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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gédéon niyoduenga
UR-CBE - AO 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Microfinance institutions in Rwanda are operating under the law no 06/99 of 18 June 1999 relating to regulations governing banks and other financial institutions. The Rwanda central bank and ministry of finance and economic planning supervise activities of all MFIs and COOPECs in Rwanda. Microfinance institutions are grouped in the RMF. The microfinance sector in Rwanda comprises the UBPR, credit, savings clubs, insurance companies, tontines and other informal system. Therefore, they are formal microfinance system, which operates under license and informal microfinance system, which is generally observed between individual groups that are not known by the authority.

In 2002, the BNR adopted the instruction no 6/2002 regulating microfinance activities in Rwanda. Throughout this instruction, BNR seeks to develop microfinance programs in Rwandan society as follows; « so as to insure to the whole population secure to financial local community- based services so as to develop sound and professional MFIs and, to structure accordingly the microfinance sector in Rwanda»(BNR 2002;1).

In Rwanda, there are a growing number of savings and credit cooperatives whose objective is highly valuable to the Rwandan people whose income is still low. These cooperatives are set up to serve the population through provision of small loans whose interest is not too high. The wide spread savings and credit cooperatives among others are mentioned in the introductory part.

Numerous Grameen-like institutions in form of savings and loan cooperatives or COOPECs have sprouted. All these and many others operate under the umbrella of the Rwandan microfinance forum (RMF). The RMF is platform of organizations intervening in microfinance in Rwanda. It is the centre for exchange and a reflection on microfinance that was created in 1998. It's formerly begun operating in May 2002 with a primary objective of professionalizing and institutionalizing the microfinance sector in Rwanda. The national bank of Rwanda is also very much involved in the regulation of microfinance institutions.

The government of Rwanda has developed its poverty reduction strategy through extensive national consultation. The resultant Poverty Reduction Strategy paper (PRSP) was endorsed by the Boards of the World Bank and international monetary fund on August 12. 2002. The actions outlined in the PRSP fit within the overall vision of Rwanda's development as set out in vision 2020, which identifies the key objective that Rwanda needs to attain in order to become a middle-income country by 2020. Throughout the PRSP, microfinance is a key element for the achievement of the government of Rwanda's objectives

Microfinance institutions operation in Rwanda can be traced in the activities of Banque populaire and Duterimbere all of 1975 and 1987 respectively. Banque Populaire was formed through the request of Switzerland as micro project to Rwandan government. Duterimbere was established as an affiliated of women world working (UNDP 1997). Duterimbere provides loans to microfinance and small-scale enterprises that are owned by women. It has established a cooperative institution (COOPEDU) to coordinate loan programs and savings.

Microfinance was created in response to the need of poor who require small loan (micro-credit), however time; microfinance has come to include a wide range of services ranging from credit extension, saving mobilization.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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