Conclusion and
The risks related to the reuse of compost, urine and greywater
in agriculture were varied according to the different treatments and scenarios
which were assumed from farmers and consumers.
Therefore, the risk more proven meets at the time of the
ingestion of the soil on which the urine wasspread urine (U+TW) is the
Salmonella risk infection > 10-6.That could be explained
by the fact why the urines used for the fertilization go back to less than one
week of storage. With a significant load of the pathogens
(Salmonellas) or indicator of the pathogen such as the
enterococci.However, if the time of storage of urine is long, that contributes
to the reduction of the risks of infection of the pathogen. Ascaris
annual risk infection is high in C+TW and C+U+GW combination. However Risk
could be reduced, if faeces were stored at least 6-12 months before its use for
the fertilization of the cultures.
For ingestion of irrigated greywater, the risk of infection of
Salmonella in both combinations (GW and C+U+GW) is higher than the WHO
guideline value.Risk could be mitigated, if farmers use adequate equipment of
protection before to irrigate the crops. In addition, if irrigated greywater
amount of fecal indicators is below of 103CFU/100mL.
For lettuce consumption, risk infection of pathogens is high
than benchmark (10-6), however it could be reduced by observing the
WHO recommendations.
Through this study, compost, urine may be used to fertilize
the soil and greywater may be used to irrigate the crop which can eat
These results may be contributed for managing the public
health by reducing diseases from populations. But if farmers and consumers
observe the recommendations of protection by wearing protection equipment for
farmers and washing the lettuce leaves with clean water before eating for the
In sahelian climate, risk infection of pathogens could be
reduced thank to sun because the sunbeam play a significant role in the
inactivation of pathogen in the soil.
This study has given us an insight into manyother research
possibilities. For example, risk assessment can study in handle faeces and
urine from families' pilot. Also, health risk could be assessing from urban
farmers in Ouagadougou city where they use wastewater and dam water to irrigate
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