According to Gilbert A.Churchill Jr (1992:264), depth
interview is an instructed personal interview in which interviewer attempt to
get the subject to talk freely and express his or her true feeling. The aim
here was to found out what the responds do, know, and think orfeel about the
something asked. In this the face to face interview was carried out to avoid
some inaccurate at answering
3.6.3: Documentary study
Kenneth D. Bailey (1978:266), defined document as a careful
reading, understanding and analysis of any written materials that contain the
information about the phenomena you wish to study. Kenneth further stated that,
some are primary documents or eyewitness accounts written by people who
experienced the particular event or behavior.
Within this study, the instrument was applied. Both types of
documents were obtained but more preferably considered was primary document
which includes; chart accounts, procedures manual, and some microfinance
The researcher also used
electronic means to get information on different issues in as far as research
problem is concerned. This is by consulting on Internet websites with related
information on the research.
3.6.4: Observation
According to Rwigamba (2001:46),
an «observation» is the primary techniques for collecting data on the
non verbal behavior. Although observation commonly involves sight or visual
data collection via other senses such as hearing, touching and smelling»
Observation will be used especially to categories of those respondents who do
not reveal their personal status with regard to what they own or any other
research information.
3.6.5: Data processing
Once the set of data is collected it must be carefully
prepared for tabulation analysis and interpretation. The editing, coding and
transcribing process are extremely important. Responses are scrutinized for
completeness and for errors (Mark and David 1990:22) Editing
Gilbert Churchill (1992:51) defined editing as inspection and
correction, if necessary, of each questionnaire or observation form. In the
process of editing the data collection forms must scanned to be sure that they
are complete, consistent, and the questionnaire are identified whenever
possible. after collecting the data, the practice of inspection of editing was
exercised in order to discover items that would be misunderstood by responds,
to detect gaps and others weakness in the data collection methods. Coding
Mannheim and C. Rich (1995:440) asserted that coding is the
process of assigning numerical values to represent values on variables. After
being edited the data was coded where the numbers were assigned to each of the
answer so that they could be easily summarized and analyzed. Tabulation
According to Gilbert Churchill (1992:51), tabulation refers to
the orderly arrangement of data in table on other summary format achieved by
counting the frequency of response to each question. He further mentioned that,
at this point the data might also be cross-classified by other variables. The
statistical table will be used to compare number of occurrences of each answer
to the question asked. Up to this level, it is through mathematical and
statistical tables that the numbers of occurrence of each answer in relative to
the question asked was converted into percentage to make it so clear that one
can get the message in complete.