2.1. Introduction
This chapter presents a review of literature on the factors
that define student's dropouts in global level, regional level and Rwandan
local level, especially Huye district. The chapter consists of the theoretical
framework and summary of reviewed literature identification of research gaps
and conceptual framework.
2.1.1 Definition of key
· Students
According to Cambridge dictionary, a student is defined as a
person who is learning at a college or university, or sometimes at a school.
The free online dictionary by FARLEX defines school as
an institution for the instruction of children or people under college age.
· School
Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary defines school as a
place where children go to be educated. It can also be defined as the period of
your life during which you go to school, or the teaching and learning
activities which happen at school.
· One cup of milk per child program
Rwanda Agriculture Board started One Cup of Milk per Child
Program in May 2010 as an implementation of the outcomes of the IDP (Integrated
Development Program) meeting held at MINALOC on 23/04/2010, the resolution that
authorized MINAGRI to start the implementation of «One Cup of Milk per
Child Program». At first, the program started being piloted in 6 Districts
of Bugesera, Kamonyi, Nyanza, Karongi, Gakenke and Ngororero districts. After a
trial period of one year and half that showed that it is possible to run a
school milk program in our country, the scaling up was approved in the meeting
chaired by Right Honourable Prime Minister on 22/07/2011 and started being
implemented in October 2011.
In the up said meeting, MINAGRI was recommended to scale up
the program to other Districts and Schools and to increase the number of
children beneficiaries from 21,300 to 100,000. MINEDUC and MINISANTE were also
requested to assist to identify the needy Districts and Schools. After
different concertration meetings of the three concerned Ministries plus
MINALOC, eight (8) new Districts of Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru, Gisagara, Huye,
Nyamasheke, Rubavu, Rutsiro, Ngoma and Ngororero was retained to enter in the
scaling up of the program. Ngororero District was in the pilot phase with 5
schools and 5 new schools were retained in the scaling up of the program. A
part from the new districts which were scaled up to be in the program, some
other new schools from existing Districts were also added by the year 2013 and
among them six schools were from Nyanza, two from Ruhango and four new schools
from Gisagara. Currently, the program is being implemented in 112 schools from
fifteen Districts and eighty three thousand and five hundred and seventh five
(83,575) pupils are on the program.
The selection criterion of those districts was based on the
2010 report on malnutrition status in our Country especially among children.
The number of schools retained by District was also based on the malnutrition
rate in each District as the priority is given to the neediest as compared to
the allocated budget.
The pupils are given milk of standard quality from Rwandan
recognized dairies namely
they take half liter twice a week which makes whole liter per week. (MINAGRI
Table 1 Table showing the
current distribution of milk among children of primary schools of
Province & District
School Name
Number of pupils as per 3rd term 2013
Butare Catholique
EP Buremera
EP Busheshi
Source: MINAGRI 2013
Figure 1 Figure showing children
having milk at their disposal in Nyanza district

Source: MINAGRI 2013
Nyanza District: Pupils aligning when they are approaching their
classes after being served milk by their class teachers. (Nyanza serves
fermented milk)
Table 2 Cost and Funding
mechanism of one cup of milk per child countrywide
Number of children
Milk consumed by each pupil per week
Total quantity of milk consumed per week
Cost of milk per week
Number of weeks per year
Cost per year
One liter
83375 liters
800 Frw
36 weeks
2,401,200,000 Frw
Source: MINAGRI 2013
According to MINAGRI, in charge of distributing milk among
schools, government is the only funder of the program having to spend
2,401,200,000 frw per year. Each child is supposed to consume one litre per
week and the children who are currently covered by this program are estimated
to be 83,375 children. Within Huye district only 5 schools have the program
with 2236 children currently covered with the program.