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La commercialisation de la mangue bio du Mali: perspectives de développement

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Boubacar TRAORE
Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux - Master complémentaire 2008

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Mali is a country which exports exotic fruits on the European market for grow the incomes of the producers and to fight against the poverty in rural areas. The conventional mango lives first fruits and vegetables of export of Mali with a value FOB of about 2 billion CFA francs. To strengthen this value, the segmentation of the market to reveal the biological mango as a carrier product.

So state and private initiatives appeared for the organization and the accompaniment of organic mango supply chain in Mali. This day, the production and the marketing of the organic mango, which began three years ago of propped up, are in constant increase every year in spite of some difficulties and constraints as lack of adequate infrastructures, the absence of national structure of organic certification, The incapacity of the financing of the actors of the chain, etc.

Having characterized the markets of destination of the organic mango of Mali in terms of statutory and commercial requirements, the present study kicked away the medium-term perspectives of the European market of mango. It seemed that the demand of the European market in biological mango is in growth since about ten year. But this growth is eased by the absorption capacity very limited by the niche market organic mango and the emergence of an ecological movement defending the consumption of fruits among which the production and the marketing have little imprint carbon on the environment.

To position well on the segment of niche biological mango, Mali must be competitive in front of the competition of countries Latino American even countries of her under region as the Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, etc. In western Africa, companies Burkinabe are positioned well on niche markets organic and organic-fair trade mango thanks to their strategic partnership with the companies of import and distribution of the European countries and their management of the quality of the product.

After the current diagnosis of the organic supply chain mango of Mali, a study Benchmarking was made in the Burkina Faso and Morocco to be inspired by key factors of success and the best practices to reveal and correct the distances from competitiveness of the supply chain organic mango of Mali. In the stemming from the results of this study, a plan of competitiveness is proposed to position better the supply chain organic mango of Mali on the European market.



i) Remerciements

ii) Avant propos

iii) Résumé

iv) Abstract

v) Table des matières

vi) Liste des graphes, figures, photos, acronymes

Introduction générale .1

1. Objectifs .2

1.1 Objectif général 2

1.2 Objectifs spécifiques 2

2. Hypothèses .2

3. Méthodologie .3
3.1 Recherche bibliographique et diagnostic actuel de la chaine d'approvisionnement

mangue bio du Mali


3.2 Étude benchmarking


3.3 Analyse et interprétation des données


3.4 Post étude benchmarking


Partie I : La mangue biologique du Mali et ses marchés de destination


Chapitre 1 : Brève présentation du Mali


1. Situation géographique


2. Environnement socioéconomique


Chapitre 2 : Généralités sur la mangue biologique


1. Systématique de la mangue


2. Histoire de la mangue


3. Caractéristiques agronomiques du manguier


4. Zones d'étude et conditions agro climatiques


5. Aléas sanitaires


6. Typologie des vergers de manguier au Mali


Chapitre 3 : Les marchés de destination de la mangue biologique 12

I. Introduction .12

II. Objectifs ..12

III. Méthodologie ..12

IV. Résultats et discussion 13

1. L'étendue du marché mondial de la mangue 13

1.1 Le marché de mangue en Union Européenne 14

1.2 Le segment bio 15

2. présentation des acteurs de la chaine de distribution de la mangue bio 18

2.1 Les importateurs/distributeurs 18

2.2 Les grandes et moyennes surfaces 19

2.3 Les magasins spécialisés en produits bio 20

2.4 Les autres acteurs 20

3. La dynamique du marché européen de mangue 21


3.1 Le segment bio 26

4. Le diagnostic de la situation courante par rapport à la dynamique du marché de

mangue bio


5. L'évolution de la tendance du marché


5.1 Le segment bio


6. Les perspectives de marché pour la mangue bio


Partie II : Analyse des chaines d'approvisionnement mangue biologique


précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le don sans la technique n'est qu'une maladie"