Indigenous peoples are one of the poorest groups of people in
the world. Therefore, the entire international community is doing all in its
power to improve on their living conditions through development. In effect, the
right to development, a right for the Third Generation, is intimately linked to
the fight against poverty and seems to be the answer to improving the living
conditions of the indigenous people in general, and the Baka people in
particular. However, the international instruments that ratify the right to
development for the benefit of the Baka people requires that the development
actors fully integrate the dimension of human dignity in achieving development
for them to the same degree as that of access to their well being.
Cameroon recognizes the right to development for the Baka
pygmies, as citizens of Cameroon. However, the Baka people due to their
peculiarities require special protection for them to fully benefit from the
right to development. Without this protection, the implementation of the right
to development for their benefit will be difficult and incomplete. Observing
the Baka of Missoumé, it was noticed that emphasis is put on access to
their well being, and the dimension of human dignity is neglected. The
immediate consequences are that they suffer from acculturation and they develop
dependence vis-à-vis donors. The implementation of the right to
development for the Baka pygmies of Eastern region is very demanding, and calls
for reforms as early as possible so that people can enjoy this development,
while respecting its specificity.
Key words: Development, Indigenous
Peoples, Baka Pygmies, Right to development, acculturation, protection,
Cameroon, cultural specificities, human dignity, fight against poverty.
Association pour la Scolarisation Des Enfants de la Forêt
C169 :
Convention n°169 de l'OIT relative aux peuples indigènes
et tribaux
Centre d'Action pour le Développement Durable des Autochtones
Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples
Cercle des Amis du Cameroun
CPLE : Consentement Préalable,
Libre et Eclairé
DDPA : Déclaration sur les Droits
des Peuples Autochtones
DRSP : Document de Stratégie de
Réduction de la Pauvreté
GIC : Groupement d'Intérêt
JIPA : Journée Internationale des
Peuples Autochtones
MBOSCUDA: Mbororo Social and Cultural
Development Association
Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural
MINAS : Ministère des Affaires
MINEDUB : Ministère de
l'Education de Base
ODM : Objectifs du Millénaire
pour le Développement
Organisation Internationale du Travail
ONG : Organisation Non
PNDP : Plan
National de Développement Participatif
PPAV : Plan
pour les Peuples Autochtones et Vulnérables
Redevances forestières annuelles