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Impact of one cup of milk per child program on school dropout in Huye district

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Birasa FABRICE
University of Rwanda - Bachelor of honore degree 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.1.2 Dropout

By definition, dropout is a person who has abandoned a course of study or who has rejected conventional society to pursue an alternative lifestyle.

School dropout, also, in its simplest meaning is the untimely withdrawal from school. These students who withdraw from school prematurely end up not obtaining any certificate of graduation (Ajaja. 2012). However in this study student dropout refers to the situation in which students fail to complete a course of study within the usual time.

School dropout can be defined in different manner according to the field in which the study is based on. In such way CALD3 dictionary defines it as a person who leaves school, college or university before finishing a course, or a person who leaves in an unusual way. Drop-out Rate (DR)

The percentage of pupils who leave the school without completing the grade they were enrolled in during the school year. Dropout rate can also be obtained by subtracting the sum of promotion rate and repetition rate from 100 in a given school year. (MINEDUC 2013)


précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hand of governments. We can't take it violently, out of the hands of governments, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop ..."   Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992) en 1984