4 The Executive's Optimal Exercise Policy: Leung &
Sircar Approach (2006)
4.1 Settings
In this paper, the agent is endowed by 1 unit of ESO with a
vesting period of tv years. She lives in the Economy described
previously and has preferences modelled by an exponential utility.
The main difference with the general framework is that the holder
is subject to a job termination risk with a constant intensity: À which
is exponentially distributed.
Recall: The Company Stock Price and the Trading Strategies under
the historical probability P evolve according to the following diffusion
? ???????
~ dSu =
(v-q)Sudu+çSudWu ~ dXè
St = S
u = {èu(u - r) + rX} du +
p E (-1, 1) Xt = X
Where p is the instantaneous constant correlation coefficient
between W and B
4.1.1 The job termination risk and exercise window
Leung & Sircar incorporate job termination risk in the
general model. Indeed, in the general model it is assumed that the Executive
can exercise her option without time constraints. In reality the holder cannot
exercise her option during the vesting period which is contractually defined
and she is subject to a risk induced by her job termination. The problem can be
described has follows:
1. if she is still in the firm after the vesting period then
she can exercise her option when she wants until the option maturity. She get a
gain resulting of her exercise equal to the company stock price level at the
time where her ESO is exercised minus the strike price of her option;
2. if she leaves the firm before the vesting period then her
option is lost and thus she has no gain from her option
Remark : In this paper the job termination risk is
incorporated with a stopping time which is exponentially distributed. This
assumption can be relaxed by introducing a random variable estimated by an
historical data for each company. But in our case, this distribution function
allow us to simplify computations.
4.2 Optimization method
The optimization problem differs from the general problem seen
previously in the fact that there exist time constraints. On one hand there is
an exercise window under which the ESO can be exercised and on the other hand
there is a job termination time which have an impact on the Executive's
behaviour and which have to be included in the optimization problem.
By this way we have to define the utility rewarded of immediate
exercise at any time t which reflects the executive's gain when she leaves her
firm at this time or the gain when t is the optimal stopping time: Proposition
The gain Ë(t, x, s) coming from the immediate exercise of an
ESO is defined as:
Ë(t,x,s) =G(t,x+(S-K)+)
= e_ã(x+(S_K)+)er(T - t)e_( u-r
ó )2 T -t
Where the function G(.) is the value function defined in equation
Hence we have clarified the gain coming from the ESO exercise
when the executive leaves her firm at time t.
This gain is obviously at most equal to the gain coming from
the optimal exercise where this latest is driven firstly by the optimal trading
strategy and secondly by the optimal company's stock price level. Moreover in
the region where the early exercise constraint is inactive, the value function
G satisfies the following PDE:
GG = 0 (47)
Where G is the differential operator of (X,S) under the
historical probability P define in the equation (20).
By combining the immediate utility rewarded constraint with the
previous PDE a time dependent Linear Complementary Problem (LCP) is stated for
the price of the ESO (Dempster-Hutton (1999)). According to these arguments we
can provide the executive's optimization problem:
the Executive which is endowed by 1 unit of ESO can trade
dynamically in the risk-free bond and the market index and then the Executive's
problem is to choose an admissible strategy and an optimal stopping time such
G(t, X, S) = sup sup
ôETt,T 8t,ô
= sup sup
ôETt,T 8t,ô
EP[I(ô, Xàô +
(Sàô - K)+) | Xt = X, St = s
t - t =s(48)
Where ôà = ôAôë. By
linking the EIP with this problem and according to the optimal stopping
argument we can define ô* as:
ô* = inf ft <u< T: G(u, Xu, Su)
= I(u, (Su - K)+, Mu)} (49)
Now we can write the Linear Complementarity Problem of the
Executive's Value Function:
Proposition 4.2.
Suppose that the value function J be the solution to the EIP.
Then for (t,x,y)E [0, T] x R x (0, oo) the Executive's is face to the
following complementary problem:
À · (G - A) + GG + sup G < 0
G > A
(À · (G - A) + GG + sup
G) · (A - G) = 0
Where the boundary conditions are:
GT (x, s) = -e-ã(x+(s-K)+) Gt(x, 0) =
-e-ã(xer(T-t))e-(T2t)(u-ró)2 (51) Proof. By
dynamic principle, the value function G is supposed to maximize the Executive's

Now it is interesting to focus us on the assumption made on the
utility function.
By its exponentiality form and the constant absolute risk
aversion argument we can separate the Executive's initial cash endowment and
the trading gain process. Which involves that we can reduce the dimension of
the optimization problem.
By this way we can write the value function G(t,x,s) as:
G(t, x, s) = e-ãxer(T-t) x G(t, 0, s)
With G(t,0,s):=V(t,s) and G(t,x,0):=I(t,x). By 1.11 argument and
the separation of variables we are allowed to rewrite the value function as:
G(t, x, s) = I (t, x) · p(t, s)
Remark :
· By the exponential property of the utility function
p(t, s) = V (t, s)(1-P2) is a function of only t
and s,
· the function p(t,s) turn out to be related to
the ESO indifference price of the executive. According to 1.10 argument we can
define also the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM) P0 relative to the
historical probability P such that the wealth process (X)T is a
P0(A) = E [te(- (m7)2T1
IAi , A? FT (52)
Thus by this formulation the Executive's optimal exercise time is
independant of her wealth and the Market Index price and the free-boundary
problem for p is defined as follow:
??????? ?
Lp - (1 - ñ2)ëp+ (1 -
ñ2)ëe-7(y-K)+er(T -t)p- 1fP2 = 0
p -7(1-P2)(8-K)+er(T-t) = ö(t, s) (53)
(pt + Lp - (1 -
ñ2)ë/3 + (1 - ñ2)ë hö(t,
s)p-12] 1-P2 ) · (ö(t, s) - p) =
Where the boundary conditions are:
p(t, s) = e-7(1-,2)(8-K)+ p(t, 0) = 1 4.2.1
The Executive's Exercise Boundary
The Executive's optimal exercise boundary s* is
interpreted as the critical company's stock price such that:
s*(t) = inf ns = 0 :p(ts) =
8--K)+e 1
Then by the optimal stopping time argument we get:
ô* = inf {t = u = T : Su = s*}
By Feynman-Kac argument the function p has the
following probabilistic representation under the MEMM:
p(t, s) = inf
-(1-pMr-t)e-7(1-p2 Er(T)
[ + / T
e-- (1--p2)À(U--t) (1 -
'''8 e 2 .73(u, Su)-2d
By definition of the Private Price state previously we can
express it via the following proposition: Proposition 4.3. Executive
Indifference Price
The Executive's indifference price for her ESO according to 1.5.1
as the following form:
p(t, s) =-ã(1 - ñ2) log(p(t,
s)) (54)
Or equivalently
G(t, x, s) = I(t, x)e-7P(t,8)e-r(T-t) (55)
Proof. The same as (28) with I(t,x) instead of V(t,x)

4.2.2 A Partial Differential Equation for the Private
Price We have found just above the form of the ESO Private
Recall: We have define earlier the infinitesimal generator of the
company stock price process under the MEMM:
Lu - r 8 182
= + (í-q ñ)s + (çs)2
8t ó 8S 2 8S2
Thus p solves the following free boundary problem:
? ??

Lp -rp - 12y(1 -
ñ2)(çs)2er(T-t) a2p + À(1
as2ã = 0
p = (s - K)+

Lp -rp - 12y(1 - ñ2)
(çs)2er(T-t) a2p + À (1 -
eã((sK)+ -p)er(T-t))
· ((s - K)+ - p) = 0
Proof. We are going to begin the proof by the case of the first
member of the free-boundary problem. By proposition (3.1) we have:
p(t, s) = e-ã(1-ñ2)er(T-t)p(t,s)
MoreoverLpis defined as:
8p +(í - q - u - r çñ)s813 +1
(çs)2 82 ii 8t

