, et al-1996) as fathers and mothers are mainly responsible for costs of children's education.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand