3.2.3 Interest rates process and other parametres Interest
Moody's interest rate model is based on projecting a daily
evolution of 3-month and 10-year term rates and linearly interpolating between
them for rates of other tenors. Rates with tenors shorter than 3 months are
assumed to be equal to the 3-month rate. 3-month and 10-year term rates follow
a two-dimensional correlated Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) process, where
Rs and Rl denote respectively 3-month and 10-year term
rate processes:
??? ?
dRst = ás(âs --
Rst)dt + ópRs tdW s
dRlt = ál(âl --
d (Ws,Wl)t = ñdt
(Rs0, Rl 0) = (rs, rl)
In order to make sure that Euler's discretized sheme does not
generate negative values for interest rates, the natural discretized CIR
process is given below:
(Rs0, Rl0) = (rs,
rl) ?k ? {1,..,T/Ät},
?? ?
Rs(kÄt) = |Rs((k -- 1)Ät) +
ás(âs -- Rs((k -- 1)Ät))Ät + ..
+ ÄtRs((k -- 1)Ät)Z1|
Rl(kÄt) = |Rl((k -- 1)Ät) +
ál(âl -- Rl((k -- 1)Ät))Ät + .. +
ó0/ÄtRl ((k -- 1)Ät)(ñZ1 +
Recovery Rates
Default recovery rates for our N obligors are assumed to be
random and follow marginal Beta distributions correlated through a one factor
gaussian copula model. Given that the recovery rate RRn of each
obligor n follows a Beta distribution, it is characterized by its mean
lin and standard deviation ón. lin and
ón depend on the obligor's location, its type (corporate,
sovereign,..) and the seniority of the CDS underlying reference obligation. The
parameters án and On of the
Beta(án, On) distribution are given
2 1-u
?n ? {1, .., N}, { án = lin
ó2 1411-un 1 \
On = (1 -- lin)(lin ón 2 1
Let RRG Law = N(0,1) denote the global recovery factor. The
standard normal variable Xn describing the recovery rate of obligor
n is given by:
Xn = V pGRRG + V1 -- pGen
where pG is a correlation parametre common to all
obligors and en Law = N(0,1) the idiosyncratic recovery factor independent from
the common factor RRG and from all other idiosyncratic ones. The
following proposition allows us to simulate a N-vector of recovery rates drawn
from marginal Beta distributions correlated through a one factor gaussian
Proposition 7. Recovery Rates Simulation
Let F;771 denote the invert of the
cumulative distribution function of Beta(án,
law. Assume (RRG, e1, .., €N) Law = N (0,
IN+1). Then the distributions of individual recovery rates are
given by:
?n ? {1, .., N}, RRn Law= Fn 1 (Ö(V pG
RRG + V1 -- pGen))