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Choix d'investissement et modes de financement des entreprises. Cas du groupe Barka.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par dalhatou amadou aboubacar
supà¢â‚¬â„¢management Maroc/fes - master en ingenierie financiere 2015

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


When an agent provides means and factors of production, they say he invests. An

Investment aims to increase future production of a business or wealth of an individual, it is always accompanied by a capital investment.

This raises the question of profitability and investment interest. The assessment is

made difficult by the spreading in time revenue investment. These should be updated to make useful comparisons with the initial expense.

Our objective in this work is to present different tools to judge the appropriateness of an investment and which constitutes the selection criteria for investments is lying.

The investment decision is an important decision and difficult

Require significant funds, Creates Value, Involve the future progress of the company vehicle readily reversible Uncertain : Creation of uncertain future value

strategic decisions and planned

INVESTING : that Miss usefulness for economic agents ? For the individual: Maximizing the utility function through:

Investment savings, investment projects realization, Achievement of personal goals: self-improvement, achievement, social consideration, For the company: Maximizing Value (effect on the intrinsic value, effect on the market price, strength of business fundamentals ...) For the State: a fundamental lever of economic stability through its fiscal and monetary policies.

The funding decision includes different decisions: Choosing the distribution of capital contributed. The company need to use more equity capital or debt?

The choice between reinvestment of excess liquidity and dividend distribution. The choice between internal financing (self-financing) and external.

These decisions, presented separately, are actually very related

Ex. A policy that favors the internal funding leads to not distribute dividends and strengthen capital.

The investment decision closely linked to the financing decision as any other decision

can be made in a non-random context (decision by some future) or another context (choice of suitable financing method).

The investment appears to be a long term decision and an anticipation of the future. A

wrong choice can call into question the sustainability of the company. The importance of investment decision requires that projects have been the subject of a detailed study.

Amadou Aboubacar Dalhatou Sup 'management 2015-2016


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Amadou Aboubacar Dalhatou Sup 'management 2015-2016



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Amadou Aboubacar Dalhatou Sup 'management 2015-2016

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"La première panacée d'une nation mal gouvernée est l'inflation monétaire, la seconde, c'est la guerre. Tous deux apportent une prospérité temporaire, tous deux apportent une ruine permanente. Mais tous deux sont le refuge des opportunistes politiques et économiques"   Hemingway