The study targeted to find out if micro finance institutions
in rural areas have any impact on poverty alleviation of rural people. Rwanda
being a case of less developed countries with less economy, micro finance
institutions has to be study to judge if they have impacted in alleviating
poverty in rural areas.I decided to take a single micro finance institution as
mystudy andits regulations regarding financing rural areas were also studied to
judge if the micro finance institution had impacted to the rural people.
The study is divided into five chapters:
- Chapter one is an introductory part covering the background
to the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research
questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study
and organization of the study.
- Chapter two contains the conceptual framework microfinance
institutions. This includes the study of what other researchers have written
about the topic under study.
- Chapter three is methodology used to collect data; this
includes area of the study, research design, sources of data, sampling design,
sample size and data processing and analysis and limitations encountered.
- Chapter four is the presentation of findings,
interpretations of findings and the analysis of the data collected from the
field survey through tabulation and coding.
- Chapter five which is the last chapter is summary of the
major findings. Conclusion and recommendations are also given in this