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Quantum key distribution theory and practice

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Grace Mupoyi
African Institut for Mathematical Science - Master 2 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.5 Entaglement base to protocol

The protocol using entanglement are called entanglement-based protocols, Ekert protocols or EPR protocols. This protocols was discovered by Arthur Ekert at 1991. EPR protocols use pairs of photons which are entangled. The pairs photons entangled can be produced by both Alice and Bob or other person. The main idea for E91, is to use three possible states and testing no violability of Bell inequality that to detect the evesdropper in the channel. The entanglement protocol follows three steps:

1. The imposibility for Alice to preduct which polarization she will get as a result;


Section 3.6. Attacks on a QKD channel Page 19

Secondly, If Alice and Bob carry out polarization of measurement they will not have a perfect correlated answers but same will be correlated;

3. Last is the Eavesdropper will be detect for every tentative by Bob and Alice.

Figure 3.6: QKD entanglement protocol

We may need to mention that as quantum cryptography is dueling with light (photon), the transmission of informations between terminals using QKD for security implies appropriate devices for connexion. So, the transmission in this field is done by a channel call quantum channel and is composed by optical fiber. When Arthur Ekert proposed the protocol, he based the assumption that Alice and Bob can test the Bell's inequality by verifying the entanglement of particle. This assumption allows that the generation of is secure key still possible as long as the entanglement is verified. This part have more explanation in [QQL10a]

3.6 Attacks on a QKD channel

Since we said that quantum cryptography have a sure security, that did not avoid in mind of people to find a way to attack. In classical cryptography, we can mention attacks like brute force, frequency there are many attacks. Is still the same for quantum cryptography, people developed some attacks concepts but till now quantum cryptography is still not crackable. Let us list some attacks used.

1. Individual attack : This attack as you can guess by the name, is an attack acting in each qubit in the channel. The systems for this attack are prepared separately (independantly). An example for this attack is an intercept - resend;

2. The collective attacks : The difference from the first one is to perform Eavesdropper result. That will joint a measurement to get more information

3. Coherent attack : This attack one of the powerfull attack that Eve can use because it has all possible things that she can do. Here, she has to do an albitrairy preparation of joint state (entanglement) where the interaction of each qubit must be before the measure being joint in the channel.

The figures below will describe a little bit the explanation of each attack for QKD.

Section 3.6. Attacks on a QKD channel

Page 20

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Figure 3.7: Indivivual Attack

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Figure 3.9: Cohence attack

Figure 3.8: Collectif attack

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je voudrais vivre pour étudier, non pas étudier pour vivre"   Francis Bacon