eet = (rp-ÿp)y(1
-y(1 - ñ2)er(T_t) ap
aS =
= L(y(1 ñ2)er(T-t) ap2 2 r(
aS) ñ )e ,T-t) a2pi e -ã(1-
ñ2)erp- · -t)
-(1 - ñ2)ëp = -(1 -
ñ2)ëe-ã(1-ñ2)er(T-t)p (4)
(1 - ñ2)ëe-ã(s-K)+er(T -t)p-
(1(::2) = (1 -
ñ2)ëe-ã(s-K)+er(T-t)eãñ2er(T-t)p (5)
By divided each member of the equation by: y(1 -
e-ã(1-ñ2)er(T-t -
) which is strictly posi-
tive we get:
? (rp - ÿp)
(2) ? - as= -ps
(3) ? y(1 -ñ2)er(T-t)( aaD 2 aa S2p
= y(1 -ñ2)er(T-t)((ps)2 -
p s s) -
(4) ? -Àãe-r(T-t)
(5) ?
Then the first inequality of the original free-boundary problem
in term of p can be rewritten in term of p:
Lp - (1 -
ñ2)Àp + (1 -
ñ2)Àe?ã(y-K)+er(T_t) p- ñ2
1_ñ2 = 0 ?
(rp - ÿp) - (í - q - u-r
ó çñ)sps + 1 ã
e-r(T -t) (1 - e?ã[(s-K)+-p]er(T _t)) = 0 ?
2(çs) 2 [ã(1 - ñ2
)er(T -t) (ps)2 - pss ] - ë
Lp - rp - 1
2(çs)2ã(1 - ñ2)er(T -t)
(ps)2 + ã ë e-r(T -t)(1 -
e?ã[(s-K)+-p]er(T _t)) <0
With the following boundary condition:
p(T, s) = (ST - K)+ p(t,0)=0 And thus:
(Lp- rp- 1
2(çs)2ã(1 - ñ2 )er(T
-t) (ps)2 + ã ë e-r(T
-t)(1 - e?ã[(s-K)+-p]er(T _t)))· ((s -
k)+ -p) = 0

Now we can isolate each region where the Executive can choose the
optimal stopping time ô*:
= inf{t<u<T:I(u,Xu
+p(u,Su))=I(u,Xu +(Su -K)+)}
= inf{t<u<T:p(u,Su)=(Su
Remark : First of all, by assuming that the first inequality of
the free-boundary problem is binding then we can isolate 3 parts:
1. if À = 0 and ñ = 1 then this is just the
standard Black-Scholes PDE for an option with the company's stock as
2. if À = 0 and ñ =6 1 there exists a quadratic
pertubation of the standard Black-Scholes PDE which is more important if the
correlation coefficient between the company's stock and the Market Index is
This part highlights the unperfect replication driven by the
Market Index hedging.
3. if À =6 0 and ñ =6 1 this is the part of the
price driven by the job termination risk whose one part highlights the case
where the ESO is forfeited (during the vesting period) and the second part
shows the case where the Executive have to exercise her option after her
departure and when the option is unvested.
4.2.3 The optimal trading strategy
According to the general form of the optimal trading strategy
defined by (40) we can find the one that have to be used by the executive int
our case.
Recall: The optimal trading strategy have the following general
( u - r) ?G
?X + (ñçóS) ?2G
è** ?S?X
LS = -ó2 ?2G
Then by replacing each member of the formula by their value in
our case we get: ?X = IX = -ãer(T -u)I
?X2 = (ãer(T -u))2I ?2G
?S?X = GXS = -ãer(T -u)GS = -ãer(T
?2G ?p
?s = (ãe
r(T -u) )2Ips
(u - r) [-ãer(T -u)I] +
(ñço-S)(ãer(T -u))2I
LS = - o-2(ãer(T
(u - r)e-r(T -u)
ñço-S o-2 ps
4.3 The effects of parameters
During this section we are going to retranscribe propositions
suggested by Leung & Sircar. The Reader can found proofs of these
propositions in the Appendix.
Let begun this part by the Job Termination Risk effect.
4.3.1 The effect of Job Termination risk
Proposition 4.4. Suppose À2 = À1. Then the
utility-maximizing boundary associated with À1 dominates that with
In fact this assertion is very intuitive. Indeed, if the agent
1 is less risk-averse than the agent 2, on the like-for-like basis, she is
willing to wait more time in order to maximize her gain coming from her ESO
than the agent 2. Thus agent 1 has more opportunities to exercise her option in
a better condition than the other one.
4.3.2 The effect of risk-aversion
Proposition 4.5. The indifference price is non-increasing with
risk aversion. The utility-maximizing boundary of a less risk-averse ESO holder
dominates that of a more risk-averse ESO holder.
This proposition confirms also our expectation. More the
Executive is risk-averse less she is willing to wait 1 unit more time to
exercise her option and thus she doesn't fully exploit the potential gains
coming from waiting more.
4.3.3 The correlation effect
Proposition 4.6. Assume á := u - r > 0. Fix any number
ñ E (0,1). Denote by p+ and p- the o-
indifference prices corresponding to ñ and
-ñrespectively. Then, we have p- = p+. Moreover, the utility-
maximizing boundary corresponding to -ñ dominates that
corresponding to ñ
Proposition 4.7. If á := u - r <0. Then the opposite
happens. If á = 0 then p+ = p-, and the two o-
exercise boundaries coincide.
