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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gédéon niyoduenga
UR-CBE - AO 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Rwandan economy has had several banks such as Regulatory bank, development banks, cooperative banks and commercial banks.Despite the existence of their formal financial credit services, poverty has remained on the increase as well The composition of these institutions in the rural areas is majorly micro and medium in nature.

These institutions that are the main employer and income earner to Rwandan nationals have difficulty in accessing credit facilities from formal financial institutions. This is due to formal financial requirements that do not favor demands of individual, micro, small and medium firms or enterprises. This mostly embarks on processing cost of credit collateral.

It is on this background that research aimed to investigate how microfinance institutions which have credit requirements of the vulnerable part of society that can benefit from credit allocation of formal financial system in the rural areas. Thus the study focused on how micro finance institutions are effective in bid to alleviate poverty in the rural areas. Through this of the problem that I want to know the changes encountered by the rural people actively involved in small business particularly in rural areas where COPEDU Ltd agency operates


The study aims at both general and specific objectives:

1.3.1: The general objective

The general objective of the study was to assess whether micro finance institutions services are contributing to poverty alleviation in rural areas.

1.3.2: The specific objectives

1. To assess the changes encountered by beneficiaries of COPEDU Ltd and outreach of micro finance institutions in a bid to alleviate poverty in rural.

2. To examine how the loan provided, how it is disbursed and its repayment from the beneficiaries.

3. To determine how micro finance institutions can be financed to alleviate poverty in rural areas of Rwanda.

4. To assess how micro finance institutions are effective in micro credit policies

5. To determine whether beneficiaries of COPEDU Ltd are happy for the interest rate on their savings.


1. What is contribution of micro finance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural areas?

2. How do micro finance institutions extend credits to their customers?

3. Is there any the relationship between the alleviating poverty in rural areas and micro finance institutions?

4. Are MFIs financed greatly to alleviate poverty in rural areas of Rwanda?

5. Are MFIs contribute anything to the customers' welfare?


The underlying hypotheses for this research include:

Hypothesis 1: Micro finance institutions services reduce the vulnerability of poor individuals and households in rural areas through provision of micro credits to protect against risk and cope with shocks.


After carrying out the study the researcher found out that microfinanceinstitutions' role is applicable in rural areas in Rwanda.

The study was significant to the researcher, institution and policy makers.

- To the researcher, it helped the researcher to get equipped with knowledge and solving problems using research, by collecting all necessary information, analyzing and interpreting that information to provide solutions to problems. The research finding helped to researcher and other interested parties to assess the role of microfinance institutions in alleviating poverty in rural areas.

- To the institutions, the research was beneficial to institutions engaging in microfinance services to sideline their activities to suit requirement of the beneficiaries. Also it helped the finance institutions to strengthen the use of credit thus increasing credit facilities.

- To policy makers, the research was paramount by considering Government's anti-poverty drives. It presented the role of micro financeinstitutions in poverty alleviation in rural areas and acted as a basis for development. As well as formation of to enhance the activities of micro finance institutions.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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