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Quantum key distribution theory and practice

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Grace Mupoyi
African Institut for Mathematical Science - Master 2 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

4. QKD implementation technologies

Implementation is a way to express an idea. Classically all ideas along communication are protocols. There are softwares built for interchange of messages and there exist many protocols which have dif-ferents functions. To build such software, is what we call implementation. We named protocols like : http, Smtp, ftp. In quantum, we described the implementation of BB84 which is privilegie protocol composed by two sets of non-orthogonal basis and four polarizations. The security of protocols in quantum cryptography depend on the production of single photon. There is an art for implementing a new technology with QKD. We will need same notions like the notions of single photon EPR1 photon source and photon stabilized interferometer. Those notions are so important for the implementation of QKD technologies. Quantum technology allows us to organise and control the components of a complex system governed by the laws of quantum physics. We have two imperatives driving quantum technology:

1. Technological innovation of miniaturisation,

2. Performance over the classical framework.

Since many years, human did act with matter, they could explain many phenomenon like periodic table, atoms but they were not be able to manipulate the behavior of semiconductors. In the second, we see the implication of human. There are appropriate tools for QKD like sources and detectors are the mains tools for implementing the QKD technology.

4.1 Sources for QKD

There exist many sources for a QKD. That sources correspond to the technologies that you want to implement.

1. Single photon : This is a main element for implementation, the photons have been used in some other fields like quantum optics and quantum communications. People did experience to perfect a photon applying a single photon for those subfield of quantum. Photon-gun which is a single-photon, is a unique photon sources. This elements is given significative progress achieved in the last decade. In term of emitting information, the number of photons prove to precise certain number of matters for transmission. There are some experiments that allows application of laser but indeed, the laser cannot produce photon number states because the implementation source for a QKD need a special kind of photon. It is why we are talking about single-photon, that must have a precise number of photons. This can be understood as follows: the gain medium of a conventional laser contains a large number of individual atoms or molecules and each of them has a certain probability to emit a photon during a fixed time period as said in [QQL10a]. It was found that a single-photon include atoms or ion gas phase, organic molecules, colour center in crystals, semiconductor, nanocrystals, quantum dots.

2. EPR photon pair : For this source, the main problem is the efficent production of photon. The use of entanglement photon pair allow optical processes and the production of photon pairs need

1EPR : Ekert Protocol

Section 4.1. Sources for QKD Page 22

a spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). The conversations of energy and momentum imply that the generated daughter photons are entangled in spectral and spatial domains. The production of photon pair here, have two steps using the main toll which is non-linear crystal. Let's see how its look like the production of photon pair by the figure below.

Figure 4.1: EPR source

(a) Firstly, the first crystal can be selected to phase match vertical pump photon with horizontal down-converted photon pair

(b) Secondly, the second one will be chosen to phase match horizontal pump down-converted photon pair

The two crystals will be done with 45 % that to get a high quality of polarization entangle.

3. Attenuated Laser This source, is where Eavesdrpper use same probability notion to get the information in the quantum channel. The difference between the first source is the use of linear relation also, we stay using single-photon. Laser is used as an attack for Eavesdropper. To produce single-photon for high quality, this model of source have certains probability to get non-zero probability to get more or than one photon. This experience did by people is called photon number Splitting (PNS) attack. The functionnality of this attack can be describe well in the article of [QQL10b]. It can be detected by testing quantum channel during QKD process.

Figure 4.2: Laser source

Section 4.2. Detectors Page 23

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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