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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch

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par Gédéon niyoduenga
UR-CBE - AO 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


A microfinance institution is an organization that offers financial services to low-income operation. Almost all these institutions offer micro credit and only take back small amount of savings from their borrowers, and not from the general public.To micro finance industry; micro finance refers to a wide range of organizations dedicated to provide financial services.


Microfinance gives access to financial and non-financial services to low-income people,who wish to access money for starting or developing an income generation activity. Theindividual loans and savings of the poor clients are small. Microfinance came into beingfrom the appreciation that micro-entrepreneurs and some poorer clients can be `bankable', that is, they can repay, both the principal and interest, on time and also make savings,provided financial servicesare tailored to suit their needs.According to Murray U and Boros R(2002). Microfinance as a disciplinehas created financial products and services that together have enabled low-income peopleto become clients of a banking intermediary.

The characteristics of microfinance productsinclude:

· Little amounts of loans and savings.

· Short- terms loan (usually up to the term of one year).

· Payment schedules attribute frequent installments (or frequent deposits).

· Installments made up from both principal and interest, which amortized in course oftime.

· Higher interest rates on credit (higher than commercial bank rates but lower thanloan-shark rates), which reflect the labor-intensive work associated with making small loans and allowing the microfinance intermediary to become sustainable overtime.

· Application procedures are simple.

· Short processing periods (between the completion of the application and the disbursement of the loan).


One of the most important elements need to be discussed is that in which aspects theabove-mentioned theories are linked to our study. Firstly, we are going to investigate theimpact of microfinance institutions on poverty alleviation in rural areas in Rwanda. Incomeis one of the important elements of living standards as well as of savings. The MFIs areproviding loans to the poor not only to increase their income but also to mobilize theirsavings. By mobilizing savings, poor people can secure their future and feel safe. For thisreason, we have emphasized more to know the situation about the income and savings ofpoor community of the society.

Apart from these, other factors that contribute to human development, like education,level of access to treatment facilities and empowerment are also included in ourinvestigations as these variables are also related to the core program and methodology ofmicrofinance. We made endeavor to explore and find out to what extent the standard ofliving of poor people has been influenced since they joined the microfinance program.

From theory, we already know that how solidarity (Group lending) worksas a synergy of microfinance. Previous studies have also shown that solidarity is apowerful tool of microfinance to reduce the risk and to keep the capital safe.

Lack of liquidity or fund is one of the big problems for nascent entrepreneurs, who wantto set up the medium scale business. We will try to discover the nature of liquidityproblem by observing the range of initial capital that is borrowed from MFIs by thepeople.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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