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E-commerce capabilities assessment: -security of e-payment systems- case of the democratic republic of congo

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Espérant Ngongo Mbuli
University of Walles - Master in Advanced information technology and Business Management 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

III.2.2 Choice of the methodology

The choice of the research methodology depends on the nature of the research area and the way data have to be collected and analyzed.

The two methodologies present some similarities, such as: (Sherril L. Jackson, 2010, p 106):

4 The researcher makes some type of inference based on data collected 4 Data is analyzed in order to draw a conclusion

4 Findings are published so that they can be reviewed by others.

However the data collection and the sampling methods are the determinant elements for this research; because of the specificity of its research question which is based on perceived values of the concept CIA (confidentiality, integrity and availability) applied to the e-payment systems in the DRC (Democratic republic of Congo).

These characteristics of the e-payment systems to be assessed are most likely to be quantified. For example confidentiality perception can be quantified by a scale of numbers; 5= confidential, 4=somehow confidential, 3=not applied, 2=unknown, 1=non confidential.

Of course for this research some interviews will be used to clarify some concepts developed in the questionnaire to avoid misunderstood or confusions in responses, however, depending on the way the questionnaire will be structured by the use of checklist, responses will be easily translated into quantified information.

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For example to assess the availability of e-payment system, the checklist can be used to determine either or not the system is redundant, and if the redundancy consists on high availability system or not.

It appears, in the light of the two examples provided above, quantitative research method is the most appropriate for this research because the collected information or responses will be analyzed statistically to assess at which extend the e-payment systems in DRC are compliant with the CIA concept.

The structured data collection method, the statistical data analysis and the primary data collection method through surveys which will be used in this research confirm the choice of the quantitative research method approach of this study.

III.3. Data collection and sampling III.3.1 Sampling technique

It is clearly indicated in the previous section that this research will use the survey as primary data collection method; this involves the organization of participants to the survey by using sample of representative population to ensure that collected data can be generalized for a reliable conclusion.

There are two main ways to define a sampling; probability and nonprobability. Sherril L. Jackson (2010, p117-118) defines these two sampling techniques as follow.

? Probability sampling is «a sampling technique in which each member of the population has an equal likelihood of being selected to be part of the sample».

? Nonprobability sampling is «a sampling technique in which individual members of the population do not have an equal likelihood of being selected to be member of the sample».

Which sampling method to be used by this study?

According to what was defined previously about the choice of the methodology regarding the specific nature of the research question, the nonprobability sampling technique will be used.

However, there are two kinds of nonprobability; the convenience sampling and the quota sampling (Sherril L. Jackson, 2010, p119).

For this research, the quota sampling will be used because it is the one which ensures that the sample is like the population in some characteristics, but uses convenience sampling to obtain the participants» (Sherril l. Jackson, 2010, p119).

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The research question by its nature limits the participants to the survey to: + Banking sector: where e-payment system are likely to be installed

+ Mobile operators: developing and implementing m-payment systems.

Within these two sectors, participants are chosen in the area of security (management, regulation and implantation):

+ Executive level: because the «complexity and criticality of information security and its governance demand that it be elevated to the highest organizational levels. As a critical resource, information must be treated like any other asset essential to the survival and success of the organization» (IT governance institute, 2006)

+ IT department: in charge of implementation, management and maintenance of the IS security

+ E-payment system manager/sales: dealing with customers in terms of banking services offered to customers

+ Information system auditors: ensuring that security policy are followed and ensure audit of the IS.

This structure of the sampling in this study shows that definitely, the research is using the quota sampling technique.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote