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E-commerce capabilities assessment: -security of e-payment systems- case of the democratic republic of congo

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Espérant Ngongo Mbuli
University of Walles - Master in Advanced information technology and Business Management 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

III.3.2 Sampling definition

The survey will be conducted to sixteen (16) commercial banks located in the capital city of the DRC (Kinshasa), the Central Bank of the DRC and the three (3) main mobile operators offering m-payment services.

Commercial banks are those implementing e-payment systems and offering e-payment services to customers while mobile operators are implementing m-payment systems and offering m-payment services. On top of these two organizations, the Central Bank is acting as the monetary authority in the country and de facto regulator of the banking system in the country and therefore in charge of defining e-payments regulation and rules.

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For the commercial banks and the mobile operators sectors, the sample will consist of:

> 1 C-level member (CEO or COO)

> 1 IT director or IT manager, the head of the IT department

> 1 IT security officer within the IT department

> 1 e-payment or m-payment business system manager or sales manager

> 1 Information system auditor

For the central bank, as the guarantor of the financial regulation, answers will be provided by:

> 1 C-level or board member (Governor or Managing director)

> 1 Director in charge of regulation

> 1 Director in charge of operations

> 1 IT Director

> 1 IT Security officer

> 1 IS Auditor

This sampling definition ensures that all the existing commercial banks in the country will participate in the survey and therefore constitute the whole population of possible informants for this research. The size of the sample for which we are expecting respondents for this survey is 101.

III.3.3 Data Collection method

For this research, the survey is the method of the data collection.

Questionnaire uses closed-ended questions and checklists will use likert rating scale which will provide all alternatives of the response.

The likert rating scale of 5 has been used for the alternative responses in the way that 5 indicates the best option and 1 the worst option: 5=strongly agreed, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree.

Surveys have been sent by email through the traditional mail system (hands delivery to the reception) with an acknowledgement of the receipt of the questionnaire.

For this reason, questions have been clearly explained to allow self-explanation to the respondent. However, for the CEO and the IT officer, some interviews have been requested to clarify particularity of questions which have sensitive perception for them.

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III.4. Data analysis method III.4.1 Introduction

Data collected through the survey have to be organized in such way to be used by descriptive statistics tools because the research method used is quantitative.

The first step consists of grouping data into tables; therefore for this research the frequency distribution is the best method for the organization of data collected.

The research question focuses on characteristics of e-payment systems which are meaningful for its security. This limitation influences the way collected data will be used to assess the security of e-payment systems.

In the literature review chapter, the research presented elements that are likely to be considered in order to determine if the information system on which e-payment system is built is compliant to the CIA concept of this research.

Therefore, knowing the number of organizations involved in the survey, the better way to represent the existence of specific element is the frequency distribution. For example, the analysis will provide such information like how many banks have firewall protecting their e-payment systems. This information will be better represented in a frequency distribution.

The frequency distribution tables for some elements of the survey will also be represented graphically using bars. Bar graphs will be used instead of histogram because for this research responses collected through the survey are «qualitative variable» which mean «categorical variable for which each value represents a discrete category» (Sherril L. Jackson, 2010, p218).

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3.4.2 Data analysis technique

The descriptive statistics measures are most suitable to analyze data for this research. Prior to mention which analysis technique is used for this research, an overview of the three (3) main measures of central tendency; mean, median and mode, is given in the table below.

Table 2: Types of central tendency measures
Source: Sherril L. Jackson (2010, p225)






The arithmetic average

The middle score in a distribution of scores organized from highest to lowest or lowest to highest

The score occurring with greatest frequency

Use with

Interval and ration data

Ordinal, interval, and ratio data

Nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio


Not for use with distribution with a few extreme score


Not q reliable measure of central tendency

For this research, data collected use the likert rating scale with values ranging from 1 to 5; 5 being the best choice.

According to this rating, this research will use the mode as data analysis technique because it is the appropriate method to assess the CIA capability of the e-payment system by indicating the score occurring with the highest frequency.

For example, if the survey returns that among sixteen (16) banks 10 of them has a firewall in place, this information is more relevant than the mean or the median.

However, to some extend, the mean can be used to define the average of some capabilities according to the data collected and the element which is assessed.

For example, to assess the existence of data backup capability globally is the sample, it can be easier to say that this capability exists on an average of 65%. This calculation uses the mean as data analysis technique to assess the overall capability.

While the mode will be used to assess individual capability, conclusion in the context of assessment of all the e-payments systems studied will use the mean to state the average of organizations having such capability implemented.

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Chapter 4: Research findings

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous voulons explorer la bonté contrée énorme où tout se tait"   Appolinaire