This study is based on relations between health practitioners
and patients in both conventional medecine of public hospital and traditional
medecine.Its aim is to emphasize on the the importance that health workers give
to the healing relation, the therapeutic relation when they examine their
patients, in a social context markqued by rationality, personnal interest and
the exchange theory in order to fight the growing precariousness. Its methods
of collecting datas was based on the empirico-inductive logic through the use
of biographies, direct observation and participant observation, all used during
our field investigation .These techniques of collecting data favour an
understanding approach of the healer/patient relation. Subsequently, we
insisted on content analysis of qualitative data found in books and coming from
our informants. As regards sociological theory, we have used Symbolic
interactionnism and ethnomethodology which perceive the society to be the
result of individual actions. Results show that Laquintinie's hospital places
emphasize on cures, medication rather on the psychological and mental healing
of patients. At African Clinic in contrast, the traditionnal practitioner heals
the totality of his patient. He is close to them and they have confidence in
him. Therapies are not expensive as it is in Laquintinie hospital where the
first thing health practitioners ask to patients is to pay before treatment
even if they are dying. In conclusion, the social link is deeper in traditional
medecine than in conventional one. Traditional medecine respond well to the
needs of population than the conventional one of public hospital in
Key words: Relation, interaction, treatment,
healing, cures, patient-satisfaction.