3.4.4 The effect of risk-aversion
ESO are awarded to the executive in order to align her
incentives to those of shareholders. Also we know from standard option theory
that more risky is the underlying of the option more its value is important.
But in the case of incomplete market framework this assertion does not hold. In
fact the ESO holder is risk-averse. Her objective is to maximize her expected
wealth (which depends on the ESO payoff) and thus there is two contrary
1. the first one which is to maximize the expected payoff of the
ESO which is positively linked to the underlying risk;
2. the last one which is to minimize the risk due to the
risk-aversion, which is obviously negatively linked to the underlying risk.
We are going to show that the last effect described just above
beats the first one.
So Formally speaking, let 'y1 <'y2 2 risk-aversion parameters
and pãi(t, s) be the Executive Private Price under 'y , we
have to show that:
pã1(t,s) = pã2(t,s)
Proposition 3.4. Risk-aversion effect
Let 2 Executives i and j respecting our framework conditions and
have respectively 'y and 'yj as riskaversion parameters. Suppose also that 'y
Then the Executive i Private Price dominates the Executive j
Private Price.
Proof. By equation (38) we have an simplified form for the
Private Price.
Let pã1 and pã2 be
respectively the Private Price of the Executive i and the Executive j. Then
pã1 - pã2
2('y2-'y1)(1-ñ2)e-r(T-t) (
1 VP0[(ST - K)+] + EP0 [((ST -
K)+)2]) > 0
t,s,x t,s,x

In fact the assertion is very intuitive, since that more the
Executive is risk-averse less she is willing to wait 1 unit of time more and
then she cannot fully exploit all potential gains coming from earlier
3.4.5 The effect of correlation
Through the Market Index, the executive can partially hedge
her risk. More this parameter is lower less the residual risk is important and
more the ESO private price is higher. We are going to demontrate this assertion
via the following propostion:
Proposition 3.5. Let ñ1 and ñ2 2 correlation
parameters. Suppose also that 0 < ñ1 <ñ2. Then the ESO
Private Price under the world defined by ñ1 dominates the ESO Private
Price under the world defined by ñ2
Proof. Given the price approximation defined by the equation(38).
And let ñ1 and ñ2 defined in the proposition. Then:
Remark : Note that in the case of perfect correlation (|p| =
1) and ignoring the higher moments on the Private Price expansion our valuation
method gives no more no less the Black & Scholes formulation of the Private
Proposition 3.6. The opposite happens if p2 <p1 <0
These propositions confirm what we are expecting. Indeed, the
Executive seeks the asset which is the most negatively correlated with the
underlying of her ESO in order to maximizing her hedging. That is why she is
willing to pay more her ESO if she can found a substitute which can better
hedge her risk inherent to her ESO.