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From pricing to rating structured credit products and vice-versa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Quentin Lintzer
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI - Master 2 2007

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.3 Portfolio investment rules

We shall now present the major characteristics of the DPPI that allow us to significantly improve the rating of the basic CPPI. The DPPI indeed capitalizes on several structural features and investment rules in order to achieve the target rating of Aa3 over a time horizon of 10 years.

3.3.1 Dynamic leverage function

The Target Notional Exposure at time t, noted TNE(t), is no longer a constant multiple of the Reserve at time t, R(t), but a more complicated function designed to take advantage of various market conditions. For doing so, we need to define intermediary variables.

Duration of a CDS contract in a simplified intensity model

The duration D of a CDS contract of constant market spread s and tenor T years with coupons being paid every Ät year, with ÄtT := p ? N is given by the following formula:




ÄtB(0, iÄt)S0(iÄt)

where we assume that the survival function S0(t) := 1 - P(ô = t) is continuous,
differentiable and solves the following ordinary differential equation with ë(t) ? R+*:

~ S0 0(t) + ë(t)S0(t) = 0

?t ? R+*,

S0(0) = 1

As a result, S0(t) = e-f0 t ë(s)ds. A way to empirically determine the function ë is to assume that ë is piecewise constant between all liquid tenors and to use the CDS valuation equation (1.1) to determine ë recursively: the first step will be to determine ë(T1) where T1 is the shortest tenor, whith ë(T1) = s(T 1)

1-R after simplifying equation (1.1) with T = T1. The second step is to extend the maturity of equation (1.1) from T1 to T2, and express S0(T1) and S0(T2) as a function of respectively ë(T1) and ë(T2). From that equation, we infer ë(T2), and so on and so forth. R can then be taken equal to 40% as as market convention and the spread s(Ti) can be read from market quotations.

Target Notional Exposure function

We easily generalize the initial duration D of a CDS at time t = 0 with tenor T to the duration function D(t) at time t = T and define the average duration function D(t) of all long CDS positions in portfolio at time t by simply taking the weighted arithmetic average of the durations of all single CDS in portfolio. We further introduce the weighted average rating-dependent risk function SR(t), which is homogeneous to a CDS spread:

PN n=1 An(t)C(Rn(t))

?t ? [0,T], SR(t) :=

PN n=1 An(t)

where C is an increasing mapping function from integer rating categories {1, .., 18} to [0, 1] and where An(t) denotes the weight of obligor n at time t expressed in units of initial notional A (>N n=1 An(t) = A).

We can then describe our dynamic target multiplier TM(t) function:


?t ? [0, T ], T M(t) :=

DR + SR(t)D(t)

where DR is a risk parametre accounting for a portfolio average default risk.

We then define the average 5-year market spread of the portfolio at time t, S(t), by simply computing the weighted average 5-year market spread of all obligors. We then define the piecewise constant opportunity leverage mapping function OL(t) that maps the weighted average 5-year market spread S(t) with the leverage factor OL(S(t)).

We further introduce two path-dependent multiplying functions, bu(t) and bd(t), that act respectively as exposure boost-up and boost-down features:

I bu if t = tu and max{v?[t-tu,t]}(S(v)) - min{v?[t-tu,t]}(S(v)) = Äsu bu(t) = 1 if not

{ bd if t = td and S(t) - S(t - td) = Äsd

bd(t) = 1 if not

where (bu, tu, Asu,bd,td, Asd) are ad-hoc structural parametres. The rationale for introducing bu(t) and bd(t) is to make the structure proactive in both low and high volatility spread environments.

Hence we can define the Target Notional Exposure function:

Definition 7. Target Notional Exposure

With notations introduced earlier, the Target Notional Exposure function behaves according to the following formula:

?t ? [0, T], TNE(t) := bu(t)bd(t) min {OL(t)A, T M(t)R(t)} Notional Exposure function

As a result, the exposure of the CDS portfolio is either increased or decreased depending on whether the current Notional Exposure NE(t) is far enough from the Target Notional Exposure TNE(t):

Definition 8. Notional Exposure

With notations introduced earlier, the Notional Exposure function behaves according to the following formula:

?t ? [0, T],

NE(t+) = NE(t-)1{ TNE(t) + TNE(t)1{ TNE(t)



NE(t-) /?[(1-lb),(1+lu)]}

where lu ? [0, 1] and ld ? [0,1] are upper and lower leverage readjustment bounds. 3.3.2 Deferred coupons

One of the core features of the DPPI is its ability to defer interest payments to
investors when its NPV is deemed not to be high enough. The following recursive
formula gives the potential interest payment to be made on any coupon payment

date kAt, with TÄt ? N* and k ? {1, .., T Ät}.

Definition 9. Deferred Interests

Assume t ? {0, At, 2At,..,T}. Let EUR(t,t + At) denote the EURIBOR rate observed in t with tenor At. Let us introduce the flow variable:

x(t) := [R(t) - NE(t)u(t)]+

where u(t) is a real parametre ? [0,1]. We then define:

(IP(t), DI(t-), DI(t+)){t?{0,Ät,2Ät,..,T}

as being respectively the interest payment on date t, the deferred interest balance just
before t and right after t. The following recursive formula relates all three variables:

(IP (0), DI(0-), DI(0+)) = (0,0,0)

?t ? {At, 2At, .., T},

IP(t) = min {DI(t-) + AAtEUR(t - At, t), x(t)}

DI(t+) = DI(t-) + AAtEUR(t - At, t) - 1{IP(t)=0}IP(t) DI(t-) = DI(t+ - At)(1 + AtEUR(t - At, t))

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Soit réservé sans ostentation pour éviter de t'attirer l'incompréhension haineuse des ignorants"   Pythagore